A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


13thFaeChylde said:
1 April ~ 10 of Discs ~ Tradition

I come from a family that didn't have any traditions to speak of, so I'm always keen on making my own with the children. One of our tradtions on April 1 is the Fools Day dinner, with fried eggs (lemon pudding surrounded by marshmallow creme) and alien milk (milk w/green food coloring) but tonight they won't be at home :(. They're spending a few days w/ their grandma while out on break.

It can also mean working on something to pass down to your children, and I do have some ideas knocking around.

13th, the Fools Day Dinner sounds like such fun!! awww....Maybe you can delay it a bit for when your kids come home?? How creative...good for you for making your own traditions!!



I think we'll just have our Fools Dinner tonight....glad yall liked my idea! If you want recipes, www.familyfun.com has them.

2 April ~ 3 of Discs ~ Dedication

This card is telling me to be dedicated to my morning yoga programme! Get out of aeclectic and do my stretches :)

On a serious note, I decided just this week to go to college, having never been and in my 30s. I have also found a monthly tarot meeting to attend next week. It says in the book..."It may be that you are about to embark on a course of study."

That's a positive affirmation of my dreams and plans this week....as I told starsongs last week ~ "I'm learning that there is much more to me than I had imagined."


8 of Cups

This card is labeled "Abandonment". Don't like the sound of that (it's my #1 hated word since I'm an adoptee) but I also don't really see the card quite hat way. There's a tight cluster of golden cups soaring above a barren land. They have small yellow flowers popping out of them and the sky is darkly cloudy. Are they flying into outer space? Whatever the case may be, they're leaving for some place better!


2 April - The Lovers

Am running a day behind again! :(

Drew the Lovers yesterday morning. It shows a couple dancing around a maypole - enjoying being together, celebrating the masculine and feminine. Was hoping this was a good omen to spend some time with my husband, but unfortunately work and family committments (Dad not well) came first. Guess that could be where the "choice" bit comes in, or responsibility. There is always - the weekend! :D



April 2 - The Star

Happy Days Are Here Again ..... lalala .....

Well, I didn't pull a card on Tuesday because it was one of the worst days all in all I have had in a long, long time ..... Wednesday was going great until I got back to my hotel and then I was sick as a dog ...... Thursday was my drive home and I was too tired to even think about pulling a card (yeah, it's a real chore, lol).

So today I figured, what the heck ..... and what a nice card! Well, my fiancee is taking me out to dinner for my birthday and I am going to get to eat pasta for the first time in 5 weeks (thanks to my diet). I may end up getting sick, but it will be worth it!

So, I end my week on the uplifting Star. Life isn't always bad, eh?


Happy Birthday, Dan!



Thanks mj - I am close to the point where I won't be counting them anymore, hehe.


Card A Day, Sacred Circle - April 2

The Shaman - 9

I love this card, and its an interesting take on the Hermit.

Message: To stand back from events and not participate. Keep a distance to evaluate...the objective observer

Perhaps this is a message for this evening..I'm attending a meeting where maybe I should do more listening and observing than interacting...and trusting the inner voice...


PS Happy Birthday Dan!!



3 April ~ The Sun

What a gorgeous card for a gorgeous morning!
The sun is beaming, bluebirds are building a nest in the birdhouses in the apple and cedar trees and I'm going herb shopping in just a while.

The sun is clearing away the clouds in my mind leftover from the winter.
I'm feeling generally good, am making long-range plans (going to college - finally!) and am hopeful the financial burdens of the past two years are coming to a close. Good things are coming for me and mine :D


April 3 - The Underworld - 14


When will I ever learn ..... pull the card at the END of the day, lol.

OK, first thing I noticed (I still haven't really studied this deck, particularly the Majors) is that 14 is The Underworld (which I assume is the RWS Devil) in this deck instead of 16. I am used to Temperance being 14.

With that said, I guess I am going to have to resist any selfish notions I have today. It fits in with the theme of my day as I am planning a little trip of a couple of hundred miles with my SO to see her daughter play in a lacrosse match. Normally we would make it an overnighter but I have been spending sooooo much time in hotels lately that I couldn't bear another one .... that is probably where the selfish aspect comes in. Oh well, it could be a worse card for me today (although two days in a row with a Major ..... I would much prefer yesterday's Star, however).
