Doreen Virtue is making a tarot deck...


I regard HER as threatening, myself...

I admit, so do I...especially if you have ever read any of her books.

I have read most of them, and man, do they rub me the wrong way.

All the stuff about souls being faeries, or angels, or mermaids, and how she talks to them all the time. Plus EVERYTHING is a divine sign to this woman. Gack.

Still, sometimes a tarot is still a tarot, even if it's wrapped in fluffy pink down that smells like lemon sunshine. I guess I'm willing to give it a chance.

It MIGHT be useable.


I enjoyed all this DV bashing a lot, I have to admit, now that this thread has popped up again. I dislike cheesy happy-go-lucky decks, even more so when they are oracles, and it is always nice to see my prejudice confirmed. Big loughs tonight.

But I think Debra does have a point:

Even after reading the critical answers to her post. Sure there isn’t really a balance between dark/creepy “DOOM DOOM WE ARE ALL DOMED” (quoting gregory) decks and the DV “all is candy” kind decks. But IMO that is simply because happiness is so much nicer than doom. And even when working with a tarot that balances darkness and light, don’t we all in a way want to lift or minds and souls, move towards the bright side, improve our karma, so to speak? I think we do. And as much as few people will understand how to lift your soul by using, say, the Baphomet (I don’t get it either), few people here obviously understand how to lift your soul by simply ignoring everything that isn’t bright.

Well, yes, tarot actually has a more neutral approach of improving insights, no matter if the results are nice or not. But those who consider themselves free of self-deception may throw the first stone. If our tool (a tarot, a screwdriver, a bottle of whisky) doesn’t deliver what we want to get, we put it aside. I am not so sure that those who prefer a DV oracle to a proper tarot deck are more naïve or more simplistic or something like that. I guess they just want something different.

And yes, DV sells better than most “serious” tarots, and also better than most really dark and creepy stuff. But nothing is bad just because someone makes a lot of money with it. There are many widely appreciated tarot decks being sold by using very clever marketing strategies. Nothing wrong with that.

The one thing I have to agree with (even though I’d rather like to contradict everything that looks too consensual) is the dishonesty of the DV stuff that has been mentioned several times, just because I feel the same way. My attempt to overcome my prejudice has failed for that reason. But I have to admit that I have become somehow curious about her tarot deck.
Yes - the dishonesty gets to me. And yes debra has a point - BUT - what I would say there is that I have yet to meet a goth, dark, bloodsoaked deck that PROMISED to deliver ONLY gloom and doom readings. I would regard one of those with deep suspicion, too (though I'd love to have it :D) Even the Savage only says it responds to the darker side of life; it doesn't say it only gives the ghastly negative messages.

DV says her deck is all positive. THAT is my issue with it as a deck. I have a bundle of decks where all the images are happy and pretty and which deliver the most vicious of verdicts on occasion. This one apparently won't do that - ever. And so there I have to say - it's a liar.

Even if the art work is lovely (which it may be, I realise that.)

Le Fanu

Her myriad non-tarot decks are already on just about every tarot shelf in every bookshop all over the world (and labelled "tarot"). Isn't that enough? Now we have to suffer a tarot tarot deck too.


I've seen it (received a reviewer's copy, you know how it is...) and the Death card is titled "Gentle Caresses with Bunny Ears".

The Tower is "Eternal Feathery Pinkness"

The Devil is "Blissed out Marshmellowness"

It comes with a 5-card spread;

Position 1; why love is flooding into your life
Position 2; why you deserve love flooding into your life
Position 3; how love will flood your near future
Position 4; why it's important for love to flood your distant future
Position 5; in what ways will love ricochet from the near and distant future and fill the present (via your past).

I've found it to be spot on.

Asbestos Mango

Le Fanu, will you marry me?


When I saw this thread title I said to myself, "this is gonna be amusing!'

I remember a thread here about weird ebay ads and the guy selling a rash is more tempting than this deck.


Virtue tarot deck

Perhaps we could look at it this way:

Doreen Virtue's Tarot deck will be '100% trustworthy', so anything that is divined while using this deck will be absolutely accurate.

The deck will only contain loving, positive, happy events.

So if everyone in the world reads to each other from Virtue's (I wonder if that's her real name?) deck, the world will turn into a happy, loving place, free from hunger, greed, corruption, and war.

In other words, full of Virtue. Fingers crossed.



Wahahaha, Le Fanu.


Her myriad non-tarot decks are already on just about every tarot shelf in every bookshop all over the world (and labelled "tarot"). Isn't that enough? Now we have to suffer a tarot tarot deck too.


I've seen it (received a reviewer's copy, you know how it is...) and the Death card is titled "Gentle Caresses with Bunny Ears".

The Tower is "Eternal Feathery Pinkness"

The Devil is "Blissed out Marshmellowness"

It comes with a 5-card spread;

Position 1; why love is flooding into your life
Position 2; why you deserve love flooding into your life
Position 3; how love will flood your near future
Position 4; why it's important for love to flood your distant future
Position 5; in what ways will love ricochet from the near and distant future and fill the present (via your past).

please tell us you are joking - particularly regards the re-titles. This does not sound like a tarot deck. It sounds more like one of her usual oracle decks, but with 78 cards instead of 44. Please... tell me you are joking. It is a joke, right?? If not, then words will have well and truly failed me, probably for the first time in my 47 years on this earth. Oh I am so hoping it is a joke. She could set our reputation back years with the release of this deck :( :(