A question about 3rd Eye Divination?


I don't really do divination with meditation, but sometimes, when doing a tarot reading and concentrating on my intuition, I may get a glimpse of a certain card with my mind's eye.

This kind of an incident have happened only two times, but the first time it happened I got the same exact card in the reading.

The second time it was the very next card which I drew from the deck.

There was one time, when I was releasing some bottled up energy, when the muscle where the third eye is situated started to pulsate intensely. Like a tic but on the muscle situated at the third eye, between the brows.

It only lasted for a few, max 5 seconds and I didn't get any visions or other sensations, but it was interesting nevertheless.

The pulsing is exactly it! It's very intense and that is when I close my eyes and just push my focus up...like I'm literally looking through that area on my forehead...that is when I get the visions.


Thank you for posting this! This is what I've discovered in my research too. I realized that I've always put too much emphasis on the Brow Chakra...ignoring all the others...

:) :)
When I was studying at the College of Psychic Studies in central London - there was an "in-house" joke about psychics who had an aura shaped like an atom bomb. (Y'know an atom bomb explosion is seen as a huge mushroom cloud on-top with a narrow "leg" or tunnel leading down to the ground where it originates from) i.e. their higher Chakras were well developed but they'd paid little attention to the lower ones - which in reality should be fully developed first, before the higher ones - as that is ones real "base" - a bit like the "base card" in a reading. All energy with no structure = can be highly unstable. And unable to "operate" in the "real world".

I remember when I did exercises with fellow classmates - they'd often "see" my aura as "running ahead of me" (like a time-lapse photo). I'm so typically "in the future" and already always running or planning a million miles ahead. It's taken quite some personal practice to just BE in the now. :)

As you say - All things in their own time. To everything - there is a season, and all that jazz.

Cool thread.


:) :)
When I was studying at the College of Psychic Studies in central London - there was an "in-house" joke about psychics who had an aura shaped like an atom bomb. (Y'know an atom bomb explosion is seen as a huge mushroom cloud on-top with a narrow "leg" or tunnel leading down to the ground where it originates from) i.e. their higher Chakras were well developed but they'd paid little attention to the lower ones - which in reality should be fully developed first, before the higher ones - as that is ones real "base" - a bit like the "base card" in a reading. All energy with no structure = can be highly unstable. And unable to "operate" in the "real world".

I remember when I did exercises with fellow classmates - they'd often "see" my aura as "running ahead of me" (like a time-lapse photo). I'm so typically "in the future" and already always running or planning a million miles ahead. It's taken quite some personal practice to just BE in the now. :)

As you say - All things in their own time. To everything - there is a season, and all that jazz.

Cool thread.

"College of Psychic Studies in London"....this sounds so amazing! I'm picturing it looking just like Hogwarts. lol Seriously though, I wish we had something like that here. I'm not exactly living in the mecca of metaphysical studies....if there is an opposite to the College of Psychic Studies...it's where I live. ;)

Oh and I was given a vision of myself building a house starting with the second floor. I kept trying to build this house and then watch it collapse over and over again. Then I saw myself meditating with my 3rd Eye glowing a purpley blue but all my other chakras were shown as black, dead looking. After this vision, I started researching chakras and realized that I was going at it backwards that I needed to focus on the lower ones first...you definitely don't build a house starting with the 2nd floor. lol


I just started getting messages while awake this year. Before this time, I had only gotten messages in dreams.
I never grounded or protected myself. I never knew people did this until recently.
Some people do not feel this is necessary. I say its up to the person, however, I would suggest doing some sort of grounding and protection of self before initiating any divination. That said, I can also forget--especially when doing a tarot card reading, because I just do not even think about it then. However, I am trying to make myself remember to do this!

I also do ground & protect myself as soon as I wake up in the mornings and stretch. :) Two very easy, quickly done rituals that is now a part of my norm. So, perhaps when I do a tarot card reading, my grounding and protection from the morning rise is enough.

I don't understand why I see these movies or slideshows in my head without doing something to "open" the 3rd eye.
Does this happen for you, EA? Or only if you meditate and will the third eye to open?
Why do the movies and words just pop in my head?
Was I born with a busted, half-open third eye chakra??
This happens to a lot of people, even when they are not trying to divine with their 3rd eye or anything. It happens to me as well. I'll never forget sitting down to watch a television show and eating, and a movie popped into my head about our daughter & sil. I was really surprised by it--and called her later only to find out that it happened in real life for them at the same time.

I have seen movies before in my minds eye too--of things that were happening at that same moment in time, but mostly these were things that were HUGE, like an almost car accident--the car swerving to miss another car, and that kind of thing. But this movie was the first where it was just a nice but rather typical event.

"College of Psychic Studies in London"....this sounds so amazing! I'm picturing it looking just like Hogwarts.

lol Seriously though, I wish we had something like that here. I'm not exactly living in the mecca of metaphysical studies....if there is an opposite to the College of Psychic Studies...it's where I live. ;)
you and me both! I'd love to go to a college like this myself. Maybe one day.

Oh and I was given a vision of myself building a house starting with the second floor. I kept trying to build this house and then watch it collapse over and over again. Then I saw myself meditating with my 3rd Eye glowing a purpley blue but all my other chakras were shown as black, dead looking. After this vision, I started researching chakras and realized that I was going at it backwards that I needed to focus on the lower ones first...you definitely don't build a house starting with the 2nd floor. lol

yes, very true. interesting vision you were getting to give that message though!


I think I meditate on accident, so what you're doing sounds better (more focused) than what I'm doing. :thumbsup:


One of my best friends went through a hard time recently, as her mother passed in March. About a week after her mom died, my friend texted me that she'd call as soon as she left her dads house. When she called me, i asked if her father sat across from her on the couch and was playing with something on his hands. She explained he was tossing her late moms cell phone from hand to hand.

Is it the third eye I'm using to step into her mind and see what she sees?


One of my best friends went through a hard time recently, as her mother passed in March. About a week after her mom died, my friend texted me that she'd call as soon as she left her dads house. When she called me, i asked if her father sat across from her on the couch and was playing with something on his hands. She explained he was tossing her late moms cell phone from hand to hand.

Is it the third eye I'm using to step into her mind and see what she sees?

I would say yes.