Favorite Deck Artists?


What's your favorite tarot (or oracle) artist?
Personally I love Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, Jasmine Becket-Griffith and Jimmy Manton.


Luigi Scapini, in a heartbeat. Adore his decks, and I've spent years slowly collecting them.

I also don't mind some of the deck creators who are actual members here - I have some of their decks and like them, and I have to look across my collection as a whole and admit that being able to communicate with them as equals has probably deepened my liking for their decks, or at least flavoured it differently.

Daemon Lover

Ditto for Luigi Scapini...I could look through the Medieval Scapini for hours and always discover something new!


Another for Scapini. His vast diversity of deck themes is heightened by his artistic abilities.

Franco Tivoli's decks are also reaching the top for me.


Pamela Colman Smith and right after her it would be Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov.

ana luisa

Paolo Martinelli, Worthington and Marchetti. Hands down. FABULOUS artists in every way.


From an artistic point of view: Karen and Alex, Lucia Mattioli, Haindl.


Bonifacio Bembo! :p


Aeric said :

"Franco Tivoli's decks are also reaching the top for me."

Do not know this one. Which decks ?


I like Jasmine Becket - Griffith, Selina Fenech, Kris Waldherr, Jessica Galbreth and Jennifer Galasso.