Divining life instead of living it.


Sometimes the cards tell us "Don't move!!!!" :D

A bit joking. :)


Haizea said:
Sometimes the cards tell us "Don't move!!!!" :D

A bit joking. :)
That's true and fair enough !


I liked this:

Barbaras Ahajusts said:
Oh boo hoo! They are talking about me! :laugh: (Just joking at my expense!) I don't even want to hold my head up cause man oh man have I ever done this! :D
There have been times on the AT that I wouldn't breath without navel gazing! ;)

I can laugh now cause I can look back & whack myself for thinking my navel gatherings were a reality!:laugh: (I just love the term, navel gazing!) I haven't read the entire conversation, so if I stepped on something that came before, I apologize!

A year ago, I had a customer do this very exact thing, I put a stop to her coming to me everytime the wind blew a hair out of place. Not just because I didn't want to read for her, I did. But it was because I saw she was paying me for saying the same thing over & over. So I said "This reading is good for a year!" Yeah, she could afford it, but I felt bad for taking it.

I guess whether it's a reading or asking a close friend over & over for the same advice is no different. As long as they allow their life to jump back in & help them get on with things. In due time, of course. We all have our own speed for having that moment where we say, "Oooooh, now I understand!" ;)

Be it a buddy asking over & over or a setter wanting to ask the same thing over & over, we need to be compassionate about where they are in their walk, is all I can think to say. We are out there wanting someone to give us the RIGHT answer! We just need to get to that "Ooooh" moment."
I'm just glad the people I have seriously bugged for readings were compassionate with me when I went navel gazing & wasn't at my Ooooh moment!:laugh:



Thank you gregory for explaining myself better than me :D

Talking about journals in another thread I was looking at some old stuff and came across this from the period I was talking about:

...I'm also putting away all my decks for at least a week as well[...] I feel that somewhere along the line I got a bit depended on it and my ability to just live my life and get on with it is quite rusty, it has fallen in disuse.

It turned out that I put them away for a lot longer than a week and eventually started getting on with it too. I think this, like many things, is a matter of balance and finding the right one for you.


:p These are some of my favorite quotes from The Tao of Pooh:

" Not like Pooh, the most effortless Bear we've ever seen."
"Just How do you do it, Pooh?"
"Do What?" asked Pooh.
"Become so Effortless."
"I don't do much of anything," he said.
"But all those things of yours get done."
"They just sort of happen," he said.

" It's not surprisng, therefore, that the Backson thinks of progress in terms of fighting and overcoming. One of his little idiosyncrasies, you might say. Of course real progress involves growing and developing, which involves changing inside, but that's something the inflexible Backson is unwilling to do."

"While Eeyore frets ...
... and Piglet hesitates
... and Rabbit calculates
... and Owl pontificates
...Pooh just is.



gregory said:
...with divination you are trying to live a life through a diviner, sort of - which in the end - if you are addicted - leaves you living THEIR view of your life, not your own.
And you say the source doesn't matter! Bah! ;)

elvenstar said:
Knowing and doing are two different things, and knowing that and doing something about it is another thing altogether :p
Such an excellent quote and post, elvenstar. :thumbsup:

gregory said:
And actually - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has "cured" loads of people...
Placebos have cured loads of people too. :D (No quotes around cured. Ever pay attention to the statistics on clinical trials? Placebos often cure more people than the actual drug designed to cure them! And without the side effects! Yet more proof that nothing works for some people.)

Marina said:
So I ask you: do you think that divination/fortune-telling sometimes make people watch and analyze life too much, instead of going out there and living it?
Well, I believe the answer elaborated in this thread is no. It isn't divination that is the problem. The detrimental use of divination is merely an expression (or indication) of a bigger, more personal, and more fundamental issue.


JSNYC said:
And you say the source doesn't matter! Bah! ;)
I did ? If I did, you have misunderstood my meaning !!!!

JSNYC said:
Placebos have cured loads of people too. :D (No quotes around cured. Ever pay attention to the statistics on clinical trials? Placebos often cure more people than the actual drug designed to cure them! And without the side effects! Yet more proof that nothing works for some people.)
Indeed. I only mentioned CBT because MDR seemed to imply that therapy was totally useless and a waste of money and never helped anyone.

JSNYC said:
Well, I believe the answer elaborated in this thread is no. It isn't divination that is the problem. The detrimental use of divination is merely an expression (or indication) of a bigger, more personal, and more fundamental issue.
Absolutely. Dependence on ANYTHING to make your decisions for you is unhealthy. I think Marina was simply suggesting that divination is one area where people do this big time.

And as we aren't professionals - I say that advisedly and I don't mean we don't do a thorough job, but we aren't therapists (although some here would beg to disagree.. that is another thread and there are many !) - we are perhaps not the best people to spot a dangerous kind of dependence, in ourselves or in our sitters.


gregory said:
Indeed. I only mentioned CBT because MDR seemed to imply that therapy was totally useless and a waste of money and never helped anyone.
I don't imply it, i mean it - except in urgent psychiatry - i find it futile, self-indulgent and downright ridiculous.
gregory said:
but we aren't therapists
I am not one and i don't have the slightest intention of being one.
I checked out recently our own Alec Satin's site - he uses term Tarot coach and i must say that's the one i find most appropriate.
I know that some might say here 'i only read cards' - no, you don't. Even reading aloud from a book takes art of diction, pronunciation and what not; in reading Tarot there is much more to it and who doesn't get that - imho shan't be bothered with it - and shan't bothered others with their simplified views.
Truth is simple and wise people say that what can't be explained to a 10y old - is what you don't get yourself... BUT
10y old has one level of perception, 20y old - another, with decades, the view, if we are lucky, gets enriched and more complex (while the truth is still simple ;)).
I happen to enjoy the complex prism through which i view the world; goal-getting, hard-working, just being out there - mind you, plenty of it is inherited from Protestantism which admires hard work; through self-help/abuse books this view gets spread over regions where its not complementary with the original culture...
Add to this confusion that most of the leading psychotherapists were influenced by Jewish thought - and what do you get?
An absolutely unsustainable mixture of endless analyzing, combined with OCD and manic desire to DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, WHATEVER, desperately, just to avoid thinking with your own head and finding the answers for yourself - with or without Tarot.
Yes, it might take time - usually it does. But of course, one can keep running - as long as they find it meaningful... the hare and the tortoise story comes to mind.


moderndayruth said:
I don't imply it, i mean it - except in urgent psychiatry - i find it futile, self-indulgent and downright ridiculous.
Well, don't pull your punches !!!! :D

Sorry - but as one who NEEDED some at one point, I cannot agree ! What counts as urgent ?


gregory said:
What counts as urgent ?

Ooops, i literally translated the term that is used in our language - its "emergency psychiatry" in English, aimed at treating - "attempted suicide, substance abuse, depression, psychosis, violence or other rapid changes in behavior."