(1)Kipper master card exchange


Sorry disappeared for quite some time.

So sorry for the delay! I had small amounts of time to read earlier but not long enough to do a full 10 card spread.

I decided to do:

1 9

3 4 5 6 7 8

2 10

Where 1 is your overall readiness for romance (gift). 2 is your challenge. 3-8 are one card per month, 9 is things that might be hidden and 10 is a final outcome card.

1. page of swords
2. 5 of wands
3. ace of swords
4 . moon
5. king of pentacles
6. tower
7. world
8. wheel of fortune
9. 2 of cups
10. queen of wands

So, you're the page of swords here. You're quite into your work right now I think, maybe you have had some issues with work and you're kind of focussed on that, or you don't quite love your job and you've been thinking about that, getting more fulfillment. I wonder if you're feeling a bit stagnant in many areas of your life? Not completely unhappy, not even not content, but there could be improvements.
Yes this is true. I am really trying to figure out what career peaks my interest right now or gives me enjoyment. So I am more focus on career/work/finances than my love life.
I think the type of person you'd be interested in having a relationship would be someone fun, thinks out of the box, they are quirky, and they appreciate your quirks. I think you consider yourself to be quite eccentric? And you want someone that is also.
Yea, this would be perfect for me. I always am drawn toward those who are eccentric or even just making their own rules in society that in the end makes them successful in life because they weren't afraid to be different. I admire that in people. I am also considered weird and eccentric by many anyway.

So an obstacle for you is that you don't like things to become too mundane or stale? I think a challenge is keeping things exciting enough for you.

Yea, this is very true. I constantly need to be doing something or having fun/excitement.

If we move on then there is some romantic/sexy energy here in the first month! I don't think you are really that interested but there is someone keen on you and they will make it known, a little flirt or something like that.
Not sure who that is yet because I have cut off my phone. So not really talking to anyone really. Have to turn it back on soon...But I could think of two people....not exactly interested.
Fast forward a bit to Feb and between then and May we have 3 majors, there's definitely something happening here, and I think this time you're going to develop strong, intense feelings for someone in your world there. This person is everything you want, they shake your world upside down and probably teach you a thing or two. I think with the 2 of cups there this is the real deal for you, you know. Someone that ticks all your boxes. So if we look again, in December, this person causes you to have some very mixed feelings, maybe they are push-pulling with you, or you're just not seeing things as clearly as you could. I think they are down to earth and just so wise, they really inspire you and there's a lot of passion here in the new year between you and them. They maybe force you to be more outgoing, confident, lose your inhibitions a little. So yeah, I do really only see one real love interest here in this next 6 months.
I will have to update you on if some interesting does cross my path

Hope some of that makes sense!

feedback left above. thank you for the reading and sorry for late feedback