Doreen Virtue is making a tarot deck...


Le Fanu, can I ask if you are able to post scans of those cards you mentioned?? My poor addled brain wants a context for those titles. It is struggling quite a bit at the moment.

It may be a nice intro for those who want to step from oracle to tarot. A sort of gentle introduction into using 78 cards within a more established structure. But then again, it might give the wrong impression of what tarot really is, if that makes sense?? Some would be a little shocked if they bought a second deck and realised the images were not all fluffiness and light. Be a bit like learning father christmas and the tooth fairy don't actually exist.



Well, actually.... <---These are coming out in February (just after Valentines Day, actually). :)
Already saw them yesterday in a shop... Just when we thought it was safe to back in the proverbial (???) water... at least it wasn't Dolphin Valentines :)

<scrubs eyeballs with bleach>

For some reason this Virtue person totally passed under my radar (that is rather off a lot of the times) Just checked her up a little and omg she got TONS of decks! But I never seen one lol.
How can that be??????? It's almost all you see in way too many shops...

I can't decide if it's comical or disturbing. Either way...
Disturbing... deeply ....

Oh the vileness!

retching along with you...

I'm also looking forward to see how they make a 100% gentle and safe Tower card. :laugh:
Um... yes.... Tower feels ever so gentle... and some of the swords cards rock me to sleep, too! :) Gentle, safe, trustworthy AND accurate!!!!
DVT... :eek:

Asbestos Mango

Well, I did it. I ordered it.

Hey, I needed something to throw in my Amazon cart with my Tao te Ching so I could get the free shipping.

No, really, I'm throwing myself on the grenade. Hell, if nothing else, the deck could be something to use when I'm uber depressed instead of eating a whole box of chocolates (although I may end up wishing I'd opted for the chocolates).

I'll let you know.


Perhaps we could look at it this way:

Doreen Virtue's Tarot deck will be '100% trustworthy', so anything that is divined while using this deck will be absolutely accurate.

The deck will only contain loving, positive, happy events.

So if everyone in the world reads to each other from Virtue's (I wonder if that's her real name?) deck, the world will turn into a happy, loving place, free from hunger, greed, corruption, and war.

In other words, full of Virtue. Fingers crossed.


And ALSO it will mean the death of every other tarot deck from total redundancy, and it will put every current reader out of business. On these grounds alone it has to be stopped...


I usually rant, rave and foam at the mouth at decks like this, and at Virtue herself, but I guess I've mellowed a bit. Her decks don't detract from what's already out there and are meant for a certain kind of consumer. War and Peace isn't less of a masterpiece because of Danielle Steele. In a way, Doreen Virtue doesn't really exist in my world.

Besides, I don`t mean to be the schoolteacher, but this was discussed in the critique thread. The only reason people allow themselves to talk the way this thread has been going is because Virtue is not a member of Aeclectic. Come on people, you're all better than this! :)


I would say much of what I have said to her face over coffee, actually, given the chance. I think she is in some respects a fraud, and that she is in it for the money more than to help people. I also think that she has actually harmed people at times, by giving them false hope, when preparing them for something would have been more helpful. This has come up in a few magazine columns (Look, I read them at the hairdresser's, OK?) People like her angel decks - I don't, but if they like them, fine. But this one says it is a tarot deck. It can be critiqued on tarot grounds.

I would say that ANYONE who claims their deck - any deck and that includes angels - is totally accurate is asking for it, and anyone who claims to have created a tarot deck that is 100% positive is also asking for it, as well as showing that they don't actually understand tarot. On those grounds I think much of this thread is fair enough - and - well, I am NOT better than this, clearly. But everyone here knows that !

I have nothing to say about the artwork (which is what the critique thread was about) as I haven't actually seen it. I don't happen to like the art work in the decks of hers I have seen, but on the whole it is perfectly competent, just not to my taste, and except for saying it was fluffy (which it was) and too pink (which it was) I don't think I have said anything against it at all. My daughter has some pictures in her house I don't like, too. And there is also the small matter of my view of Michelangelo's David. ;) That's life.

(Are there any links to the actual art work, by the way ? I have only seen the box on amazon... The artist's work in general looks quite good on his site. If it is good, I might very well buy the deck anyway.)

I'm not actually making fun/taking the piss where I have posted in this thread. I meant every word, except the bit about Jeremy Kyle, and I would happily discuss it with Ms Virtue in person if I had the chance. I have a LOT of questions I would like to ask her - and not just about this.

Just saying.


I usually rant, rave and foam at the mouth at decks like this, and at Virtue herself, but I guess I've mellowed a bit. Her decks don't detract from what's already out there and are meant for a certain kind of consumer. War and Peace isn't less of a masterpiece because of Danielle Steele. In a way, Doreen Virtue doesn't really exist in my world.

Besides, I don`t mean to be the schoolteacher, but this was discussed in the critique thread. The only reason people allow themselves to talk the way this thread has been going is because Virtue is not a member of Aeclectic. Come on people, you're all better than this! :)

I agree with you on the first point, but not the second. :laugh: I am not as elevated as you and my bratty snobbishness comes out, but you're right, her decks don't detract from tarot at large.

I don't think it's wrong to critique Doreen Virtue so harshly. She doesn't care at all. She's laughing all the way to the bank, y'all. It's mean to bash struggling artists who come to you for honest comments. But this section of the forum isn't about dialog with the artist, it's about exploring our experiences with decks. And my experience with her decks is...barf. ;)


It's available for pre-order on Amazon UK for under a tenner! That alone tempts me! If the artwork was nice I would order it and just ignore the book that comes with it, then I can use my own interpretations that do include the darker parts of life :D

Does anyone know what her PhD is is???? I just noticed it next to her name on Amazon.... :bugeyed:


Does anyone know what her PhD is is???? I just noticed it next to her name on Amazon.... :bugeyed:

There are threads. It may or may not be legit and/or one of those bought ones.
Enough said. :(

I would like a link to the artwork, if there is one....