January 2009 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius


GoddessArtemis said:
Of all the times, my computer is giving me grief. It's suddenly overheating. And I got kicked off Facebook for no reason, and my phone couldn't connect to Facebook mobile. Come on, too many coincidences to not make one think, "Mercury, you trouble maker!"


This is exactly what happend to me!
WE actually took the computer to a IT guy who 'fixed' the thermal paste stuff for us - it seems to be working a tad better..


Barbaras Ahajusts - gosh!
hope things move more smoothly soon?!


Mercury in Capricorn

Now that Mercury is shifting into Capricorn, what will the change feel like?


balenciaga said:
Now that Mercury is shifting into Capricorn, what will the change feel like?
I'd posted about this before, but when AT went down..that post went with it. :p

Here it is again:

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn
Capricorn, the Sea-Goat

At 05:37 hrs UT on January 21, Mercury slips back into Capricorn, the sign of the Sea-Goat. Mercury retro in Capricorn suggests trouble through trying to turn knowledge and ideas to some practical advantage, and disruptions or communication breakdown in organisations, businesses and administration. People's imagination tends to be restricted to pragmatic and material considerations, with too much trumpeting of traditional ideas, or those that do not conflict with or threaten their own. People suffer from a lack of humour, as they try to push through their own agendas and attempt to gain status by driving the right car and generally scoring points.

Mercury turns direct again at 27° 45' Capricorn on February 1, returning to Aquarius on February 14th.

All areas of communication are affected, especially in matters related to the clubs and associations, friendships, the achievement of personal goals, career finances, administrative concepts, and new ideas in general. This period brings travel snafus and missed appointments of all kinds. Documents can go astray. Be sure to carry a diary and refer to it often.

Source Link

GA :)


The RBS has just announced huge losses - so that's bad financial news to add to all the others.

One of the satellites here didn't work, so I couldn't catch CNN for the inauguration, but the other worked fine, so I saw it all on the BBC, which was splendid.

Not feeling much Mercury rx effect, but what's new. It more often affects me positively, or at a distance.

I also think it doesn't affect everyone every day generally. It depends on how Mercury aspects our charts at any one moment - and it could be a good aspect too. Mercury moves fast, so we really shouldn't get all frazzled.


GoddessArtemis said:
All areas of communication are affected, especially in matters related to the clubs and associations, friendships, the achievement of personal goals, career finances, administrative concepts, and new ideas in general. This period brings travel snafus and missed appointments of all kinds. Documents can go astray. Be sure to carry a diary and refer to it often. GA :)
Well, GA, this sums up precisely my life at the moment, *sigh* TMercury rx (in my 3rd house) is trining my NSun/Moon/Mercury and squaring my NSaturn/Venus/Neptune with all of the above in the 11th house. It's also trining my NJupiter rx in the 7th and opposing NUranus in the 9th.

As if all this isn't enough, TSaturn is exactly conjuncting my NMoon/Mercury and is 4 degrees from conjuncting my NSun.

But wait, there's more, *lol*... TPluto is trining both my NSun and NJupiter rx, AND conjuncting my NChiron.

Doctor appointments, dental appointments, scheduled surgeries, Insurance cretins, Tax papers... all have been snafued, two and three times-over already. Let's not even mention my computer and printer, or our stove that just gave out.

Is it too much of an exaggeration to say that absolutely EVERYTHING in my life is awry?

I'm afraid to get out of bed anymore, *lol*

The way everything is going right now, I have to quote from Cher in 'Moonstruck', "I should have taken a rock and killed myself years ago".

Thank god the Universe keeps moving... it's the hope of 'this too shall pass' that keeps me from going and getting that rock, *lol*


this mercury rx has brought back things from the last one back in september
still a few niggly bits to get through but on the whole feel much better about things
and rethinking stuff that went on then, and not decided yet what to do


Fudugazi said:
The RBS has just announced huge losses - so that's bad financial news to add to all the others.
One of the satellites here didn't work, so I couldn't catch CNN for the inauguration, but the other worked fine, so I saw it all on the BBC, which was splendid.
Not feeling much Mercury rx effect, but what's new. It more often affects me positively, or at a distance.
I also think it doesn't affect everyone every day generally. It depends on how Mercury aspects our charts at any one moment - and it could be a good aspect too. Mercury moves fast, so we really shouldn't get all frazzled.

RBS has taken a dive for shares. They were 50p-ish, went to 84p for a couple
of hours several weeks back. Now they are 12p.LOL. Not worth the paper they are written on. I suspect this Mercury RX is affecting me.C'est la guerre, toujours la guerre. Shall take on board the advice to plan in future. Sighs


Mercury as trickster...

As a result of becoming tongue-tied (and perhaps, Mercury Rx having some fun), President Obama was administered the Oath of Office a 2nd time yesterday. He is the 3rd US president to have taken the oath twice (not sure if the other two were sworn in during Mercury Rx).



Asher said:
As a result of becoming tongue-tied (and perhaps, Mercury Rx having some fun), President Obama was administered the Oath of Office a 2nd time yesterday. He is the 3rd US president to have taken the oath twice (not sure if the other two were sworn in during Mercury Rx). Asher
Yeah, the Chief Justice really botched the oath... and I could just see that Mercury hiding behind a tree giggling, *lol*


can this retrograde period affect animals. It's been really strange but especially in this last week, I know of a few people that have had to take there animals to the vet and they've had to be put down. I know it's suppose to be about communication problems but just seems strange there's in a few in one hit. Unless there's another planet or something that could be causing this.