In urgent need of comforting words from fellow addicts

Falcons + Pentacles

Following your excitement

Hey DD!

I totally know how you feel. We've all been there. If you love the deck, keep it and enjoy it! It's all just money. Money comes and goes. There's tons of money going around. It'll be easy to make it back.

Whenever I've found myself in a situation like this, I just focus on staying in alignment about it. If you work yourself into a tizzy over spilt milk, you'll likely only experience the negative effects of it. If you refrain from judging your purchase as the "wrong thing," you might see some unexpected abundance flow into your experience that will more than make up for it. I like to make a gratitude list whenever I feel this way, to acknowledge all the plentiful resources I have access to. There's always more than you think!

Enjoy your new awesome deck!!

Ruby Jewel

I've just spent a stupid amount of money (£167) on a deck.

I know I know.

My stomach is in knots and I don't know whether to slap myself or send myself in a corner for an 1hr!

I never EVER spend that sort of money on myself. NEVER! And to do it on 1 item????
WTF is happening to me??

I bought the Millennium Tarot( the 4 Worlds ?).

I've got to do some food/essentials shopping now which will cost about that much!

Oh The Guilt!

Please someone help me cope with the guilt :(

If I can do it, and live with it, and when all is said and done, be content with it......then so can you....just get over it, pay the price (after all, it is just money.....yuk) you will love your deck next week, and if you don't, guess what: In a few years you can sell it for triple the price you paid......hehe...on Ebay. People may tell you that is a delusion, but I have been watching the decks on Ebay for awhile now, and the vintage decks are becoming more valuable every year. Try buying a University Press Rider Waite and you will see what I mean.


I've just spent a stupid amount of money (£167) on a deck.

I know I know.

My stomach is in knots and I don't know whether to slap myself or send myself in a corner for an 1hr!

I never EVER spend that sort of money on myself. NEVER! And to do it on 1 item????
WTF is happening to me??

I bought the Millennium Tarot( the 4 Worlds ?).

I've got to do some food/essentials shopping now which will cost about that much!

Oh The Guilt!

Please someone help me cope with the guilt :(

I have bought 1 or 2 decks in my life that were very expensive, first edition limited decks.

I never felt guilt so maybe if I tell you how I see it might help. I hope.

The way I see it there is nothing wrong with spending a lot of money on yourself IF a) the amount of enjoyment you will likely get out if it is equal to or greater that the monetary value AND b) you don't have to literally go without food completely and starve to pay for it.

Not that I spend a lot of money on myself every day either as I can't afford it. But once in a while it is ok with no guilt. I see it this way. Value is determined by the usefulness of something. Something that you can't use is worth nothing to you and that is what you should be paying for something that has zero use to you.

The more something means to you, the more enjoyment you get from it and pleasure, the more it is worth. IF it would be a true deep and lasting source of enjoyment to you, then it is worth a lot of money.

When it comes to your food shopping being the equivalent in price to the deck, which lasts longer? The food will be gone forever in a week. The deck can give you pleasure for literally decades to come. Something that can do that is worth a lot.

Again IF you don't have to give up the food to buy the deck.

Just my thought, but maybe the question is why you don't feel it's appropriate to spend a lot of money on yourself once in a while on something that would give you true pleasure. I believe you are worth it.

But if you can't let the guilt go, then it may not have been worth it. The value of the gift you gave yourself is in the sheer pleasure it can bring you. If you hold only the guilt the pleasure is diminished greatly.

Not saying we should buy ourselves expensive presents every day. Few of us can afford that. But why not once in a while give ourselves that gift. We're worth it after all.

One more thing is coming to mind. Something I try to do when I feel worried. Ask yourself if all this will matter 20 years from now. Will it really be a huge deal then that you spent X amount of dollars on that date. If it wouldn't make a real difference to your life 20 years from now, then it's not worth worrying about now..That technique is about trying to see the big picture.



Wholeheartedly in agreement with Babs. 👌

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Luna's Crone

Okay...I don't think you should have mentioned that deck to me....
I've just checked it out, the suits form a picture when side by side...OMG!

well wait the new 2nd edition will be coming out with brighter colors.


Well, since you don't spend money on yourself very often that means that you probably can, in actual fact, spend money on yourself.
I find that if I deprive myself for too long that the sense of deprivation explodes outward in a giant spending spree. If I spend a little bit here and there it doesn't do that.

And as mentioned above, I don't have a car, or a tv, or a need for fashion and beauty products, so what else am I going to spend my money on if not food and cards?


As others have said, ENJOY your deck. I spent $400 on the Rock and Roll Tarot if that makes you feel better! 😫 I beat myself up after purchasing, but have come to accept that I spent that much on a deck. It takes time, took me a few months.