Intensive Deck Study (IDS) Support Thread ~ Part 3


Hi - I'd like to join please. I'll be using the Templar deck exclusively for my study, without any books or study material, and I'll not use any other deck for personal readings until the study is over. I intend to stick to this study for three months - until mid-September at the earliest.

However I offer sitters a choice of six decks and will read with whichever they choose. I don't want to stop doing that as my sitters choose the deck most suited to their need at that time. I read face to face and feel that element of choice of deck is important.




Welcome aboard! I've added you to the master list. I think the Templar is a very intriguing deck. It made it to my final two when it came to choosing the deck for my last (failed) IDS. Don't know if you saw the thread over in Tarot Cards, but there's going to be a new edition out later this year that will have 2 different sets of Majors. I'm really looking forward to that deck.



Yes, I saw that thread. I'm looking forward to it but kinda hope it doesn't come out until my IDS with this one is finished. I don't want to get too distracted and it would be really hard not to be.


I'd like to join with the Runic Tarot. I'm falling more in love with this deck every day.

It's a whole new experience to only have one real guide book to consult, since this deck is so unusual. It is forcing me to read more intuitively and to consult books on runes and astrology and whatever the card topic is, but not be able to read "the meaning" of the card. I have to decide the meaning.

I bought a nice mini journal and am writing my own guide book.

I will spend at least one hour a day with this deck and use it as my primary deck. My goal is to become proficient enough with this deck to do professional readings.

I will use other decks to entertain myself, self-soothe and as part of my healing process as I see fit, but will stay focused on seriously studying this deck until I have become proficient with it and feel capable of using it in a professional capacity.

My biggest frustration/learning opportunity right now is a total lack of description of the major arcana. The minors are described, but not the majors :-0 I have to decide what the picture is...and with this deck, that is difficult.



Welcome aboard! You've been added to the list and I look forward to hearing how you get on with the Runic since it's such a different system.

I just glanced through my book for that deck and see what you mean about the Majors not being described. As far as I can see the verse that accompanies each Major gives a clue to what's going on in the imagery.


I'm kinda glad I didn't choose the Templar for my last IDS because knowing that there will soon be 22 more cards would have completely derailed me. Once I have the new set, it's back on the consideration list for an IDS though!



Today I'm studying Tiwaz/Tyr (17 of the majors) and there is no mention, whatsoever, of star in the reading, but it is a keyword on the card and in the picture.

I googled "Tiwaz star" and found out the god Tyr might have been an ancient sky god, and some vague references to the arrow shape of the rune being connected to the north star.

I really had to hunt for that. I learned some other awesome tidbits in my hunt though. Tiwaz can be used to aim and control other runes/cards that are nearby. And that it's power can be invoked to win an athletic competition. Both those tidbits will really add something powerful to certain readings when it comes up.

I'm still a bit confused by the winged, 2 headed cat with fangs and snake tongues. The green eyes made me coin it "the green eyed, 2 headed monster" and under reversed meanings I added a warning against jealousy in contests and battles when this warrior card appears.

I've spent hours studying today, but learned a lot, so am pleased.

oh...and all the majors have astrological signs on them and no mention whatsoever of even their names, never mind what might apply to the card. Sigh! More study :-0



I did a lot of that kind of study with the Ancient Egyptian during my first IDS. The down side to doing all that study is that it can take so much time. But the up side is that you'll end up knowing more about those cards than many folks would.



Today I scanned and uploaded all my major cards. It will help me be able to ask for help, better.

Here is the card I was working on yesterday. I'm thinking maybe there is a name for this creature?


Rodney I love the backs to the Egyptian cards. Did you stick with the deck long enough to accomplish your goal or move onto another deck quickly?

I found a used copy of the OOP "The Runic Workbook" at a used bookstore today.

I've decided to do at least one practice Celtic Cross reading each day and then pick one of the major cards (the Runes) from the reading to focus on for the day. I'm going to save the major astrology studying for the pip cards. I'm trying to set some mini goals for myself.

I have software that does a pretty good job of turning jpgs into coloring pages. I'm going to make sure to have at least one of the majors printed out at all times, so I can color while on the phone. Coloring really helps me get to know a card.



My guess would be Fenrir judging by the accompanying verse. Fenrir was a wolf who bit off one of Tyr's hands. I think the wings and stuff are just ornamental.

I use the Ancient Egyptian for 7 months, from Mar-Oct last year. I had only committed to 3 months with the deck, so I more than doubled the amount of time I thought I'd spend with the deck.



The heads look like cat heads to me, with snake fangs and tongues. It never occurred to me that it might be a wolf :-0 Strange :-0

I'm downloading a pdf now about the binding of Fenrir. "Norse Stories Retold from the Eddas". I also downloaded "Children of Odin" earlier.