Timing with TDM Camoin or Noblet...


RAH, please can you do a sample spread here and interp the timing, because i don't see how this works. thanks! :)


Two Examples

frelkins said:
RAH, please can you do a sample spread here and interp the timing, because i don't see how this works. thanks! :)

Hi frelkins,

Here are a couple of readings from my journals. These may help.

Method - 22 trumps with simple French cross.

Position 1 - Signifies Querent
Position 2 - Signifies Quesited
Position 3 - Hidden Influences
Position 4 - After Effects


Example A -

Question - Querent had just finished university and wanted to know whether she should start looking for a job soon or take some time to travel before starting her career.

Cards -

Position 1 - Signifies Querent.... Ms. Pope (neutral, passive, A)
Position 2 - Signifies Quesited.... The Chariot (positive, active, B)
Position 3 - Hidden Influences.... The Empress (neutral, active, B)
Position 4 - After Effects.... Judgement (positive, active, B)

Judgement - The querent is vague, passive (Ms. Pope). A good job presents itself (The Chariot) but won't be available long (Chariot, Empress). In the long term this job will be a positive step, but not a permanent position (Judgement). Timing pattern ABBB (relatively short and quick, soon to change) - the querent should take employment quickly.

Outcome - The querent chose to travel,, and is currently in New Zealand.

Example B

Question - Will Susan and I "hook up"?

Cards -

Position 1 - Signifies Querent... The Pope (positive, active, B)
Position 2 - Signifies Quesited... The Empress (neutral, active, B)
Position 3 - Hidden Influences... Fortune (neutral, active, B)
Position 4 - After Effects... The Moon (neutral, active, B)

Judgement - He is well placed (Pope). She is moderate (Empress). I judged a 'yes'. Timing pattern BBBB (very quick, very short, highly changeable) - the 'relationship' will start very quickly, but will be of short duration (Fortune) and easily forgotten (Moon).

Outcome - The couple 'hooked up', had a heated romance which lasted about three months. When I asked about what happened, the querent told me they really didn't have much in common.

Hope these helped. :)




One More from the Journal...

Example 3

Question - The querent asks "What is the best time to take my family vacation to Tokyo Disney Resort"?


Cards -

Position 1 - Signifies Querent... The Sun (positive, stable, A)
Position 2 - Signifies Quesited... Temperance (neutral, stable, A)
Position 3 - Hidden Influences... The Lover (positive, stable, A)
Position 4 - After Effects... The Tower (negative, mobile, B)

Judgement - The querent planned on taking his family to Tokyo Disney Resort. He wants to go the following year in March, or sometime between May and August. Dividing the possible times into five sections we get -

BBBB = March
ABBB = May
AABB = June
AAAB = July
AAAA = August

The cards give us an AAAB pattern, therefore July is the best time to go.

Outcome - They did indeed go in July, and charged their credit card to the max. (the need for 'Temperance'), but had a 'magical' time at Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea (The Lovers, The Sun). They got caught in bad traffic on the way home due to a traffic accident (the Tower).



Hooked on TdM

I've been reading and mulling over this thread.. I think I'm starting to grasp a sense of timing due to the major's positions that M provided. I think the Court cards could also work in this sense.

But that drew me to wonder about the minors (Camoin Deck).. I noticed that four majors have a variation of the compass rose. The moon XVIII has a 32 point, the Lovers VI has a 24 point, the Sun XVIIII has a 16 point and the Stars XVII has an 8 point. (Judgment has points to but they don't make up the compass rose.) What all of these have in common is they are dividable by 4, the compass directions of North, South, East, and West. Each direction has a sign. North is earth, South is Air, East is fire, West is water. Each sign has a season (now bare with me here, my observations are based on Canadian seasons.) North is Winter. Winter the ground is frozen, the water is frozen, everything is solid, just like the earth. South is summer. Our heat comes from the south. It lifts our spirits. Everything is in motion in the summer. Hence Air. East is the fall. Our leaves turn amazing colours and often resemble a fire in movement. Our moons are brilliant reds and oranges as if on fire. Our sunrises and sunsets again resemble fires and are amazing to see. West is spring. Everything begins flowing in the spring. We have snow melting and water unfreezes and starts flowing again. Buds burst forth etc.. (Heck even our dirt and mud move! lol) Now with each direction and sign a minor suit is correlated. North and earth is coins, South and air is swords, East and fire is wands, West and water is cups. So each cup represents a season.

The courts don't fit in this at all, plus we can figure time out from their movement. So that leaves us with the pips. However we have ten cards not four or eight so no easy division. So we can either look at it as 1 to 5 as the first half and 6 to 10 as the second or divide it up. 1 and 2 could be early first part of season, 3 middle of early season, 4 and 5 late early season, 6 and 7 early late season, 8 middle of late season, 9 and 10 late season.

I haven't tried this, just sat down and tried to use what I know to reason this out and here's where I landed.



Hello Hooked ...
Please forget all you read.
Just guide you and for see what your own eyes tell to you...
Are you seeing helicopters round here ?
No.You re seeing images on a card,so see so watch them carefully strictly baby...

Eugim (The Zorro... )

Hooked on TdM

Zorro :)

Yes I went far from my eyes, except for wands looking like fall due to trees, coins the hardened earth in winter, swords as summer, spring as cups. That is my eyes.

*slinks back to looking at the Majors for now..*



Ok Baby,you re too I mean too much Celtic...
Or Viking ? (Van ...)


Hooked on TdM

LOL very Celtic.. strong Irish and Scottish roots.. One look at me and it's obvious.. lol



Also I from my mother side (Surnames: Cormack and Tippin )
But I m full red haired...
