Gorgon's Tarot Out @ Last!

strings of life

I just emailed Schiffer as well and am hoping that I hear back from them about obtaining a smaller version of this deck. The original printing size deemed it unusable for me and I passed it along to someone else. Luckily, I still have the receipt from my original purchase. Here's to hoping that Schiffer delivers on their end.

In a usable size, this would become one of my main reading decks. I love the art work that much! dolores666, your creation is just :love:.

ETA: I heard back from Schiffer. That was fast. Huzzah!

strings of life

Gorgon's Booklet/LWB needed!

Grr, I need the booklet/LWB that came with the boxed set. Does anyone have an additional copy of the booklet that they no longer need? If so, send me a PM :).


I called Schiffer and mission accomplished. They charged me $9.95 for the deck plus $5 shipping. I'm cool with that. :)

strings of life

I called Schiffer and mission accomplished. They charged me $9.95 for the deck plus $5 shipping. I'm cool with that. :)
Same. Just the sealed deck, no box, no booklet. I asked if this version was going to be sold like the other set and the person wasn't able to tell me any more information.

And I guess I can deal without the booklet. I'm just happy to get a copy in a size that I can work with!

strings of life

I recieved the 4.5 inch deck today...and I can hold it in one hand! Still thick as all Schiffer decks are, but I'm behind grateful to have this smaller one.



I recieved the 4.5 inch deck today...and I can hold it in one hand! Still thick as all Schiffer decks are, but I'm behind grateful to have this smaller one.


i received a lovely cheer up gift of the smaller deck from one of my best AT friends.;) :* Thank You, N!
It is so gorgeous! i just LOVE it! i blackened the edges and it really looks incredible.

i wrote to Schiffer, and asked if there was any way i could purchase a booklet for it, as
the smaller deck just comes shrinkwrapped with no booklet.

i just received a very curt reply:

"The booklet is only available with the actual deck available for $45.00.

Schiffer Publishing"

i wrote back and told them i don't need a whole set... i only need the booklet, as i already have the smaller deck. [and don't want or need the set which comes with the HUGE deck]

We'll see what happens...but i guess all the booklets must already be shrinkwrapped in their boxes...sigh...

Perhaps they don't like Monday mornings...

ETA: Okay, i just received the answer to my last query:

"Unfortunately the book is only available with the larger deck.

Schiffer Publishing"


strings of life

MoonGypsy :love:, enjoy it. < big hug >

I asked them the same thing when I bought these smaller copies and received the same response. A shame really; I sold my set that had the enormous cards that were unusable at that size, but now that I have the smaller deck, I feel like I need the companion booklet since it went intro great detail about the cards.


MoonGypsy :love:, enjoy it. < big hug >

I asked them the same thing when I bought these smaller copies and received the same response. A shame really; I sold my set that had the enormous cards that were unusable at that size, but now that I have the smaller deck, I feel like I need the companion booklet since it went intro great detail about the cards.

Sweetie, didn't you sell your set to Flizzy?[Flizarraga] Maybe he would possibly scan it? Is it a
booklet or book?

ETA: Oh dear, it is a BIG book i just found out...not a prospect for scanning...


It's a BIG BOOK - not scannable, I fear. Luckily I kept my set, so have it - I just emailed them too !


It's a BIG BOOK - not scannable, I fear. Luckily I kept my set, so have it - I just emailed them too !

Oh...thanks gregory...
gosh, i honestly do hope eventually an alone book will become available.
the whole set would be wasted on me...