Aging a Deck


thanks for posting the scan comparisons, I always wondered what they'd look like tea dyed.

It's been weeks or perhaps months since I've been on Ebay but there was a seller that had aged the majors of some deck. The last time I saw it it was up to about 80 dollars. So I'm sure she/he has been busy doing more.


Thanks, all, for your comments!

Reba - I sanded the images to wear away some of the lamination to get the tea to soak into the faces, as well as just the edges. See, this is the second tea-dunking this particular deck has had.

Feretian - I did do the table thing to this deck.

Twice. Do you have a newer printing of the Hanson-Roberts? If not, you are seriously underestimating the bomb-proofness of this deck :D
AJ said:
It's been weeks or perhaps months since I've been on Ebay but there was a seller that had aged the majors of some deck. The last time I saw it it was up to about 80 dollars. So I'm sure she/he has been busy doing more.
I saw that, and loved the effect! I just really reall wished she'd done the whole deck, as I prefer to have the whole thing. Hers was better than mine, too :( coz she managed to rough up the edges of the cards, and they ended up all uneven. That's why mine doesn't look authentic. But I love the look of it anyway!

\m/ Kat




Aladdin said:
Okay, if you think so. Perhaps it would make you feel better to think of it as an art project.

\m/ Kat


Thorhammer, just to clarify, you did the table-top Umbrae treatment on one of the printed in Italy plastic-coated US games decks? And you sanded the cards?

I've been wondering if somehow scratching up the surface of the plastic-y cards would help but I thought it might make them look sort of foggy, like you'd be seeing the image through a network of tiny scratches. I also wondered if the table-top treatment might make the cards crease.

Did you use fine gauge sandpaper? Do they feel weird now when you shuffle? Wondering because these plastic-coated cards really bother me. I feel like the deck clumps together and doesn't have life or liveliness.

Your cards look beautiful!



thorhammer said:
Okay, if you think so. Perhaps it would make you feel better to think of it as an art project.

\m/ Kat
*giggles quietly*


Myrrha said:
Thorhammer, just to clarify, you did the table-top Umbrae treatment on one of the printed in Italy plastic-coated US games decks? And you sanded the cards?
Yep. Twice. ROUGHLY.
Myrrha said:
I've been wondering if somehow scratching up the surface of the plastic-y cards would help but I thought it might make them look sort of foggy, like you'd be seeing the image through a network of tiny scratches. I also wondered if the table-top treatment might make the cards crease.
Yeah . . . it was a gamble, but hey, I had four copies so it wasn't too bad. I used a nail buffer to begin with, because that was really really fine. Thing was, that gave out after about ten cards :rolleyes: and I couldn't find another one the same. So yes, I found some really really fine sandpaper (I think it had 600 or 800 written on the back, tho not sure how that would translate abroad). It was wet/dry stuff, so you could wash it. I quickly rubbed each face of each card, concentrating on the edges because that would be where most of the wear occurrs naturally. But I made sure to wear away some of the lamination over the whole face of the card. If you rub really gently and quickly, you just scar the lamination; a bit longer or harder and you start to rub away the colour, as you can see I've done. I wanted that worn look.
Myrrha said:
Do they feel weird now when you shuffle? Wondering because these plastic-coated cards really bother me. I feel like the deck clumps together and doesn't have life or liveliness.
Yeah, they do feel weird, not so much to shuffle as to slide against one another, like you do when you're just searching through the deck for one card, you know? But the shuffling is lovely now. I think a bit of talcum powder would fix the sandy feeling when sliding through the deck.
Myrrha said:
Your cards look beautiful!
Aw, thanks :) I think they're pretty hot, too :)

\m/ Kat


Thank you for explaining it so clearly. That is a wonderful idea!



You know it is strange this was posted. I wanted to buy a new rider waite to read with mine got a muddy feel maybe from a few negative clients. I cleaned it, but want a new deck. I hate this new shiny lamination they do. I had to buy a 1970 rider waite last week so it wasn't shiny. This takes away from the energy to me. I wish they would find a better way to laminate or not at all. I was going to use sandpaper to try to get it off but I wasn't sure if I should. I am glad other people don't like it either.