In the closet?


Doesn't the US consider itself progressive?


That depends a lot on where in the US you are. Here on the West Coast very few people would get bent out of shape about it. There are a lot of places here where you'd get labeled a devil worshiper and everything that so many of us are afraid of.

Although I have to say that in my experience, even the conservative areas tend to have a lot more open-minded people than the stereotypes allow for. Most people everywhere, if they get to know you personally and realize that you're not a terrible person who eats babies for breakfast, will try to understand and accept this part of you. As long as they aren't too firmly convinced of the stereotypes about the evils of Tarot, anyway.

As for me, I'm in the "don't broadcast it but don't hide it" camp. I worry a lot more about the rationalists than the bible-thumpers, who aren't going to like me anyway. My good friends and some family members know I read, and that's that. It's just not that big a deal to anyone, myself included.


Same here, I neither hide nor advertise that I read tarot, what decks I have, what I believe, how I follow my spiritual path or what kind of underwear I prefer. Its not really anyone else's business unless we both find common ground and it naturally falls into conversation.

Those I know well, work with or family, they know but otherwise I don't go around with an "I read TAROT' T-shirt on every day.

Its not a big issue with me either way, I feel confident that if anyone found fault with my love of tarot, they would have a very hard time finding a convincing argument and would, no doubt, walk away with more to think about than when they initiated the sermon! Likewise, if anyone I fall into conversation with, is leaning towards touching on tarot or anything else esoteric, I will gladly initiate some polite discourse and see where it goes.

There is nothing worse than someone imposing their beliefs or restrictions on someone else, nothing surer to make people dig their heels in so for me, its the softly and easy route with the confidence that I don't require anyone else's sanction, nor do I fear their disapproval or condemnation either.


nisaba said:
I wasn't talking about hiding anything. I was asking why we think we have to totally disclose our beliefs and activities, when we might not even know of quite long-term friends what religion they are, and if they are strong in it or not? Have you checked that everyone you've ever known that you've seen driving, actually holds a current driver's licence? I mean, is it okay for others not to disclose things because it simply doesn't come up, but if Tarot simply doesn't come up it's somehow different and you're suddenly "concealing" it, and being "in the closet?"

Sorry, I don't buy that.
i know my friends religions, i know if they drive, and lots of other things, they are friends and i am fairly open. If your not as open, then yes i can understand not telling people, but its a big part of my life so i tell people i care about.

if you chose not to tell people thats your right, thats a personal decision.

I chose to tell people, usually it comes up once they know am studying trance mediumship (which usually come up in conversation when your talking about hobbies). they wouldnt be a friend if they didnt ask what i was up to, and vice versa.
i dont force stuff about my down other peoples throats, when you sit in an office for 8.5 hours a day you tend to talk about things and ultimately know alot about someone. I know about my boss love of cycling, and my colleagues love life, and yes the programs we watch etc.

i spend alot of time with friends, and yes it comes up because i do alot of spiritual work and its important to friends listen to me, very much as i listen to them about their hobbies, or their children, or their marriage, or thair pets.

I dont tell random strangers, or aquaintences unless they ask specifically


I'd say that I'm pretty far in the closet--but I'm not interested in reading for friends at this stage or anyone but myself and perhaps other people who know how to read (I want them to have some understanding of Tarot).

As for people in my life, I know that a few would think it was cool, a number would be skeptical, some of my (fellow) Christian friends might be a little disturbed because of their cultural upbringing even if they didn't have a problem with it, and some of my Christian acquaintance would be very upset and worried abut me. Including my parents in parents-in-law.

They're generally fantastic, but my MIL has had bad experiences with spirits (her father is a shaman) and my mom has read a number of those anti-magic pamphlets and whatnot. FIL & Dad....probably would disapprove but not as strongly. They all love me despite my having very different opinions on some matters, but I wouldn't want to raise a topic which would just make more tension.

Anyway, I have no particular motivation to tell them because it's more of a meditative exercise for me, or a personal exercise, and I don't share my journals or anything like that with them either.

As someone else said, it's a matter of whether one needs to disclose at all. I put my decks & books in my room before they visit, but it has no other effect on my practical life, so I don't consider it a burdensome closet.

Scorpio Kitten

Pretty much everyone but my family knows I read tarot. My family is very fundamentalist Christian. I grew up in a Baptist home and remember seeing tarot decks and runes at a yard sale once and my mom telling me to stay away from them because they were used to communicate with the devil. So, yeah...

Now that my mom's moved in with my husband and me it's a little annoying because I always have to make sure my cards are put away before she gets home - it's like high school all over again! Lol! I don't necessarily know that she would say anything but it would open up a whole can of worms in regards to my religious preferences so I would just rather avoid that.


I think I have been pretty lucky about not having to hide my tarot from most people. My best friend, at age 12, introduced me to it. My parents gifted me my first deck a few months later, so they and my sister have known all along. We belonged to a family camping club and my parent's friends were my first clients. My friends at home and college all knew I read tarot, and many of them became clients. I wanted my husband to know this side of me, because keeping secrets is never good! While he isn't a believer, he is very supportive of my interests no matter what they are. People I worked with also knew I read tarot. I never pushed it on others, nor did I brag or boast about it or feel the need to announce it, but those who were interested would ask questions and I have always felt comfortable talking about it. I just let them decide on when it is time to change the subject, remembering that they are intrigued, but not necessarily "into it" like I am. Many of my neighbours know and are also clients, though some have recently moved away and I have not met a lot of the new folk. Everyone seems to be keeping to themselves, these days. Maybe in the fall. The only people I wonder about are my in-laws, because my husband seems to think they would not be thrilled. Oddly, though, the topic came up once, and when my husband found out they were all chatting it up about ley lines, labyrinths and other such subjects, I was able to let my guard down. I just want people to accept me for who I am, so being secretive about it means I am not being honest with them, nor with myself, and that isn't a good thing! I also think I live in an area that is very open to such things, being so close to Salem and having several New Age stores around the area. In fact, most people I know that go for professional readings are Catholic.