The Emperor - What does he do for a living?


I've encountered the Emperor as, the "boss"/"authority" of his family, military leaders, politicians, High Ranking business men and/or owners/CEO's, and currently as a surgeon. A judge, royal or very established respected man. I agree with the structure and a profession that has a 'ranking system" with him as the top.

I don't see, nor understand, The Emperor as a 'criminal" as this guy is well respected in and legitimate . He is usually a very well respected member of society and works hard to earn the respect and character that he gets.

A Criminal, successful or not, would be a Seven of Swords, The trickster, 5 of Swords, or something to the effect to show low character and "ripping off" people. That is a criminal to me.

Hope that helps OP! :heart:


I could see the Emperor coming up as a Godfather type, or someone who organizes a crew to pull off large heists.