Does anyone have the Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway?


I am just fascinated with the images of the cards I have seen so far in this deck, and I haven't seen a bad or even iffy review on it. The art looks Thoth-like to me.

I'm curious as to whether any of you have it, if you like it as well as you thought you would, and if you were able to read with it easily.

Little Baron

I don't have it but am very interested too. Had trouble finding many pictures of the cards on the web. Have you got any good links to them, anyone?

I am using the Thoth at the moment, so this might be a good deck to use on the side.


Little Baron

I may be wrong, since I havn't seen it in person, but wheras some cards seem so enigmatic, there are others that feel a little bland - one of the courts I saw in another link, for example. If I see it while I am out, I might snap it up, but in comparison to the Thoth, which I am using and which it is compared to, it doesn't seem to have so much depth.



I have this Deck and do not use it for reading. I use it for creative visualisation. For me it is very good, because of two or three points. Firstly the images are otherworldly, somewhat fantastical echoing Thoth paintings and spiritual style and content. Secondly the images are withing an oval, and are suited to placing in my card viewer for mediatation. It is like looking down a telescope or a peephole into another world. Thirdly, the paintings appear to be water colours and the figures while distinct in many cases ,the features do not intrude( as in say, computer generated cards that look like film stars). The minors are scenes and are in RWS type of depiction mostly.
The book that comes with the deck is quite good. Each card is given this treatment- aspects of the card, dialogues with the card, starter interpretation and reversals.
My only criticisms are- the cream border which give the deck a sixties feel, and the hilarious Emperor Card. The Emperor's sight is focussed on a winged phallic amulet galloping like a rabbit across his chest, the penis seems to be looking back in fear and about to crash into the emperors staff. Not whats intended for this image I feel, and laughter prevents me using this one card. The deck has the best four of Rods(batons) that I have seen with a homestead within an hourglass; The fool is peering back down the oval tunnel at you inviting a journey. Hope this is of some help. ~Rosanne


Just a few notes about the Intuitive deck. It was created in 1979 as the Cothic Tarot, but never published. Cothic is a word that was created to be the feminine equivalent of phallic. This is the reason for the oval framing of the scenes. When it was published the name was changed to the Intuitive Tarot. It is based on the RWS, but definitely has a Thoth type energy.


This is very helpful information. Gives me several perspectives on the cards. Thanks.


I have this deck and I love it. In fact I drooled over it before I eventually ordered it, and other than that the card stock being not the very best durable quality, I have nothing but favorable things to say about it.

I did readings with it a few times and find that the images are self-explanatory and easy to interpret. There is also an excellent book that accompanies this deck in case you get stuck for meanings. The price for this set is very reasonable.

The images are supposedly Thothish, but for me they are much more convincing, deeper and very evocative, unlike the Thoth which I consider a bit cold and quite stiff .

The creator of this deck has a website dedicated entirely for this deck. You will also find many more images here.


I've been mulling over this deck for quite some time, and had finally removed it from my wish list. But after reading this post, and following the link to Cilla Conway's interesting website, it's back on the old wish list!

Tarot Garden doesn't seem to carry it ... hmm :( ... so off to Amazon I go.



I just ordered it from'll be wondering what all the traffic is about.

Cilla got me with the 4 of Rods--one of the most beautiful cards I've ever seen.