6 of cups - what am I missing?


I can't seem to shake the 6 of cups in readings I've done recently. It showed up as the outcome position when asking about what my love life has in store for me for the next month. When it showed up in the outcome position it was clarified by the knight of wands. Then I just did a reading asking what this season (summer) holds for my love life and it shows up in position 1 of a Celtic cross. When I pulled it to ask what it was trying to tell me I pulled the ace of wands. Seems like maybe there's a lot of energy moving around someone from my past? Or maybe I'm unknowingly putting too much energy on memories of my past? I definitely don't feel like I'm stuck in my past and have been enjoying meeting new potential romantic partners I've met recently so this is really throwing me! If it's helpful I can post some of the reading in another section!


Moderator Note

Hi Watersign,

Please take a moment to read the UTC Posting Rules. You need to provide interpretations for each card you mention in your post. If you only wish to discuss the card in the title, please edit your post to remove mention of the other cards. If you think they are necessary to provide context to the card you wish to discuss, then you need to provide interpretations for both of them.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards


Hi Watersign,

Please take a moment to read the UTC Posting Rules. You need to provide interpretations for each card you mention in your post. If you only wish to discuss the card in the title, please edit your post to remove mention of the other cards. If you think they are necessary to provide context to the card you wish to discuss, then you need to provide interpretations for both of them.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards

Well, I was interpreting the ace of wands and knight of wands as incoming energy from my past (6 of cups). I guess specifically, I might interpret the knight as a person from my past (maybe a past romantic interest) and with the ace there must be some new energy surrounding this situation.


I can't seem to shake the 6 of cups in readings I've done recently. It showed up as the outcome position when asking about what my love life has in store for me for the next month. When it showed up in the outcome position it was clarified by the knight of wands. Then I just did a reading asking what this season (summer) holds for my love life and it shows up in position 1 of a Celtic cross. When I pulled it to ask what it was trying to tell me I pulled the ace of wands. Seems like maybe there's a lot of energy moving around someone from my past? Or maybe I'm unknowingly putting too much energy on memories of my past? I definitely don't feel like I'm stuck in my past and have been enjoying meeting new potential romantic partners I've met recently so this is really throwing me! If it's helpful I can post some of the reading in another section!

6 of Cups + Knight of Wands = I've always had this as an old friend/old lover/old something coming back and wanting to re-kindle something. Knight of Wands is one of my sex cards, soooo, LOL.... Someone is coming back and may want some! But, that's just how I read the Knight of Wands, but, my spirit-guides use him as letting me know about a sexual-proposal from an old lover or old friend. So, just make sure it's what you want. <3


The 6 of Cups is a peaceful card, there is no hurry in it. But concerning the Knight of Wands his rhythm isn't the same, on the contrary! With regard to an interpretation, something unexpected could surprise you, and quick your pace.
Does this make sense for you?


6 of Cups + Knight of Wands = I've always had this as an old friend/old lover/old something coming back and wanting to re-kindle something. Knight of Wands is one of my sex cards, soooo, LOL.... Someone is coming back and may want some! But, that's just how I read the Knight of Wands, but, my spirit-guides use him as letting me know about a sexual-proposal from an old lover or old friend. So, just make sure it's what you want. <3

Thank you LifesALoofah! I was kind of surprised to see the KoW with the 6 of Cups. I don't know who would be but I guess time will tell! haha


The 6 of Cups is a peaceful card, there is no hurry in it. But concerning the Knight of Wands his rhythm isn't the same, on the contrary! With regard to an interpretation, something unexpected could surprise you, and quick your pace.
Does this make sense for you?

Thanks for your interpretation decan! It does make sense, do you see the 6 of cups as something from the past or just something peaceful? I'm not really sure what I think about it yet but so far it hasn't meant anything/anyone from past.


It could depend on the deck you used on your side.
With the imagery of the Rider-Waite there are some hints at the past, and a kind of nostalgy.
Sometimes I look at the cards in my Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery and with this latest the meanings are more in relation to take care or to look after at one's pace, peacefully. I think that the Knight of Wands is looking for new territories, or to go beyond what is already known.
This card could be a bit uncomfortable or exciting, it depends on you. Probably with the first card that you pulled you will be careful, even though "to be an adventurer" could be a temptation!


For example you could do during this summer something new, beyond ordinary routine, but with some people that you already know, like old friends.
You could feel safer if you already know these persons. It's just an interpretation among others of course!


I think what's it's saying is that these new people you are going to meet will trigger something in you that's related to your past so you can heal it, move on, or maybe even embrace that feeling. Whatever it is. Not necessarily something negative. You could meet someone who dearly reminds of a good memory of times past. I've received a the Ace Of Wands more often for something being activated than I have as a card of taking action, or things moving forward. It's more like the match that lights an unexpected fire.

The Knight Of Wands in general speaks of situations which are of a temporary nature. So it could be an opportunity that suddenly appears but you have to act on it now, rather than hold back or you'll miss your chance. I only give it a negative connotation if it's specifically coming up to denote a particular love interest, in which case he'll be fun but not in it for the long haul. Holiday romance (Ace wands, KoW & 6 Cups) is a perfect example of this card combination, and again not always negative depending upon what you are looking for.

Hope this helps.