Anyone hate the celtic cross?


I find even if i'm asking it questions, my feelings come out through it at the time and kind of cloud the whole's royally annoying!!!!

anyone else have any thoughts or feelings on it?


I find even if i'm asking it questions, my feelings come out through it at the time and kind of cloud the whole's royally annoying!!!!

anyone else have any thoughts or feelings on it?

Your post is not clear. :)

Are you asking the spread questions or are you asking questions using the Celtic Cross spread?

What do you mean that your feelings come through all the time? Feelings about what?

I love the Celtic Cross but tend now to use smaller and simpler spreads. If there was a particular need for an extensive reading I might use it.

If you don't like the spread you don't have to use it, do you?


Your post is not clear. :)

Are you asking the spread questions or are you asking questions using the Celtic Cross spread?

What do you mean that your feelings come through all the time? Feelings about what?

I love the Celtic Cross but tend now to use smaller and simpler spreads. If there was a particular need for an extensive reading I might use it.

If you don't like the spread you don't have to use it, do you?

......When i shuffle the deck, i ask questions that i would like the answers to, i don't like that when i lay the cards, my questions dont seem to be answered, the spread more reflects my feelings towards things. its annoying.


......When i shuffle the deck, i ask questions that i would like the answers to, i don't like that when i lay the cards, my questions dont seem to be answered, the spread more reflects my feelings towards things. its annoying.

Well, that is probably not due to the spread itself :). The cards are reflecting answers you may not expect or like, not the spread.

Why use such a complex spread if you don't have to?

You seem to be relatively new to tarot. Why not try simple spreads to begin with?

Sometimes just one card can give you an answer. I mainly use three or four card spreads even now.

Why not try this and post your reading in the 'Your readings' section here to receive helpful feed back from others?

If you are anxious or over eager, the cards can reflect that as well. Possibly, also, your questions may not be framed in the clearest way.

So there may be a number of reasons for your difficulties but this forum is a good place to overcome them. We all have this sort of issue at the beginning and sometimes even later :)

ETA I did a reading recently when I was quite stressed about something completely unrelated and the reading was not as free as it could have been. :)


Well, that is probably not due to the spread itself :). The cards are reflecting answers you may not expect or like, not the spread.

Why use such a complex spread if you don't have to?

You seem to be relatively new to tarot. Why not try simple spreads to begin with?

Sometimes just one card can give you an answer. I mainly use three or four card spreads even now.

Why not try this and post your reading in the 'Your readings' section here to receive helpful feed back from others?

If you are anxious or over eager, the cards can reflect that as well. Possibly, also, your questions may not be framed in the clearest way.

So there may be a number of reasons for your difficulties but this forum is a good place to overcome them. We all have this sort of issue at the beginning and sometimes even later :)

ETA I did a reading recently when I was quite stressed about something completely unrelated and the reading was not as free as it could have been. :)

lol, i'm not new to tarot, but i do agree that i need to find a spread that works better with me


and yeah, i am stressed and over eager at this moment, so that could be why!

Chimera Dust

I don't hate the Celtic Cross, but it's never really grabbed my attention as much as other spreads have. *shrugs*

Feeling like the Tarot is just saying what you think is generally a risk you run when you're reading for yourself. Maybe the cards are telling you something different, or perhaps it's something that is close enough but not quite the same, and you're reading based on you feel. Or, maybe you ARE right. I'm not saying that you're consciously doing it, but it's very, very easy to make that mistake without noticing. Sometimes when I flip through records of my old readings, it's amazing how spot-on they turned out to be -- just not the way I thought at the time. I would read a card as X, Y would be true, and now with the due distance and more practice I constantly realise that the signs did indeed point to Y, not X.

Nowadays, I rarely read for myself. I only do it specifically when I want a different perspective, and I try to be as unbiased as possible. Then I write it down somewhere or try to remember the cards that came up, and months later I go back and review it. I find that this helps somewhat, but I still do most of my readings about things where my feelings and personal bias are less likely to cloud my interpretation of the cards.

Not just that, there's always the risk of getting an unpleasant answer. Ultimately, you should only ask questions you're prepared to get an answer to. I think that when you're starting out it's very easy to decide to jump straight into major readings about big issues in your life, but even some experienced people avoid reading for themselves entirely.

My suggestion? Start out with simple spreads. Don't take things to seriously for now. Write down your spreads if you can, and then go back months later, even years, and look at how you interpreted different cards and whether you were right, or if the cards were right but you gave them a whole different meaning.

I hope this helps, and good luck :) Also, remember that there's other spreads in the world, and if you don't like one for whatever reason, that's completely fine. Just don't expect the issue of biased readings to be solved by simply switching spreads.

EDIT: I just saw that you're *not* new after all. My bad! Anyway, I think that might be a problem with your interpretation of the cards (if it's a problem, there's always the off-chance that what you think is spot-on) instead of the just the spread. But of course, just because you're reading you don't have to be the #1 fan of the Celtic Cross. There's a lot of other spreads that may work better for you.


My experience with the CC spread has been incredibly insightful as well as revelatory...I do find, though, that you must ask about the thing that is MOST on your mind first - or you can get skewed readings...and as others have noted above, you should only ever ask the cards anything, in *any* type of spread, if you are prepared to hear any kind of outcome...and not just one based on what you hope the answer will be...? It helps to be very objective, or at the very least, be prepared for an answer that may not be the one you hope for.

When I read for myself, I try to remove myself entirely and read the same way I might if I was reading for another person. Or else I cannot read properly. As noted above by Chimera Dust, writing your readings down will help give you added insight at a later date...

But personally, I see no reason to hate the actual Celtic Cross. It's just another spread. :)


I find it frustrating when someone has a very basic question and they use the celtic cross to try to find the answer. This happens from time to time in the Your Readings forum and I just go cross-eyed. It's like "why?"

In my personal readings and readings for others I never use it. I only use 3 - 5 spreads.


Nope, don't hate it, (seems a bit strong). When I use a 10 card spread I use a modified CC I came up with. This was the first detailed spread I was exposed to in my early days & still have affection for it.