Is this an invasion of privacy?


Is it wrong to look to the tarot to see how other people's relationships are? I mean, if I wanted to practice a spread and I ask about, say a friends relationship with his or her boyfriend or girlfriend, is that ok? Or is that almost like a symbolic invasion of privacy that really isn't respected? This is an honest question, I'm not trying to be ignorant. I'm so new at this, so I'm honestly a bit clueless! I was just kind of messing around at home and was shuffling the cards and thinking of things to think about, and I just randomly asked about my friend and his girlfriends relationship together. I was going to ask for advice on the interpretation of the three-card spread, but I don't want to if it's considered a "bad" thing.


It depends on who you ask. Some people might even tell you that the cards you will get will be meaningless because the cards won't speak without the actual querent's (meaning the person you're asking the cards about in this instance) consent. I believe that you will get answers if you do ask and I don't see this as more privacy-invading than other pretty common things like light facebook stalking. I personally can't be bothered doing things like that because I'm already too busy dealing with myself than to snoop on others. :joke:

If there is an ethical problem with this sort of thing it would be with what you'll do with the information you'll get. Simply asking seems harmless and actually, the cards might be extremely hard to decipher without knowing particular details only the true querent would know.


You will find people saying it's OK and people saying it isn't.

The way you describe it, I would see it as invasive, yes. You have no reason to know about this and it is none of your business.

If you simply want to practise - read about fictional people, people in TV shows, people in fairy tales. I don't think reading on a relationship you have no part in is suitable practice. Others will disagree.

Given that though - you've done it now, so I guess it makes little difference if you post the reading for comment. But don't on any account pass on what is said to your friends. And think of something else to read about, another time. Intent counts when reading about others - and there was no good reason for you to do this, IMHO.


The golden rule for me is....if I'm questioning the ethics of doing something, it's probably not a good thing to do.
I personally don't look at reading cards about a third party as unethical, but using psychic abilities to read someone else's mind wouldn't be ok.


If you dig a bit, you will find some rather heated debate about this very subject in previous threads. Personally, I don't use tarot for "mind-reading" exercises (as in "What does X think/feel about Y?") This is especially true in third-party situations where one of the individuals has no clue that he or she is being psychically "spied on," which I find totally unethical. I never thought much about this sort of thing being an invasion of privacy since it seems to be similar to a "victimless crime" (although now I tend to see it that way), I just didn't think it was very reliable.


Is it wrong to look to the tarot to see how other people's relationships are?

Great question. Try it with a friend's permission -- can you read their relationships just off the cards? (Personally, I am not able to do that, but if you are, that's impressive and congrats.)


I ask myself simply: would I mind if others did it? if others tried to read how my marriage is going? I wouldn't like it. I'd feel it's nobody's business how we get along, and anyway I feel it's always tricky to see from the outside what's going on inside. Relationships are tricky complex animals and without permission I wouldn't dare approach them.

So I'd follow the advice given above and would rather read for Scarlett and Ashley, Harry and Sally, Ron and Hermione or Werther and Charlotte...


My basic thoughts are, if it doesn't involve you and it doesn't involve a querent who's asked you to read for them. Don't do it because its none of your business. Would you open your neighbours mail just because have nothing better to do?

Holly doll

A good question to ask yourself is how you would feel if someone read you without your permission & if you are comfortable with that; or does it feel a little like someone is looking through your wallet or computer. Perhaps don't share any discoveries with your friend - you have a subjective viewpoint - esp. if there are any issues between them. Really, until either of them decide to share any information with you - it's none of your business; even then don't read for them...


I've got a different view--I don't see anything wrong here. I used to be on the "invasion of privacy" side, and I changed my mind.

I mean, what's the point of the cards if you don't use them for things that interest you, and why shouldn't that include other people's lives? Reading cards isn't reading someone's mail. Either you'll get insight from the cards, or you won't--either way, that's strictly your business.