Ever think it's just time to hang it up?


3 years ago I found myself homeless and was staying with a friend who had various people in and out of his house all the time. I was there for maybe 2 months or so and did a lot of readings for the people who came and went.

I did a really extensive reading for a 19 year-old guy who said it was great, blah blah blah. The kid died in a fire the very next day.

Obviously, I was a bit shaken since there was no tragedy to speak of in his cards.

Around that same time, I gave another young guy a reading. I don't remember much about his reading... but I was shocked to learn today that he killed his 8-week-old son a few days ago. This is a person I shared a lunch table with when he was a freshman and I was a senior in high school: http://www.wkyc.com/news/article/263486/45/Mother-speaks-out-after-her-8-week-old-sons-death

I don't know... maybe I wasn't supposed to report bad things to them, but it makes me wonder how helpful all this really is or if I'm just not competent enough to use the cards in a helpful manner.


Wow, those are some stories. I'm sure I have none that even come close to anything like that. However, as to quitting... well, first of all, I can't. It's been practically a part of me since I was 13. Although there are times I don't read for months (maybe even years, it's been a long time, after all) I would be hard put not to know that even if I wasn't reading, I was still a reader, if that makes sense.

As to accuracy and the things you've gone through... well, think of all the good you've done over time. You may not have foreseen those incidents, and you may not foresee many others, but we can't. No one can. As I see it, whether or not I predict the future, if I have given even a single person in all my years hope that this world can be even a little bit better, then it was all worth it. After all, if you hadn't been a reader, think of all those people who would have missed your insights, enjoyment out your readings, expanding their minds... I don't have to tell you Tarot's benefits.

What I tell people who sit for me is that they may or may not get anything out of my reading; I may be right or wrong, but at least they are sitting down for a few minutes talking to a nice person (me) about their lives, and that in itself is immensely beneficial.

This world is a vale of tears, we do what we can in our own very small ways to make it better. Even if we don't succeed, I truly think merely trying is already making it better.


We also can't control what happens. Millions of people die every day, and I wish we could save them all, but we can't.

Let me tell you a story. I once knew someone who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He was in and out of hospitals, treated by a veritable army of therapists, social workers, hospitals and sacks of medication. However, one time, shortly after leaving the hospital because he was told he could provided he was under supervision, he jumped off a building and killed himself. To tell you the truth, I had a dire crisis because of this. I just couldn't accept or understand how a person that had the best medical treatment available could do that. How could all those psychiatrists not foresee what would happen?

To this day, I haven't found the answers to those questions. I'll probably never find the answers, probably because there aren't any. Some people go and do stupid things, and nothing, not therapists or Tarot readers, can stop them.

Do I think the entire psychological profession is a lie? No, I'm sure it does millions of people good. And yet he killed himself. Again, there simply are no answers, and you shouldn't take responsibility for something that was completely out of your control.


Amanda, you cannot hold yourself accountable for the actions of others when you have zero control over them. You did the readings to the best of your ability, neither more nor less. The rest is out of your hands.

You're a fantastic reader. Ask anyone here who's been around the forum for a while - and I know, I've read a lot of your interpretations. :) So please, try not to be so hard on yourself or doubt your skills because of these two tragedies. There is nothing you could have done to prevent them.

Ultimately, people can only be helped if they want to be helped.

I hope you'll keep on journeying with the Tarot. :)


I guess this has been a lesson in that all we can really do is read into a person's potential. We can only get glimpses of what's really out there and only God knows what's truly in store for us. After saying this and while doing a reading, I feel that our Superior is looking down on us with a smile and saying.....If you only knew.

Humbled again.


I'm sorry Amanda :( ((amanda))
you're not responsible for what happened to them. It's just unfortunate events!
I would be so sad if you hang up your tarot cards! (I am not sure if that is the correct term, box them away? :)) but anyway I would miss your posts on here if you did decide to that!

If you are feeling upset about this, why not think of a disclaimer to read or say before a reading? like people with websites have? for example:- I am not a professional, lawyer or doctor, I cannot guarantee the outcome and it does not replace your own free will and decision making. In the UK you legally have to say that a reading is for 'entertainment purposes only' before any professional reading. they class it as fun entertainment rather than getting advice.

Anyway I think you have just been unlucky and thinking about 2 horrible situations. I bet there is people you have really helped with their lives too x


I agree with the others... I too have questioned this, but Amanda, I think your readings are amazing, and you would be depriving so many people of enjoyment if you were to stop.

I think you have to look at the bigger picture... they are only a small part of the whole, and you are not in any way responsible for those incidents, nor should you castigate yourself for being unable to forsee them.


The cards really aren't meant to show everything. For the guy who died in a fire, that is horrible, BUT sometimes accidents or other awful things happen. Sometimes the cards don't show stuff like that, and sometimes they do.

As for the other guy - who knows what happened between the time you read for him then, and where his life ended up. And even if the cards had given him advice about the situation he found himself in with the baby, three years later he probably wouldn't have remembered it anyway.

So, don't give up. the cards can be very helpful, but they are not everything - it also depends on the choices the people you read for make.



{{hugs}} Amanda.. you are an amazing reader. Every time I read your interpretations. I learn something new and you are always trying to help others. You are one of the first person who responded to my thread as a newbie. I will always remember that. :love:

You can not know everything that is going to happen in the future.. there is something that is called free will.. and in the situation you described probably happened in the spur of the moment. There was no way of knowing this was going to happen. The baby probably was inconsolable and the father lost control of himself. It's so tragic but please do not blame yourself for not knowing. The only person to blame in this situation is the father of the baby.

I was reading a story about how a group of professional tarot readers got together to do a reading one day.. later on in the day.. one of the readers was trapped inside of the bank in middle of the bank robbery.. yet no one in the group predicted this or knew this was going to happen. Some things are not meant to be known.. there's also beauty in the mysterious and no one can foretell all tragic events in the future. You can only keep on giving your gift to the world. Grieve... hurt.. let that pain out.. but don't give up tarot because of it.. you have a gift.. and think of all the others you help with your insight.


Exactly as so many others have said. We're not meant to know everything. And what if you had seen these things in the cards? The people sitting for you may not have even believed you if you'd seen these events but at any rate, you couldn't have prevented them happening. Life is a whole lot bigger and more complicated than we mortals have any ability to even imagine. We are not gods ourselves. We're just people who have a little greater than normal ability to "know" things---but we're not allowed to know every single thing about every single person who sits for us. We're not meant to.

Why would you feel that you should have known? Why, out of all the people around those guys, should you have been the one to know all about these incidents looming in their futures? You're just one person in their surroundings and just because you know things and you can see other things with a deck of cards, those are no guarantees that you're going to see or know every single thing to come in their future.

Don't blame yourself and don't blame your cards. Just let it be a lesson in your life to help you see that you're a humble servant who may have been given greater than normal acuity when it comes to things of the spiritual realm but that you don't have any more power than any other human being over the lives of the people who come to you. All that is required of you is that you use your cards with a clear conscience to the best of your ability. The rest is up to a Power much greater than us all and that Power is the one who is going to decide what you see and are given to know.

It's not your fault! :heart: You didn't fail anyone. (((Amanda))) And I came back because I forgot to tell you that I agree that you're a very good reader and you were given the ability because you were meant to have it for the things you will see and be able to influence. You'll do tremendous good in your life with that deck of cards and your abilities.