Getting frustrated

Tarot Fairy

Hi All!

I am trying to read my cards for many years but because it was all going to slow for me I stopped every time. But I really would love to read with te cards and since a couple weeks Im try it again. It's going better than ever but I have the feeling that im getting frustrated again.

In the whole past week i had one reading that makes sence to me. I did a lot of readings for myself but they doesn't makes sence, maybe im just to new or is the problem that i can't be objective in the readings for myself. I read a lot of books and read al the posts from others in the "your readings" section and try to make my opinion about it. I never posted these opinions because I lost self-confidence about my readings. I never have read the cards for someone I don't know for the same reason :-( Another reason to be shy is because my english is not very well (it is slowing becoming better since I'm here ;-))

BUT I just don't wanted to give it up, maybe somebody here has some advice for me?


Are you fairly confident in card meanings yet? Knowing a few standard meanings for each card helps act as a springboard for your own interpretation. When you read, do you lose confidence and start looking through your books for meanings, then try to make what the book says apply to the situation? That can be confusing.

One thing you can try. Keep your spreads small, resist the urge to refer to a book, and then post your reading here for feedback from other people. That helps!


Practice, practice, practice!
Reading came natural too me, but I can definitely see why it would be difficult to for people. It's overwhelming! How do you know what means what? What definitions apply to the situation? How the different Tarot cards relate to each other?

An important step to reading Tarot is finding a deck that you really connect with and listening to your intuition, and also, learning the elements of the cards and how to relate to each other is also really important. Fire doesn't mix with water, so if you get two fires and one water.. well, that water is canceled out. For example Ace of Wands, Two of Cups, Eight of Wands. At first, you'd think it's a fast and passionate beginning to a new relationship. But keep in mind Wands are fire! That poor water is going to evaporate in all that heat, which then goes to the mean of the relationship actually is going to end soon, and end fast.

And really, don't be ashamed of going back to the books and other resources. I did the same thing for a long time until I felt confident that I knew the card meanings. I still do it with reversals and court cards in fact because I have problems with it. But when you use it, listen to your intuition! The Fool can mean being a fool, a new and happy beginning, being childish and playful, or taking a risk. If taking a risk feels like the right meaning, go with that.

But you also have to test yourself and study often. Don't use books as a crutch, use it to learn. Work on memorizing the meanings and take notes, when you do feel comfortable taking a step back from the resources (and you'll know when it's right, I knew I didn't need the books anymore when I looked down and the meanings just jumped out at me).

Also, do ask for other people's opinions on your readings. I've learned TONS from a few members of this community (Alta and Starrystarrynight especially). And do not hold back because you think you might be wrong, don't be ashamed about it! I haven't seen a single scolding for someone having interpreted the cards wrong, but I have seen a lot of patience and kind criticism that's meant to help people learn. An important part of learning is the ability to admit that you're wrong and ask for help.

So, to sum it up:
*Be patient with yourself and keep trying.
*Study! Take notes, memorize, and occasionally test yourself until you feel confident with the meanings.
*Use your intuition! This is divination, after all.
*Don't be afraid to ask help when you need it!
*Practice and don't give up!


Not all people use elemental correspondences. Each reader is different. I never think about things like water cancelling out fire, etc, when I read.

Kusje, just relax and enjoy the process and learn the cards in your own way. If you want to practice, why not put up an offer on the Readings Exchange. I will be a volunteer test subject for you! :)


For me, the breakthrough was achieved when I found a framework which tied it all together - as opposed to having a bunch of unrelated cards with images and keywords ...

This system consists of finding a common theme for every suit and see how the story progresses within the suit. Numerological basics, so you can then combine the number with the general theme of the suit and get an idea what influences this particular card.
You can expand this eventually with astrological or other correspondences.

For the numerology, I recommend Teresa Michelsen's article here:

And I would recommend to have a look at the 21 ways to read a Tarot card study group.


kusje said:
In the whole past week i had one reading that makes sence to me. I did a lot of readings for myself but they doesn't makes sence, maybe im just to new or is the problem that i can't be objective in the readings for myself.

You just said what your problem is - you did too many readings for yourself.
Reading for ourselves is one of the hardest things ever, I don't even know how people suggest beginners to do that!

Don't give up. Find new ways to study the cards that doesn't include reading for yourself every day. Quit the daily readings if you do them. I know everybody parades them as the best learning tool, but in my opinion they are not. They lack objectivity and intention, and they are a great way to make the cards lose their magic for you.

I invite you to participate of the Reading Circles here at the forum. They exist for both baginners and experienced readers alike, and everyone there is nice and understanding. Trust me, English is not my first language too and nobody ever criticized me for that. :)

Meditate with your cards. Start a journal. Discuss all cards you don't understand here, in the Using Tarot Cards. Post your readings. Participate of the Reading Exercises, they are a great way to learn and have fun! There is no way you'll learn the cards and increase your confidence unless you practice, but your practice doesn't have to be limited to yourself.

Don't fret and don't lose your spark. The only way to do it is doing it. Learning something new is always difficult - above all, you must master the art of perseverance.

Good luck! ;)

Tarot Fairy

Thank you for all your answers! After reading all these respons I realized that I trying to learn the tarot far the wrong way. I lost my confidence in my intution and in my cards, and new to rebuild this. I have to have faith in myself and need to learn to work with my intution instead of all these books.

Everytime I began a new tarot journal and pick a daily card. Just perfect, but after a couple days, I was only writing meanings from my books in it and not my feelings or details I saw on the cards.

Anyway, I have a really long road to go! I began with the book from Mary - 21 ways.. but stopt by step 8 about metaphors because I couldn't found the right words in Dutch (my 1st language) and English was really toooo hard hahaha. Maybe I just need to skip this step (I hated to do that, but really want to go further on my adventure rightnow!) so thank you for that advice Aulruna! I also love the link from Teresa Michelsen's, she has got a lot of great articles! (particularly one about beginners confidence!)

Thank you for your idea about working with elements MissJo! I never saw it before, but the funny thing is that it just founded out that's step 14 in the book from Mary! Maybe it's something for me!

Carla: Very sweet of you to offer me to be my first volunteer for a Readings Exchange, and I promiss you that I'll after I found my confidence back!!

Thank you for helping all, it really overwhelming!

Tarot Fairy

Marina said:
You just said what your problem is - you did too many readings for yourself.
Reading for ourselves is one of the hardest things ever, I don't even know how people suggest beginners to do that!

Don't give up. Find new ways to study the cards that doesn't include reading for yourself every day. Quit the daily readings if you do them. I know everybody parades them as the best learning tool, but in my opinion they are not. They lack objectivity and intention, and they are a great way to make the cards lose their magic for you.

Yes maybe you are right! I do them every day (and some other readings for myself) and they really doesn't makes sence for me! maybe i need to step out my comfort zone and just began to read for others here online (no friends around who are curious enough to try it)

Laura Borealis

kusje said:
Everytime I began a new tarot journal and pick a daily card. Just perfect, but after a couple days, I was only writing meanings from my books in it and not my feelings or details I saw on the cards.
I think you put your finger on something here. I have had the same problem with daily draws and tarot journals. I start feeling like I have to write something every day. Unfortunately sometimes the inspiration isn't there. So I turn to looking up meanings instead of letting the card speak to me. But my best journal entries (at least in my opinion) are the ones where I really looked at the card and free-associated from what I saw there.

I think I need to do two things: 1. Give myself permission to write journal entries that aren't so great. (This is hard for a Virgo perfectionist.) And 2. When the inspiration isn't there, just write down what I see on the card. Just make a list. Keep the LWBs tucked away... don't crack open the tarot books... keep fingers out of Google and just write my own impressions.

I don't know if that will help you at all, but maybe it will. And I thank you for helping me by jogging my brain about why tarot journals don't always work out for me.