A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


4 of Wands: Development

Saturdays and Sundays are the only mornings I can actually sit down and look at the card, think about it before posting for the day, so....

Wow, these wands are wicked cool (the little kid in me is going OOOOHH!) they are shaped like arrows, but are golden and all have little glowing hearts attached to them! Rather than working against or away from each other in any way, they're all crossing so it looks like a christmas ornament, or a big whirling weapon! This also makes it appear that there are 8 arrows when there really are only 4 double ended wands with points on them! I'm thinking "it's beautiful but deadly". Weird combination! There's also a mound or passage tomb in the background.

Think I must consult the book to see what they think it means, b/c to me it looks like the tomb of a great warrior being guarded by and ancient and magical weapon!

Hmm... the book isn't helping much! Says the wands together make an eight-pointed wheel that symbolizes the Eternal Return. Reaping rewards of hard work? I like my interpretation better, but I don't know what it will mean for my day! Personally, I'd like to think that this magical weapon will follow me all day and secretly protect me before I have to return to the rest of my tomb!


3 April - Queen of Wands - Illumination

This is my card from yesterday, but got so carried away with some creative pursuits that I forgot to post it :D

Queen of Wands has always been one of my favourite cards in any deck! So was very happy to see her pop up and was definitely inspired yesterday to do some creative work.

I finally managed to spend a day at home, instead of running around with some task or another. So took the time to start getting my new altar set up with the things I had been putting aside for it. Then this inspired me to do some more of my tarot photographs and work on my tarot journal - it was a lovely day! :)



The queen of wands appeared quite a few times for me yesterday across decks. Pluto has also gone retrograde in Sagitarius (Queen of wands) and the card I pulled for today was The Moon Card.


Four of Wands -- Development

Today I should see a project develop, get recognized and take shape.

I like this card as it gives hope and promises much, as past efforts are likely to be rewarded, but it also warns that all is not done, and more work is needed.

Nevertheless, I guess that my day has begun on the right track, and I can rest on my laurels for a while.


April 4 - The Green Man

I pulled my card a little early ....... it is "Spring Ahead" time here in the good 'ol U.S., so I should be forgiven .......

So, I got the Green Man. Boy that sounds so much better than calling me The Fool, hehe. But that means I had three Majors in three days. What does that mean? Personally, I usually equate alot of Majors in a reading as an indication that the result is out of my own hands .... must be my early Jungian training. So does that mean that my life is spiraling out of control right now?

Anyway, I guess Sunday will be a day where I could accomplish the impossible if I dare venture in that direction. Something tells me the only daring decision of the day will be to see when I get out of bed, as I plan (operative word is "plan") on having a lazy day. Hope my plans come to fruition :)



Sacred Circle Card A Day ~ April 3

The Web, 11

I went to a lecture on post tribal shamanism today. This card seems related to that.

Kenn Deigh spoke about how in a post tribal society individuals have lost the sense of connection, and how learning to travel in the three worlds at Will can help one to find valuable information for living and restore a sense of connectedness and wholeness.

It was a great lecture. See Kenn's website below


4 April - 5 of Swords - Defeat

I drew t he 5 of Swords this morning - the first thing I thought of though is that it must be time for the 5 of Swords study thread to appear soon - and this afternoon there it was! :)

Other than that I have not really been able to associate it to anything in my day so far - have had a lovely laid back sort of Sunday!

However the day is not over yet and I will certainly reflect on thinking about things before jumping in and possibly being overwhelmed or unprepared.



Page of Cups

yesterday I got the King of Cups, so this is pretty interesting!

A young man in purple kneels by a stream, a fish jumps up to talk to him...

well, I'll be having fish for lunch! ACK!


April 5 - Queen of Swords

"Imagination". This Queen is typically about honesty and straightforwardness. But I guess I need to dwell on the Imagination portion. I pulled the card early today but have not had a burst of imagination as of yet, except for dwelling on a reading I did for my daughter last night. What I really need is a "get my butt back to work" card, lol.


5 April 2004 .. The Warrior

Well, I am not due into work for another hour and I feel that is where my warrior like qualities need to be on the lookout...
We will see..
All and all my day has gone well, I have covered a lot of ground today and accomplished a lot. :) Let's hope it stays this way.