Horary chart - help needed


The chart: https://picasaweb.google.com/simplyaven/DropBox?authkey=Gv1sRgCL2t3tyrhJLUigE#5666979378566949010

Cast at 23:30 on October 23, at Sofia, Bulgaria (Europe). The question was "Will she meet the guy?" but by meeting she meant any contact, personal that is. They have no relationship now, just eyeing each other from distance. LOL

Now, I know very little, so I don't know if the chart is good to read. I assume she is the Moon as Cancer is rising, is that so? But I don't know which planet would be the contact, would it be Mercury? Or should I look at Mars as the guy? The Moon is moving towards a conjunction wth Saturn, should I take this as "no"? And doest it matter that Venus and Mercury are conjunct in the 5th house in this chart?

Any help will be much appreciated. I can answer questions, if any arise, my friend is available to answer. Thank you!


Hi Ronia,

Congratulations on dipping a toe into horary. I am still learning this myself but find it a rewarding area of study. I use John Frawley's 'The Horary Textbook' for guidance.

For questions of love and marriage, the person asking the question (your friend) will be signified by Lord 1 and the Moon. In this chart they are both the same. :) So I would look at your friend as the moon.

The person being asked about is represented by Lord 7 which in your chart looks like Saturn.

Also, both have a co-significator - Venus for woman and Sun for the Man.

Venus is in the 5th house - signifying pleasure, children and sex. This suggests to me that your friend finds this man very desirable! She wants to have a good time with him. Emotionally, with the moon, she is the 3rd house which relates to siblings, daily routines and neighbours. Does the guy she is interested in live near her or is someone she sees as part of her daily routine?

The Sun and Saturn are both in the 4th house which relates to your home and property and parents in general.

Look for the reception between the Moon and Saturn and Venus and Sun. This will give you an idea of mutual feeling. Also, see if the planets are about to make a good aspect with each other which will suggest that contact will be made.



Can I just ask what house system your chart uses? Usually, in horary you would use Regiomontanus.


Oh, thank you for the help! I didn't mean to try horary at all as I'm totally not aware yet but this girl cast this chart and she asked me for help if I could pitch in, so I'm struggling here to make it somehow. LOL

I believe, as she doesn't know anything about houses, this is Placidus and she says she didn't change any of the settings, so it should be Placidus. Is that bad now?

OK, so if he is Saturn, then the Moon is moving towarda a conjunction with him... Hm, interesting! And he is a Capricorn. LOL How appropriate (I know it doesn't matter, just found it amusing). But meanwhile Moon will change houses, does this change the picture, should she ask again later on?

Now... I don't really see any relation between Sun and Venus, am I wrong? The Sun will eventually catch up with Venus but I'm not sure if the Sun will first conjunct mercury or not.

Yes, she likes the guy very much. No, they don't meet via relatives or work, nor do they live close by. It seems to me the 3rd may be about communication... May be a phone call or e-mail...

I wonder if I should look for an event here - the contact/meeting itself or not? I'm really struggling with this. LOL


Oh, thank you for the help! I didn't mean to try horary at all as I'm totally not aware yet but this girl cast this chart and she asked me for help if I could pitch in, so I'm struggling here to make it somehow. LOL

I believe, as she doesn't know anything about houses, this is Placidus and she says she didn't change any of the settings, so it should be Placidus. Is that bad now?

I've just tried to cast the chart using Regiomontanus and it doesn't seem to change any of the essentials. :)

Looking at the planets' dignity can give you an indication of their current ability to act:

For her:
Venus in 5th house in Scorpio - detriment - house of joy
Moon in 3rd in Virgo - triplicity - house of joy

For him:
Sun in 4th in Scorpio - peregrine (I think - Minderwiz will be able to confirm)
Saturn in 4th house in Libra - exalted - Swiss ephemeris suggests that it is retrograde and moving away from the sun.

Looking at this, suggests to me that she has more of the initiative. If anything will happen, she is more likely to instigate it.


I'll check now these. It looks to me like Moon chasing Saturn. LOL I hope Minderwiz will shed some light too if I should look for an event indication as well...

If Saturn is retrograde (but I don't think he is) the conjunction with the Moon will happen due to mutual movement towards each other. But even if he is not, the Moon is fast. however, I still wonder if the Moon changing signs will matter.

By the way, the girl asked if they will meet/contact personally by the end of this year. So, there is a term.


I'll check now these. It looks to me like Moon chasing Saturn. LOL I hope Minderwiz will shed some light too if I should look for an event indication as well...

If Saturn is retrograde (but I don't think he is)...

You are quite right - I just rechecked and he is not retrograde.

I think in this case, the event would be a mutual reception or aspect between their significators. If there is no mutual reception or favourable aspect then the desired event - their coming together - will not happen within the time frame indicated.

Cor serpentis

I don't know if this is right thread to ask... I am begginer in horary astrology :) do you mind if I answer on some questions sometimes, or comment previous answers?

(sorry for grammatical mistakes, english is not my native language)


Well, with my vey limited knowledge, I see the Moon will conjunct Saturn... in the 4th house. And the Sun should conjunct Venus too but if it will conjunct Mercury first, I don't know... I'm not sure how to check if Mercury will move much forward or not...

And which should I look at - Moon+Saturn or Sun+Venus?

Cor serpentis, welcome. :) I'm a newbie too, as you see. But if you have a particular chart to discuss, you can make a special thread for it only. :)

Cor serpentis

It is not necessery :) I will answer on this thread with you :)

In this chart, significators (Moon and Saturn) are in signs which are not in aspect. There isn't collection or translation of light. Moon is in sextile with Venus, that can bring relationship sometimes, but Venus is in her detriment, so she can't bring stable relationship. An application from the Sun or Moon to Venus indicates relationship only when both significators are well placed and in good dignity.
Moon is changing sign, it is some kind of prohibition. First Moon's aspect after that is not conjuction with Saturn, but sextile with Mars - it is frustration... I think that your friend will find another boyfriend.
When Moon finally comes into conjuction with Saturn (but there is lot of prohibition of that aspect, we can't look at it as application) it will be on Via combusta or Combust way. It is considered to be a debilitating area, especially to the Moon. If they ever start any relationship, it will be very stressfull for your friend.