Tarot card


I'm Justice, along with 6% of people who done this quiz!

Not sure it sounds all me, but it makes sense.


You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the imagery we find here may inspire us or torment us. Understanding the moon requires looking within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in this luminary that circles the earth every month and reflects the sun in its progress. Listening to those rhythms may produce visions and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a force that has legends attached to it. It carries with it both romance and insanity. Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it is only those willing to work with the force of dreams that are able to withstand this reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman. http://www.stevee.com/

56844 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 532989 times.
19% of people had this result.


How funny is that, I go the Justice card :) which is also my Personality Card -

Unbelievable!! :D :D


I found this thread. Thought it would be a laugh to find out which card I am. I'm the Fool. Not that that surprised me much. After all I've done, all the grey hairs I've given my parents.

You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins the journey into the unknown. To do this, he does not regard the world he knows as firm and fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite deck, he is seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In order to explore and expand, one must disregard convention and conformity. Those in the throes of convention look at the unconventional, non-conformist personality and think What a fool. They lack the point of view to understand The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in tradition as one who is closest to the spirit world. In many tribal cultures, those born with strange and unusual character traits were held in awe. Shamans were people who could see visions and go on journeys that we now label hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with physical differences had experience and knowledge that the average person could not understand. The Fool is God. The number of the card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect circle. This circle represents both emptiness and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by mountains and valleys or by his physical body. He does not accept the appearance of cliff and air as being distinct or real.

Of course now that I've taken the test, I realize that I did, indeed take it before. Looking back through one of my old blogs, the answer is the same. I have always been a Fool, and a proud one at that. Who needs conventionality when you've got rainbows to catch your fall?


oooh, im the empress. funny since thats my soul card.

You are the Empress card. The Empress is the archetype of the Mother. She creates and nurtures life. She represents the abundance of Mother Earth. The Empress is capable of using nature in a productive way. She espouses art for art's sake. Her planet is Venus, and she embodies love of beauty and a strong value system. Here is also found initial sensation. This is the first really physical experience of the world that The Fool has entered. The Empress has a rich understanding of the world based on her five senses. In a reading, The Empress represents pregnancy, actual or metaphorical. She indicates an act of creation and a sensual experience of beauty. The Empress is a nurturing force that wishes to see the product of her experiences reach the next stage of development.

6% of people had this result.


How strange. I am the only Wheel of Fortune in this thread. Curiouser and curiouser.


I did that quiz months ago and got the High Priestess. I put it up on myspace along with tons of other junk. lol

It's weird because the HP is the only card that never comes up for me although it is tied to my first name by the constellations. She is the most elusive card for me.

The High Priestess is a card of intuition, instinct and hidden knowledge. She knows all your secrets, you can hide nothing from her. Yet you will never know the secrets she herself protects. If well aspected in a Tarot spread, this card can indicate the use of intuition to solve problems; trust to your instincts. If badly aspected, it can mean suppression and ignoring of such instincts - following your head at the expense of your heart.

Come to think of it, this may not be the same test. Oh tell me I have something else to distract me from this research paper....

The one I took is here http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=181614


First quiz:
You are the Temperance card. Temperance is the blending of elements to produce stability. We say that someone is temperate when they are pleasant and easy going. Temperance achieves balance through merging, so a temperate person is one who feels whole. Creative genius is often found in the ability to unite two previously unconnected ideas. Aleister Crowley considers this one of the most important facets of this card and names the card Art. He refers to a generation of a third element out of two previously existing elements. In the same way, the artist has the ability to create a painting from canvas and some tubes of coloured paint. The temperate person is also inclined to think about philosophy. Temperance leads to a calm and rational logic but can also look beyond everyday knowledge for the truth. Image from The Stone Tarot deck. http://hometown.aol.com/newtarotdeck/

6003 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 559007 times.
2% of people had this result.

Second quiz:

You scored as II - The High Priestess.

The High Priestess is a card of intuition, instinct and hidden knowledge. She knows all your secrets, you can hide nothing from her. Yet you will never know the secrets she herself protects.If well aspected in a Tarot spread, this card can indicate the use of intuition to solve problems; trust to your instincts. If badly aspected, it can mean suppression and ignoring of such instincts - following your head at the expense of your heart.

II - The High Priestess
III - The Empress
VIII - Strength
XV: The Devil
I - Magician
XIII: Death
XVI: The Tower
XI: Justice
IV - The Emperor
0 - The Fool
XIX: The Sun
VI: The Lovers
X - Wheel of Fortune


That was interesting- I did both of them, and got the Fool both times!

I didn't understand those percentages in the second quiz- is that how much of each card we are meant to be?



I'm the Hermit!

Wow...according to this quiz, I'm the Hermit. *snicker*

"You are the Hermit card. The Hermit has chosen a solitary spiritual path. He shines light on his inner self and, by this means, gains wisdom. The Hermit's home is the natural world and it is by being in tune with that world that he learns the laws of nature and learn how they operate within himself. His path is a lonely one as he lives in silence and has for companionship only his own internal rhythms. But those crossing his path are touched by his light and wisdom. Though often alone, he manages nevertheless to instruct those who meet him and guides those who chose to follow him on a path towards enlightenment."