JULY readings by the LONE CRONE


I linked you with ELW. I read short term, which is usually anytime from now to a few months out.


RESULTS.....................THE MAN

The WHAT of the MOUNTAIN, I see a challenge here, it is not insurmountable, you can get around it, but it is there and it is affected by the HOW/WHY of the BOUQUET, the BOUQUET is generally a light card, it's about flirtation or a casual get together, nothing too serious.
This is a very interesting reading.....as the RESULTS card suggests a MAN.

OK, PeopleWillBeYou, I don't know the dynamics of this friendship, your genders, but I am getting a challenge which was or may be affected by something casual, but one of you takes it as more or wants more from the friendship and the results are the MAN.
You know the particulars, I do not. Does this make sense to you, PWBY?

Thank you for the reading. Hmm the mountain makes sense of challenges coming up and it has been alot of challenges and blockages, and the bouquet... not sure of, I may have to think on that. The man is mostly likely E in this situation. Are you saying that someone wants more than friendship and it could be him?
May be the bouquet may mean happiness or having something casual and fun like you said.


SHARLA sounds like you have a lot to think about

The RING, the bond, is really interesting here. IF you don't want him, I would really start thinking of whether it is fair to keep him around knowing he wants more.

But only you know what is in your heart. You will do what you should do.

May All Be Well For You.


You mentioned a guy, you want to feel better going forward, so are you asking what you should look at in moving PAST this guy, moving on? I am just not sure about the question and the better focus I have, the easier for me to read.
Could you elaborate please on what you wish me to read on?

I want to know the advice really, if you could do that? Based on how things are now, and the past, all of it is messy, should I walk away from him or try and mend the relationship... I just don't know. It's not romantic, just an intense friendship, we have been friends since school (we're 35 now), but have had ups and downs. Sorry for the essay haha. His name is Karl.



As you know the particulars, and I don't, I don't know the nature of your friendship or genders, all I can get is that there is the challenge and that is affected by someone taking the friendship more lightly perhaps than the other person and the outcome of the MAN, well it could be your friend, could be another man, but my suggestion is to just THINK about the message for a day or two and then feel free and ask a follow up question.

I would be HAPPY to read again once you just think about the message that was given and we may get more. OK?


Well, Think

I am happy to link you and Karl. I won't be able to tell you what to do, but hopefully I can get something on your path for you to ponder. In the long run, you will have to decide what YOU want to do and what is best all around.

But let's see what I get and we can go from there.

Back in just a few minutes.


I am happy to link you and Karl. I won't be able to tell you what to do, but hopefully I can get something on your path for you to ponder. In the long run, you will have to decide what YOU want to do and what is best all around.

But let's see what I get and we can go from there.

Back in just a few minutes.

Thank you so much. I worded that wrong, I knew I did... I know really I have to decide what to do. Thanks, looking forward to the reading.


As you know the particulars, and I don't, I don't know the nature of your friendship or genders, all I can get is that there is the challenge and that is affected by someone taking the friendship more lightly perhaps than the other person and the outcome of the MAN, well it could be your friend, could be another man, but my suggestion is to just THINK about the message for a day or two and then feel free and ask a follow up question.

I would be HAPPY to read again once you just think about the message that was given and we may get more. OK?

Okay! I'll try to see if I come up with anything. lol thanks again



I linked you to Karl to see what I would get.

FIRST CARD................THE WOMAN


RESULTS....................THE CROSS

Wow, ok, interesting.

The WHO of the WOMAN I see as you or it could be another woman and that is because the next card that affects the WOMAN is the MOUNTAIN, A CHALLENGE. Is this you, THINK, or is there another woman that may affect your friendship with Karl? It doesn't have to be a romance, but could be anyone from a female boss, family member. But THE card here is the CROSS....the CROSS here doesn't bode particularly well.
The CROSS often comes up for me as something that is just like continuing to BUMP your head into a wall, things don't get resolved in a good way. I am NOT saying impossible, but the CROSS suggests this is like an uphill battle and you have to decide if it's worth it or will hurt you in the longer run. I would say look at where you are now, where you have been and where you see it going. Can you overcome the Mountain? The Mountain and Cross here not the most positive of cards and you would have your work cut out for you and that's IF Karl wanted to work things out.
Does this make sense to you, Think?


Maria Tarot anyone in particular or general?

just want to be sure I am focusing on what you wish.