Dreamtime crystals?


Ok interestingly.......today (no lie) I was thinking.....what if I started a thread...like an experiment....getting to know your crystals. Before Christmas I bought a few different crystals (one of which is lodalite and another iolite) and sadly haven't done much with them. LOL so anyway I was thinking what if I (and others could do this as well) spent a week with each one....carry it with me...talk to it...hold it...sleep with it and record the results. I could even do some sort of reading asking each one what it has to teach/offer me. Kinda like a new deck interview. Just some ideas here. I'm not even sure if that would go in crystals or divination...but it would be interesting.

Last night I looked up iolite and it said it was for the throat and third eye chakra. So I held it close to these chakras and could feel warm. LOL so I held it close to my neck and moved it up and down and the warmth moved with the stone. I put it in my pillow and do remember dreaming last night...I just don't remember what I dreamed.

I would LOVE to have vivid dreams....LOL NOT lucid.....as my dreams are always sadly shades of grey. I thought everyone dreamed that way.

that sounds interesting , kind of like a crystals study group , I'd love if you did it , maybe you should talk to hemera about it, I guess it should be here but maybe in study groups or experimental techniques if you're using the tarot , haha

... and why do you talk to your crystals? what do they say? ._.


maybe you should talk to hemera about it,.
Great idea :D :D
I´ll discuss this with the Senior Moderators but a Crystal Study Group sounds good to me and why not right here. Anyway, I´ll get back to this.


I second the motion


I third it!

I am recently becoming interested in crystals and would LOVE to learn more about them here.


Just curious why you put the bloodstone in water?

I got the idea from one of the Crystal Bibles by Judy Hall. My guess is the water helps the stone disperse further.



that sounds interesting , kind of like a crystals study group , I'd love if you did it , maybe you should talk to hemera about it, I guess it should be here but maybe in study groups or experimental techniques if you're using the tarot , haha

... and why do you talk to your crystals? what do they say? ._.

Hahaha......I don't talk to them. I was just thinking if you carry/wear your crystal and treat it like your best friend for the week why not talk to it? Maybe it will be more willing to work with you : ) Better than talking to the wall : ) LOL


I got the idea from one of the Crystal Bibles by Judy Hall. My guess is the water helps the stone disperse further.


Ok thanks for answering as I was just curious : )


I'd think Crystals would be the right section since it would be possible to investigate not just properties connected with divination, but also with things like dreaming (lucid or otherwise), healing, astral travel, meditation, communication with guides, etc.

But anyway, if you're suggesting a sort of "Crystal Study Group," I could be very interested -- I've been fumbling my way through so far, but I'm very new to crystals, and I find it frustrating that every resource I check seems to have a different take on any given crystal! I mean, there are some things that are generally held, but there's a lot of variance from one opinion to the next, so I think personal experimentation is critical. It might be cool and illuminating and inspiring to post experiences with some like-minded people who are also exploring. I like your idea about extending each trial period to one week, too -- so far, I jumped into buying a bunch of different crystals, and I've been cycling through them one night at a time, with maybe an extra evening session of trying to use them in one way or another, too...but that's not much time, and a full week might be a much smarter way to really get the feel for a given crystal.

If a few people would be interested in pursuing this, I'd be game!

I'm also very new to crystals and like you bought quite a few......all for different reasons but haven't really had a chance to work with any of them. I was thinking give or take a week as that gives time to try various things and to just spend some time with each crystal to really be able to pick up any effects it may have. For example the past 2 days I took my iolite with me to work (in my pocket) and I have to say I've been happier and more relaxed than usual...so is it the crystal? Ahaha maybe it's because I slept with it. LOL


I stopped using the shaman crystals at night but dreamt I need one bright blue and I could see through the stone. sort of a turquoise colour but opaque crystal and one pale pink together. I also at same time saw a heart shaped green one. very strange dream. i will know when I see both of them though