Recently purchased Sacred Rose?


Thanks for further info about your edition, kalliope, and to you and Bhavana for sharing those entertaining memories.

Quick pros and cons for this one (for future members who search the past threads on a deck):

Neutrals or Pros

Vivid colors. Stylized renderings. A sense of the mystical and magickal which is lacking in many decks.Clearly Rider Waite Smith- based without being slavishly "devoted" to Pamela Colman Smith's scenes. Great card stock on the older AG Mullers (can't speak for the recent printings). Blessedly non-saacharine and free of cutesiness with the possible exception of the "groovy" Sun. Late 70s-looking (to MY eyes...yes, I know it was published in the early 80s) which ups the nostalgia factor; that time period is a golden bubble for me. Pulpy paperback novel cover-style art, again upping my nostalgic vibes. The Lovers follows the "choice" template (always a plus for me).

Neutrals or Cons

White eye sockets ceate a distance between reader and characters that, while beneficial for some uses, also limits my use of the deck ...not necessarily a con for me given that almost all of my decks have niche "uses." I have very few all-purpose decks.

Comic-book- inflected art in some places. (Yes, this can be a positive for some).

Late 70s- inflected art and/or pulpy 70s paperback novel cover art can be a minus for a lot of people.

Some of the faces look squashed and distorted in a goblin-like way when it's by no means clear they are intended to be goblins.

Hokey 2 of Cups, but whatcha gonna do? It's often a hokey card.

The Moon is faintly ridiculous to me and is among my least favorite Moons.

Some could perceive a vibe of self-consciously "woo, woo, TAROT! Heed my warnings, mwahahahaha!" (And of course, some can love it for this).


Thanks very much for these pros and cons. I'm somehow still attracted. :(

Miss Divine

Thanks very much for these pros and cons. I'm somehow still attracted. :(

Maybe it's better to just follow your own feelings, no matter what anyone else says.
Pros and Cons thread told me basically not to bother with the Vampyres. Boy am I glad I didn't listen. I was also still attracted, and gave in and purchased it. No regrets whatsoever!


Maybe it's better to just follow your own feelings, no matter what anyone else says.
Pros and Cons thread told me basically not to bother with the Vampyres. Boy am I glad I didn't listen. I was also still attracted, and gave in and purchased it. No regrets whatsoever!

I do that and usually regret it. As in: Book of Shadows, Sacred Sites, Waldherr's Goddess, Fantastical Menagerie, Crystal Visions...I could go on. It's like a craving for a food, I guess. If I can just wait it out 10 minutes it will pass. Damn the Buy It Now button!!

But to keep the post on topic, the reasons I am attracted to it are the colours and the 'oooh, I'm a mildly creepy-looking, gypsy fortune-teller in a really bad movie on the Horror channel' kind of deck.


^ You're welcome.
I do that and usually regret it. As in: Book of Shadows, Sacred Sites, Waldherr's Goddess, Fantastical Menagerie, Crystal Visions...I could go on. It's like a craving for a food, I guess. If I can just wait it out 10 minutes it will pass.

Barring cases of dire financial straits (i.e. choosing between buying decks and paying rent) or personal growth programs for a larger, non-tarot issues like addiction as a way of life [we must always throw in these disclaimers or someone will pop up and helpfully point out that putting food on the table comes before tarot], I don't think it's a bad thing to get something home in your hands and determine then if you like it.

It was a bad thing back when I had no choice (i.e. deck-buying was mostly brick and mortar, in sealed decks with only a few sample cards if you were lucky) and there wasn't a vibrant online auctioning and trading community where I could theoretically offload the unwanted ones.

But now that we have more choices both in buying and in selling/trading, I don't see the harm in getting a deck home before deciding if it's for you.

I have my own reasons for being a much more circumspect buyer these days, mostly related to space (and the knowledge that I never, ever, ever sell or trade away decks, even atrocious ones).

By the way, vis-a-vis your attraction to the Sacred Rose, "atmosphere" is as good a reason as any to like a deck. Even if you know you won't read with it often, if it gives you enjoyment to soak up the mental associations it gives you, have at it.


$15! Nice price!

Hey all - this deck is on Etsy right now, the seller doesn't have the LWB, but it's an AGM deck, I think printed in Switzerland. I didn't know this, but evidently you can do an ISBN search and find out when a deck was printed. She did so, and the deck is from 1990. The box is a little shelf worn, but the cards are pristine. So, if you don't mind no LWB, its a great find!! A LWB with this deck is not really a major necessity if you know the RWS system. IF you feel you must have one, maybe USG would sell you one alone, or even send you one for free if you ask nicely and tell them your dog ate it or something.


Wahhhh only posts in the USA!


I have decided against getting the Sacred Rose. For now! :)


Did you contact her to see if she'd ship overseas? Sometimes they will.

I didn't but may, I will see. I pre-ordered another deck yesterday, so perhaps the overseas thing is a sign! Thank you though :) This price is so good. We found one on ebay in that print for about $50.00, so it is very tempting to ask.


I have come to enjoy the Sacred Rose Tarot. At first everyone feels a little bit of eeriness when they see that the people in the cards without irises. But I find that its greatest strength. Aside from the court cards not necessarily meaning actual people in the reading, these faces we see are actually masks we put on for ourselves. Sometimes we act as the knight of pentacles, other times the page of swords, even the six of cups. It is a different way of becoming involved with the cards without losing their basis.