Recently purchased Sacred Rose?


Such a strange deck. So out of step with nowadays where decks have to be immediately accessible to teenage girls. There would be no room for these mysterious, possessed beings whose eyes roll into the back of their head and whose hair spreads like tree roots, coming to get you.

Really? I imagine this would have been very appealing to the tortured sensibilities of a teenager reared on Wuthering Heights and Dark Shadows episodes. There are certain eras or time periods where a more gothic sensibility is more acceptable/in vogue among the teen set. These things go in waves (in America, for instance, the spiritualism craze of the late Victorians/Edwardians versus the bland faux- wholesomeness of the 1950s).

Perhaps 1980 was early enough before the slick teenybop synth avalanche that teens in that year would have found this deck creepy-cool rather than creepy full stop. You were a young teen then, right? Don't you think the deck would have been more appealing to your peers in 1980 than it would be to teens even ten years later? (And then the cycle would begin again, because the mid-90s were a high time for teen goths and those discovering neo-Paganism).

I also don't think this deck is as creepy as many make out; it's just the eye sockets that make people forget about the large, winking television advertiser's sparkles of light attached to most figures and objects.

Straight from the horse's mouth ---

I emailed USGames, they got back to me, the latest Sacred Rose decks are printed in China!! This is good news for me, as I love the China printings from USG. The card stock is on the thicker side, and the finish is a sort of satin matte. If you are unfamiliar, other recent USG China printed decks would be the Dreaming Way, and the Paulina. Older ones would be the 2nd edition of the Deviant Moon, the Haindl, and the Sun and Moon tarot.

I love Swiss printings if you mean AG Muller (and I recall that my Sacred Rose, purchased in the 90s, was very AG Muller-ish in presentation and card stock)-- they have long been my favorite publisher because of their card stock.

But, if it were a deck I felt the need to have two printings of, I, like you, enjoy the matte US Games offerings, in the main. Sun and Moon is horrid to me, though, like the cardboard of a boxed food item. But Dreaming Way is good; the version of the Haindl I have is good.

I had told him I wanted a Golden Dawn, he bought me a Sacred Rose. It was a much better fit for me at the time!

Big difference there!

Some people say that giftees can't be choosers. We most certainly can...


I never thought of the SR having a gothic sensibility, but I can sort of see that. It is otherworldly in more ways than one; just when you get used to all that luxurious foliage, you notice that at the feet of the figures is what looks like outer space! :bugeyed:

It's truly a beautiful deck.

strings of life

kalliope lead me to this thread when we were chatting in another.

I love everything about this decks. I find that I can really get into the cards, into the scenery. And such scenery! Take a walk down the trail in that unknown forrest. What do you see? What lurks beyond? When I think of the term otherworldly (like Morwenna mentioned above me), and what decks fall under that group, this is the first one that comes to mind. And there are many.

I also have a sentimental attachment to this deck: when I first got into Tarot almost 4 years ago, I decided to take a Tarot class at a local new age bookstore, and the teacher/reader who taught the class used this deck as her sole deck for all reading. Her copy was worn, had bent cards, looked aged from use (her quarents shuffle the cards). She said that she never even thought of getting a back-up.

So, I ended up buying my own copy (purple box AGM- Switzerland), flipped through it, decided to trade it, then bought the USG green box edition, and traded it immediately after because the images weren't as crisp as the AGM edition that I had previously. Then I reacquired a copy of the AGM deck, but couldn't find it when I looked for it frantically last week, which means I traded it again I suppose. Finale: I re-ordered another AGM edition (via a site that had 1 copy left, phew!) and it will be at my doorstep today. So, this thread is rather timely!

Tonight I'll flip through the cards and remember why I loved the "eyeless" creatures (because they aren't people, right). I'm working with another deck that has people that, well, lack eyes and features entirely! So many of the cards favorites of mine. I could go on and on, really, I could.

And the characters have eyes. They are just in a trance.

My original deck is from the mid-90s, and that printing is richer and the cardstock is slightly better than the 2011 Belgium printing. I no longer have the box for the older deck (although it looked like this as opposed to the newer box), so I don't know where it was printed. I didn't pay attention to things like that back then. ;)

I see that were was also an AG Muller edition of the deck. Does anyone know how that compares? Could that be an option for you?
I'm pretty sure the AGM edition is the same as the USG purple box. That's the same one that I had and have on the way now.

Mine, mid-80s, purple & red box, says copyright 1982 by US Games, made in Switzerland by AGMuller, box and booklet printed in USA.

It still has the $12.95 sticker on it. :)

I do like this deck very much. I need to use it more often.
Confirming what I thought: both editions are the same :).

I love the scribbly, scratchy, gnarled artwork and gloomy, primeval vibe. Every scene seems to take place in a sinister forest. Such a strange deck. So out of step with nowadays where decks have to be immediately accessible to teenage girls. There would be no room for these mysterious, possessed beings whose eyes roll into the back of their head and whose hair spreads like tree roots, coming to get you.
Yes, exactly!


I've wanted this deck for the longest. Ooooh. Temptation. I just had a look at the images online, elsewhere. It's so appealing, in a creepy-cool sort of way. :)


I just got one this week from Amazon and it is printed in Belgium.

ETA: The LWB is printed in China. The copyright is 1982 by USG. Green box. (Wish I had gotten the AGM edition in the red & purple box!)

strings of life

It's here. Is the red and purple box one: Sacred Rose Tarot, made in Switzerland by AGMuller, Distributed Exclusively by US Games

And Bhavana, the other aside of the box is just like yours: SR78 Sacred Rose Tarot (same distro listed previously), Copyright 1982, Box and Booklet [LWB] printed in USA

No copyright on the cards! I forgot about that :thumbsup:. Silky card stock, sharp images. It's a shame how much the image quality was sacrificed in that green box edition. Then again, you can only notice that if you've seen the earlier printings.


Hi Everyone,
I got my Sacred Rose Tarot box set while on lunch break when I had been called for jury duty. I went back to the holding room where all the other potential jurors were and sat there looking through my deck while I waited. It was a gruesome murder case (actually, there were two charges of murder against this man) and I did not want to be selected. When my name was called, I had to go sit in the room with the lawyers and the murder suspect. He was extremely creepy! They only asked me a couple of questions and then I was dismissed. I have always thought that this deck protected me from having to sit on this case. He was found guilty of both murders and there isn't a doubt in my mind that this was the correct verdict. Thank you Sacred Rose!


It's here. Is the red and purple box one: Sacred Rose Tarot, made in Switzerland by AGMuller, Distributed Exclusively by US Games

And Bhavana, the other aside of the box is just like yours: SR78 Sacred Rose Tarot (same distro listed previously), Copyright 1982, Box and Booklet [LWB] printed in USA

No copyright on the cards! I forgot about that :thumbsup:. Silky card stock, sharp images. It's a shame how much the image quality was sacrificed in that green box edition. Then again, you can only notice that if you've seen the earlier printings.

Hmm - my deck (AGM Switzerland) has the copyrites on the cards....

Seems from what everyone is saying here that there are plenty of the older decks out there for sale. I am going to order from USG and hopefully will get that China printing!
(LeFanu, I love the cardstock on my Sun n Moon - very similar to my Haindl)

Le Fanu

I don't mind the cardstock on the Printed in China decks. I quite like it in certain moods and dislike its lack of flexibility and cardboardiness in others.

These decks will never break in, but by the same token the more flexible decks - such as the Belgian printings - do have a tendency to warp. Printed in China decks will never warp. One of my Belgian Morgan Greer decks warped diagonally, the others didn't. All very mysterious.

I have a Swiss printing and I'm very happy with that. For the moment I don't feel an urge for a back up. I'm sure it'll last...


This thread has made me 'nearly' buy this deck so many times in the last 48 hours! Gah!