Do you have a particular card that represents you?

Scarlet Woodland

I've almost always been the page/princess of swords, occasionally tipping over into the queen; but when I've got a big project or passion going I show up as the page/princess of wands.

Minor wise I'm a total 4 of cups a lot of the time (RWS that is). Can't tell you how many times that has shown up in personal readings over the years... sometimes think there must be ten of them in the deck :D


What you said resonates with me. One goes through peaks and valleys, that can betray our (authentic) better nature. I like to remind myself of where my soul feels "at home." My belief is that I die and am reborn and my soul maintains the same quality of what makes me individual, and gives form to my consciousness. There is life in the spirit, that some people label as "ego." I don't know that I believe in the existence of ego, but it is useful as an imaginary concept only because humility is a virtue. I just think we are, because I hear beautiful noise. I think if you let yourself feel, without being afraid of The Almighty Ego, your sunlight will come through. As mentioned, I don't see anything wrong with the archetypes themselves, although our perceptions, and our expression might be off...and that this leads to false labels and judgement. Sun people are warm and wonderful. One couldn't be anything better :).

I don't like to read or "speak" with the cards anymore because it takes away from my own inner-voice, (and all that that encompasses). But when I did, I wouldn't remove the significator from the deck. It would still be important in revealing the sentience with which I was communicating with. You could ask, 'do you know me?' 'who am I?' 'what are you going to help me with?' and so on. Or even ask the cards directly for your soul card or your personality as it is.

Just another reason soul recognition can be important would be in cases such as possessions. North, South, East and West are just words too.

I really like this name btw. So beautiful.

Wise words. Thank you lightsofblue! I got my username from the Deva Premal song 'Teyata', a beautiful prayer to the Medicine Buddha. I believe the translation is 'like this' :)

So, when you used the significator, you considered it another sentience with which you were speaking? I haven't heard that before. I have never used a significator cards nor my 'identity cards' in a reading, but I keep them in the back of my head. Still got a lot to learn about these 78 cards!


Birth card: Hanged Man/Empress

Golden Dawn: Emperor/Queen of Wands

In readings, the King of Swords tends to pop up as me. An uncomfortable card, surely, as someone who is always trying to make the right decision.