Horary Readings Round 7 - Answers


Hi Minderwiz

Yes, this makes sense, as one of (my applications) the companies started putting applications on hold, due to transitions and stocks and all that. It's good to see things are in the upswing again.
Yes, there are quite a bit of difficulties connected to my domestic area.......

......I also think things are still developing and changing. Again, the saturn(third person) makes sense. There is a person who is a reference, who has pretty good standing within one of the companies. Not sure if this the same saturn person(the one getting in the way). Hope they are referring to 2 different people?

Will keep you updated.
Thanks again :)

I think it depends on whether the two people you refer to, are different. My feeling is that it must be the same person but given the more positive later part of my analysis, I think 'getting in the way' is a bad choice. It's more likely to be a more careful and considered view, that is most likely, though not guaranteed to be favourable in terms of you and the post. He/she is not likely to deliberately block you but might inadvertently put a spanner in the works so to speak. Saturn is in the sixth place and in Sagittarius as well as being Retrograde - so might not produce the effect that he/she desires.


Reading for Ethereal

1. what is in store for me regarding my recent reunion with a long-lost cousin?
(basically, how will things play out. will we continue a future relationship? Does it look like family (her and I and other cousins through her I am related to) will reunite and stay reunited long term? ..things like that. overall picture

2. What should I know in regards to upcoming health issues for me? (6 months)

thank u!

I'll reverse the order, as your health has been under a strain recently, so it's that that I will start with. It could be a factor that conditions the answer to the first question. I also know that you have some health issues that we have mentioned before. I'm reading this on the assumption that health issues you are aware of are being properly monitored.

The chart I cast has Scorpio rising, making Mars your significator. Mars is in the Seventh House, so it is angular and therefore you are capable of acting independently and quickly. Whatever health issues there are will not be incapacitating.

Having said that, Mars is in Taurus, its Detriment. The conditions that you are faced with have sapped your health and overall energy. Venus, Mars' ruler, is the benefic of Sect, so Mars will get some support. Natural Mars conditions would include accidents, especially cuts, fevers, and over-action. Natural Scorpio ailments would relate to the genital area. From what you have been through, I'd take over action as probably the issue that should raise a little concern. Too much action can drain you. But if thre are any signs of other issues mentioned then get them checked.

Other significators of general health are the Moon and the Lot of Fortune. The Moon is placed in Capricorn in the Third House. The house is cadent but it is also the Joy of the Moon. So no immediate indication of ill health but as Capricorn is the Moon's Detriment, we are back to the same issue as for Mars. You are weaker than you should be. Being a cadent house does suggest a loss of ability to act decisively or quickly. So this is not as good an indicator as for Mars. The two planets, Mars and Moon are in an applying trine, so again I don't take this as an indicator of serious problems.

The Lot of fortune is in the Fourth House, both angular and aspecting the Ascendant. This is a strong placement but it's ruler is Saturn, the more dangerous of the planets in this chart. Saturn is in the second, where it is inconjunct Ascendant, Mars and Moon. I think the warning here is don't ignore your health at the moment. Taking it for granted is the worst thing that you can do. There may be no immediate danger or obvious issues but if you carry on living under stress and with a high activity levels, something will give.

Lastly, Mars also rules the sixth house of illness. My comment above implied that if you don't watch out your own actions will make you ill. The sixth contains the Sun in exaltation. From a health point of view, the Sun signifies your heart. It might be in essentially good condition but it's not getting the treatment it needs.

Overall there are niggling issues on top of your general health issues. Taken individually none of them point to anything major. but combined together and ignored in order to achieve other goals and there may be problems that show up. Taking time to keep in reasonable trim and in good condition is what is needed.

I'll look at cousins next. Can I just check that they are first cousins. If they are second or further removed then I'll have to check which house to use.


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this is exactly where I am , minderwiz. DRAINED from all of the legal issues I am under now, and my energy is zapped. also, you mentioned the heart , and being careful about it. so true. alot of heart disease in my family, especially on my father's side. (he had heart disease). I have notice skipped beats quite frequently; it has happened before , but now more so. I am doing all I can to take ALOT of vitamins, and try and get adequate rest. but, I know its not something to be played with. and, the exercise thing and diet I have been trying to follow as best I can. having lost some weight, but I want to lose more. and, eat healthy.

I do feel the weakness you mentioned, and YES, I have lost the ability to a degree to act quickly. not as quick as I used to be. no matter how hard I push myself. when I do push, overextend, I am not recovering as fast as I used to. I get WAY more exhausted than I should become. need for MUCH more sleep.

when you mentioned my heart not getting the treatment that I need, did you mean that not enough rest, or their maybe an underlying issue with the heart itself needs looking into? basically, from what I got from the reading is that my overall health is good, but the stress level if kept up , could indicate issues surrounding my heart. I am weaker than I should be
because of the stress levels, and currently not taking as good care of myself as I should.
diet, exercise (I am trying, but as you mentioned, "the goals" I have are definitely putting a back seat to diet, exercise where I should be more focused on. as a preventative method to ward off any heart issue that could come of the stress levels. the female issues are there. you mentioned this before in another thread. I was worried about cancer; as my grandmother died from female related cancer.

thanks so much! the read made more than alot of sense! so, grateful! so, am I interpreting what you wrote correctly? please let me know.

my cousin, ( I sent you a PM) who I asked about is a 2nd cousin of mine.
her grandmother and my grandfather were brother and sister.
please let me know of ANYTHING you hone in on in regards to her. she popped into my life out of the blue, recently. a complete SHOCK. whatever you can hone in on I would so appreciate! thanks, and looking forward to the reading!


Thanks for the feedback!!

Arrhythmia is quite common at times of great stress but if it continues for any length of time you should go and see your doctor. Anyone who has a history of heart disease in their family should always report it. I don't see anything major at all as a threat to your health. However I do see minor things which if left untreated have the potential to develop into more significant problems beyond the time period that you have set, though I would think years rather than months.

A general health at regular intervals is a good idea. I don't mean every month but perhaps once a year or so. If you haven't had one recently then I'd say get a check up in the next six months. That's nothing to worry about, it's a peace of mind exercise, at a time when peace of mind is the last thing you have had. Knowing that your health is being checked and all is well will remove some of the stress. It might also lead to advice on how to manage such periods of stress.

Don't worry about this but do get that check up. :)


you are so welcome! thank you for a great read!


Reading for thrasheddoll.

I have feelings for an older Cancer male (Scorpio moon, Leo ascendant), I'm a Taurus female (Taurus moon, Leo ascendant), and even though I am not sure if he is the one for me I am curious whether anything will develop. Sometimes he can be very cold and guarded and other times he's in a great mood and talkative and supportive. At first he said no sex, we're just friends, but then a week later he was like ok let's have sex next month but no romance. Tbh I'm not sure that I even want to have sex with him if he doesn't want to develop some kind of a romantic relationship. I think that he's the kind of guy that doesn't want to make a move unless he's made up his mind completely about the direction of the relationship. I've had a thing for him for over 2 years and now that he's single it's my opportunity to see if there's hope. He often goes through bouts of depression also so he secludes himself which also makes it difficult to communicate.. sometimes he'll just ignore me. And communication can be challenging. Do I just need to be patient?

The chart I have has Cancer rising. So you are signified by the Moon. In this chart the Moon is in Aquarius and in the eighth house. The eighth is an 'idle' house - a place where it is difficult to get things done and to take action. The Moon is also peregrine, that is it has no essential dignity of it's own, usually a sign that you need help or guidance in responding to your issue. In this case, the Moon is in the sign and triplicity of Saturn, so Saturn would signify the most likely helper or guide. But Saturn also rules the seventh house, through Capricorn. Saturn is his significator and therefore he is the immediate source of help and guidance. It's the 'guidance' that he's suggesting that is the basis of your problem.

The chart shows that you are strongly attracted to him, being in both Saturn's Triplicity and Sign indicates that. A question to be answered is whether he feels the same. Before I go on to look at that there's a further point to make about the Moon.

The Moon is in a partile square with Mars. This is a day chart and therefore Mars is likely to be the main source of difficulty or challenge. In this chart Mars rules the tenth (career and social action) and the fifth (children, romance and fun). The latter seems to be the appropriate source of difficulty and you have correctly identified the possibility that he's looking for short term pleasure rather than long term relationship. So if there are no indicators of him seeking a long term relationship, then I think you have correctly identified the situation.

Saturn, has as one of it's significations, 'an older man', so this fits your description perfectly. Saturn's personality includes being inward looking, keeping themselves to themselves, building defences and only letting others in on their terms.

Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius and the sixth house. Saturn is not in any dignity of the Moon at all. That suggests that your feelings are not reciprocated to anything like the same extent. Indeed there aren't any discernible feelings that would suggest a long term relationship.

The next question is whether there's any aspect forming between Moon and Saturn, which would indicate you two coming together. With Saturn in Sagittarius and Moon in Aquarius there is an aspect, a sextile but it's not forming it is separating. Indeed with Saturn being retrograde both planets are mutually moving away from each other. Again this doesn't signify a forthcoming romance but is more likely to signify past attraction.

There are other ways in which a coming together is indicated. In marriage and long term relationships We could also check the co-significators, the Sun for the Man and Venus for the woman. There is no aspect between Sun and Venus. The Moon (you) will form an aspect to his significator the Sun, but it will not be for some time and before then the Moon will have made other aspects. Those other aspects by themselves indicate that the relationship will not happen. Saturn is however in an mutually applying opposition to Venus, the only indicator of a forthcoming link between the two of you. As it's an opposition, either it will produce no outcome at all, or worse still an outcome that seems to give you what you want but then leads to a situation that you don't want at all.

There is one final way of testing for the relationship perfecting. This makes use of antiscia or points equidistant from the 0 Cancer- 0 Capricorn axis. If his significator lies the same distance away but on the opposite side of the axis that can indicate a forthcoming perfection of the relationship, if that point is the next aspect of one of the significators. In the case of the Moon, that point lies in Scorpio. Some distance from Saturn and not one that Saturn will aspect before it aspects Venus.

In the case of Saturn, that point lies in Aquarius and will be a point that the Moon will aspect but not before it has aspected Jupiter and the Sun. So again the prospect of a relationship is not shown.

There's no indication in the chart of a long term relationship, despite your undoubted attraction to him. What there is tends to be an indication that he is trying to guide you into a sexual relationship (which is what you have said he's doing) and that that relationship is likely to be a short term romance. If that is OK, then you are entitled to enjoy it but if what you want is a long term relationship that doesn't seem to be on offer.

One last point which might mean nothing at all in this context. Looking at the chart from his point of view (that is putting Capricorn on the Ascendant) the Moon is in his second house - the house of possessions and moveable property - is he 'trophy hunting'?


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The chart I have has Cancer rising. So you are signified by the Moon. In this chart the Moon is in Aquarius and in the eighth house. The eighth is an 'idle' house - a place where it is difficult to get things done and to take action. The Moon is also peregrine, that is it has no essential dignity of it's own, usually a sign that you need help or guidance in responding to your issue. In this case, the Moon is in the sign and triplicity of Saturn, so Saturn would signify the most likely helper or guide. But Saturn also rules the seventh house, through Capricorn. Saturn is his significator and therefore he is the immediate source of help and guidance. It's the 'guidance' that he's suggesting that is the basis of your problem.

The chart shows that you are strongly attracted to him, being in both Saturn's Triplicity and Sign indicates that. A question to be answered is whether he feels the same. Before I go on to look at that there's a further point to make about the Moon.

The Moon is in a partile square with Mars. This is a day chart and therefore Mars is likely to be the main source of difficulty or challenge. In this chart Mars rules the tenth (career and social action) and the fifth (children, romance and fun). The latter seems to be the appropriate source of difficulty and you have correctly identified the possibility that he's looking for short term pleasure rather than long term relationship. So if there are no indicators of him seeking a long term relationship, then I think you have correctly identified the situation.

Saturn, has as one of it's significations, 'an older man', so this fits your description perfectly. Saturn's personality includes being inward looking, keeping themselves to themselves, building defences and only letting others in on their terms.

Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius and the sixth house. Saturn is not in any dignity of the Moon at all. That suggests that your feelings are not reciprocated to anything like the same extent. Indeed there aren't any discernible feelings that would suggest a long term relationship.

The next question is whether there's any aspect forming between Moon and Saturn, which would indicate you two coming together. With Saturn in Sagittarius and Moon in Aquarius there is an aspect, a sextile but it's not forming it is separating. Indeed with Saturn being retrograde both planets are mutually moving away from each other. Again this doesn't signify a forthcoming romance but is more likely to signify past attraction.

There are other ways in which a coming together is indicated. In marriage and long term relationships We could also check the co-significators, the Sun for the Man and Venus for the woman. There is no aspect between Sun and Venus. The Moon (you) will form an aspect to his significator the Sun, but it will not be for some time and before then the Moon will have made other aspects. Those other aspects by themselves indicate that the relationship will not happen. Saturn is however in an mutually applying opposition to Venus, the only indicator of a forthcoming link between the two of you. As it's an opposition, either it will produce no outcome at all, or worse still an outcome that seems to give you what you want but then leads to a situation that you don't want at all.

There is one final way of testing for the relationship perfecting. This makes use of antiscia or points equidistant from the 0 Cancer- 0 Capricorn axis. If his significator lies the same distance away but on the opposite side of the axis that can indicate a forthcoming perfection of the relationship, if that point is the next aspect of one of the significators. In the case of the Moon, that point lies in Scorpio. Some distance from Saturn and not one that Saturn will aspect before it aspects Venus.

In the case of Saturn, that point lies in Aquarius and will be a point that the Moon will aspect but not before it has aspected Jupiter and the Sun. So again the prospect of a relationship is not shown.

There's no indication in the chart of a long term relationship, despite your undoubted attraction to him. What there is tends to be an indication that he is trying to guide you into a sexual relationship (which is what you have said he's doing) and that that relationship is likely to be a short term romance. If that is OK, then you are entitled to enjoy it but if what you want is a long term relationship that doesn't seem to be on offer.

One last point which might mean nothing at all in this context. Looking at the chart from his point of view (that is putting Capricorn on the Ascendant) the Moon is in his second house - the house of possessions and moveable property - is he 'trophy hunting'?

Oh man that's rough to hear, but it's strange that I keep getting the lovers card in the future for us


Oh man that's rough to hear, but it's strange that I keep getting the lovers card in the future for us

And how did you analyze the planets I don't understand where you got this information from?


And how did you analyze the planets I don't understand where you got this information from?

The process is known as Horary Astrology. It is intended to be used for answering questions, in a similar way to Tarot, though it predates Tarot by four or five hundred years.

You are known as the querent - the person who asks the question (your post in the thread). As the Astrologer, I cast a chart, when I'm certain that I understand your question. That chart is attached to my Answer to the question.

In the chart, you are invariably given the Ascendant, because you asked the question and it's relevant to you personally. In this case the Ascendant was in Cancer. One of the planets acts as a significator for you. This is again invariably the ruler of the Ascendant - in this case that is the Moon, which rules Cancer. There are cases where a different planet is chose but they are rare, and it is usually done if there are problems using the Ascendant ruler.

Your question has a subject. In this case it's the relationship with the older guy and where it's going. The relationship, or to be more precise, him, is known as the questited. The thing or person asked about. The quesited also has a significator. That significator is invariably the ruler of the house which is concerned with the affairs of the quesited. In this case the 'affairs' are a relationship, or more specifically a long term relationship. In Astrology that would be a Seventh House matter, the seventh being the house concerned with partner/spouse/other specific individuals and your relationship to them.

Blood or family relationships are dealt with through other houses - for example your father is fourth house, your mother tenth house and your siblings third house. Your children (if any) would be fifth house.

The seventh house is the house directly opposite the first. So with the Ascendant in Cancer, the cusp of the seventh (known as the Descendant) is in Capricorn. That allows me to identify a significator for him, Saturn the ruler of Capricorn.

The rest is derived from:

The essential dignities of the two significators That is their zodiacal placement by Sign, or part of a sign, and which Triplcity they are in - Fire, Air, Earth, Water.

The placement of the significators in the chart, by house

Any aspects forming between the significators, or other relationships between them that will indicate that the relationship will happen or that it won't happen.

In this case, your significator, the Moon. is in two of the dignities of Saturn, it's sign (Aquarius) and it's triplicity (Air). Interpretation - you really like this guy.

But his significator, Saturn, is in none of the dignities of the Moon. Interpretation - he doesn't have the same feelings for you.

Your significator is in the eighth house - an 'idle' house, there's not much you can do to influence the situation - he is likely to take the lead.

His significator is in the sixth house - also an idle house. He's not going to be very active in getting something going.

There's no aspect forming between Saturn and the Moon. Indeed one had formed and is now separating. You are now beginning to drift apart from him, though it's early days. Conclusion - A long term relationship is unlikely at the moment.

There are indicators that he is more interested in a short term 'fling' - the very close aspect between Moon and Mars, which rules the fifth house. That covers fun, children and casual sex or short term romances.

Why do you keep getting the Lovers? One of its original meanings is choice. You have to chose between two alternatives. From the chart I'd say your choice is having a short term fling with him, with no promise it will lead anywhere or seeing if the situation changes at some point in the future.

There's nothing wrong with choosing the short term fling. You might well enjoy it. However you need to know that the choice may very well not lead to a long term relationship and indeed there's a piece of small evidence that suggests he's in it for his own personal gain. As long as you realise that no long term relationship is promised, you are free to choose the short term romance. If you go into this with your eyes open, you might gain something positive but if you will only be content with a long term relationship, then you go into a short term fling with the probability of a broken heart at the end of it.

Whichever you decide, the choice is yours and yours alone.


The process is known as Horary Astrology. It is intended to be used for answering questions, in a similar way to Tarot, though it predates Tarot by four or five hundred years.

You are known as the querent - the person who asks the question (your post in the thread). As the Astrologer, I cast a chart, when I'm certain that I understand your question. That chart is attached to my Answer to the question.

In the chart, you are invariably given the Ascendant, because you asked the question and it's relevant to you personally. In this case the Ascendant was in Cancer. One of the planets acts as a significator for you. This is again invariably the ruler of the Ascendant - in this case that is the Moon, which rules Cancer. There are cases where a different planet is chose but they are rare, and it is usually done if there are problems using the Ascendant ruler.

Your question has a subject. In this case it's the relationship with the older guy and where it's going. The relationship, or to be more precise, him, is known as the questited. The thing or person asked about. The quesited also has a significator. That significator is invariably the ruler of the house which is concerned with the affairs of the quesited. In this case the 'affairs' are a relationship, or more specifically a long term relationship. In Astrology that would be a Seventh House matter, the seventh being the house concerned with partner/spouse/other specific individuals and your relationship to them.

Blood or family relationships are dealt with through other houses - for example your father is fourth house, your mother tenth house and your siblings third house. Your children (if any) would be fifth house.

The seventh house is the house directly opposite the first. So with the Ascendant in Cancer, the cusp of the seventh (known as the Descendant) is in Capricorn. That allows me to identify a significator for him, Saturn the ruler of Capricorn.

The rest is derived from:

The essential dignities of the two significators That is their zodiacal placement by Sign, or part of a sign, and which Triplcity they are in - Fire, Air, Earth, Water.

The placement of the significators in the chart, by house

Any aspects forming between the significators, or other relationships between them that will indicate that the relationship will happen or that it won't happen.

In this case, your significator, the Moon. is in two of the dignities of Saturn, it's sign (Aquarius) and it's triplicity (Air). Interpretation - you really like this guy.

But his significator, Saturn, is in none of the dignities of the Moon. Interpretation - he doesn't have the same feelings for you.

Your significator is in the eighth house - an 'idle' house, there's not much you can do to influence the situation - he is likely to take the lead.

His significator is in the sixth house - also an idle house. He's not going to be very active in getting something going.

There's no aspect forming between Saturn and the Moon. Indeed one had formed and is now separating. You are now beginning to drift apart from him, though it's early days. Conclusion - A long term relationship is unlikely at the moment.

There are indicators that he is more interested in a short term 'fling' - the very close aspect between Moon and Mars, which rules the fifth house. That covers fun, children and casual sex or short term romances.

Why do you keep getting the Lovers? One of its original meanings is choice. You have to chose between two alternatives. From the chart I'd say your choice is having a short term fling with him, with no promise it will lead anywhere or seeing if the situation changes at some point in the future.

There's nothing wrong with choosing the short term fling. You might well enjoy it. However you need to know that the choice may very well not lead to a long term relationship and indeed there's a piece of small evidence that suggests he's in it for his own personal gain. As long as you realise that no long term relationship is promised, you are free to choose the short term romance. If you go into this with your eyes open, you might gain something positive but if you will only be content with a long term relationship, then you go into a short term fling with the probability of a broken heart at the end of it.

Whichever you decide, the choice is yours and yours alone.

Ok I understand now, that's very interesting, and yes I think that I may be drifting away from him now cause I don't think he can give me what I want