Creating a BTVS deck - Looking for other fans

Geenius at Wrok

I'm with Thirteen—the minors should feature scenes, not be represented by individuals. For one thing, you're gonna get huge amounts of overlap if you try to make each card a character. You're also going to wind up elevating minor characters who aren't as significant as the ones they're standing alongside. And I'd use single symbols for the Aces. Question is, what's the Buffy-world equivalent of a cup? Stakes, swords and amulets are all recurring images, but I can't say I've ever noticed people using cups a whole lot. (Maybe a coffee cup with the logo of the Bronze on the side. ;-) ) However, I'd still call the suits by their traditional names—having a "5 of Watchers" would be a bad idea, IMO. On the other hand, the court cards really suggest themselves as a good home for secondary characters who don't quite make the cut for the major arcana.

I think most of your major arcana choices are spot on, even though I'm not a fan of Thoth decks (would rather see Strength and Temperance than Lust and Art). I can see why you chose Oz for Art (or even Temperance, in a cautionary sort of way), though I think he'd make a phenomenal Hermit. Drusilla is perfect for the Moon—there's no way to top that choice. Similarly, Xander is perfect for the Fool, Faith for the Devil. (Anya for the Sun? Eh, maybe.) I do like the idea of using the tower from the fifth season as the Tower, though if you wanted to inject a little humor into the deck, you could use Sunnydale High School getting blown up. :) I agree with Thirteen that Spike belongs on the Lovers card. Don't you think Riley would make a good Strength (or Chariot, if you're dead-set on using Thoth majors)?

If you're going to take any liberties with card naming, here's what I'd suggest: Leave the major arcana mostly intact, but substitute one or two special cards for characters whose roles just don't allow them to fit anywhere else (e.g., Dawn—why not have "the Key" as a card?). Don't futz with the suit names, but maybe futz with the court card titles. For example, instead of King-Queen-Knight-Page—which will introduce awkward gender conflicts in a show that's always had more female than male characters in strong roles—you could have Champion (strong allies), Guardian (back-watchers), Adversary (foes) and Disciple (interesting minor characters). How about Kendra as the Champion of Staves? Forrest as the Guardian of Staves? Adam as the Adversary of Staves? Jenny Calendar as the Guardian of Swords? Michael as the Disciple of Cups? As for the minors, there are a couple of decks, including the Nigel Jackson, that feature Marseilles-style pip patterns with illustrated tableaux below on the 2 through 10 minors. I think that would be a great way to go in this deck.


Thanks for the heads up about the season and Buffy. Thank Goodness nothing slipped! I did forget that this was global and that people are seeing a different season elsewhere.

Not sure who said Joyce being the mother. That was true-- good call on that one!


Geenius at Wrok

Where&#39s Willow?!

Dude, I just realized—you don't have Willow appearing anywhere among the major arcana! That won't do at all. You could have her as the Magician, or you could make her the High Priestess and make Tara Temperance (though I think Tara makes a better High Priestess than Willow does).


Razz (04 Mar, 2002 02:25):
Thanks for the heads up about the season and Buffy. Thank Goodness nothing slipped! I did forget that this was global and that people are seeing a different season elsewhere.


Stop teasing me! Damnit! All I've heard about the new season so far is what's already been accidentally mentioned here. (Buffy and Spike- FINALLY!!!! I've been waiting for this ever since Spike first showed up. I mean, who wouldn't wanna sleep with this guy?)

As for Willow: Definitely not the HPS. She's to unsure of herself and what she knows, whereas Tara is confident, full of wisdom, ahead of her years... But Willow for the Magician could be good, cuz she's very practical, always trying things out, practicing what she knows, etc.... And she's a wizard on the computer. Sorry, bad pun!

How about, for the Lovers, the scene just after Spike has re-met with Dru, and she's managed to get him not to react to the chip put in his head by the army guys. Anyway, the scene is where he's got Buffy captured, and he has to choose between Buffy and Dru. I hope you guys know which scene I'm referring to, cuz I don't know the season or episode it's in!

So, hope this helps!



Amicamel: I hope you will join our Tarot Deck Creation Study group in the study group section of the forums. :)

(We would love some more input!)

Major Tom

I hope all the other contributers to this thread find their way to the tarot deck creation study group too. :) There's lots of good advice in this thread. ;D


Hmmmm, well maybe I'm the only one who thinks Spike works well for "Lust"! How about this- For the Lover's , have Buffy in the middle with Angel on one side and Spike on the other! :D .
I almost think the majors work as they are , simplicity..........almost. But I agree there could be more symbolism. Or more Action. There needs to be a sense of movement , action , or a story on the minors.

Geenius at Wrok

purplelady said:
Hmmmm, well maybe I'm the only one who thinks Spike works well for "Lust"! How about this- For the Lover's , have Buffy in the middle with Angel on one side and Spike on the other!

Oh, I do think Spike is a good choice for Lust . . . I just think it's kinda silly to have a Lust card in there in the first place. Not a Thoth fan, as I said. And I can't think of anyone who's a better choice for the Lovers.

Just saw a rerun of the fifth-season episode in which Drusilla comes back to Sunnydale. The scene in which Spike has both Dru and Buffy chained up and tells Buffy that he'll kill Dru if she can accept his love, but if she can't, he'll unchain Dru and let her kill Buffy . . . now that's what belongs on the Lovers card!


checking in

Not sure why, but I really enjoy reading all the comments on this topic.

Also wondering how the deck is coming?

I was creating a deck --not Buffy-- for a friend for Christmas, but have not finished the deck yet. Maybe this Christmas...teehee.

I didn't realize that that many people had created their own decks.

Checking in,


Zoe Grace

creating my own BTVS Deck

I've seen a lot of btvs decks on the web (not commercially available) if a commercial deck were to come out, I would probably get it, however I would probably be pissed off about many of the choices.

I decided early this morning that I'm going to make my own BTVS deck. for my own personal use. i doubt I would seek publication because A. there are likely many other people seeking publication for a btvs deck and also I wouldn't be comfortable with a publisher editing my choices. I have very specific reasons for the choices I would make concerning the cards.

Also...each card to me...isn't necessarily a character thing as much as a character within a specific scene thing.

There was an online deck with used willow as the devil and no one got that. perhaps if they had her strung out at rack's place they would have gotten it, as the devil card is all about addiction enslavement etc.

i agree with the idea of angel/buffy as the lovers even though I prefer spike and buffy together because the lovers are the dizzy fizzy beginning part of a relationship before it's been tested, it's the naivity of the fool in relationship form. So definitely angel. buffy never had that with spike because angel colored things too much.

Joyce to me would be the empress most definitely, as giles would be the heirophant.

Someone online had jonathan as the fool and I was like WHAT? I would make buffy the fool. but buffy in SEASON ONE. while she's naive and innocent and unaware to a large extent of all the dangers out there...while she's still trying to do cheerleading AND slaying. The fool's journey is also the hero's journey and no one really deserves to be the fool more than buffy (season one)