Looking for Name Suggestions?


Hello everyone!

I've been working on a new deck for the last year that's been rather time consuming because the artwork is much more detailed and elaborate. Recently, for fun, I've made another mini sized deck similar in style to my TaRat which I am getting ready to publish.

Unfortunately I am completely stumped as to what to call it!
It has- cats, dogs, pet birds (parrots , canaries etc) pet rodents (mice, hamsters etc) a couple rabbits, goldfish and guinea pigs too.

Some suggested Menagerie, but since there is already a deck with that name I don't want there to be any confusion. I'd love some ideas if you care to share. :)

You can see a couple of the cards on my flickr page (along with the other new tarot, which also doesn't have a name but I'm referring to it as the Fox tarot, because it has foxes in it.)




Oh very cute! I'm a big fan of the teeny tiny tarat, which lives in a teeny-tiny tin.

Maybe something referencing Noah's Ark? or Wild Kingdom?


Thanks Debra!

This one is domestic animals, pets mostly so "Wild" doesn't quite fit... and it's not all inclusive. A Noah's Ark tarot is actually a wonderful idea come to think on it, but doesn't quite fit this deck.

I thought of calling it the BRCD tarot (bird, rodent, cat, dog). Too vague?


Yeah. Too vague. Sounds like a highly specific sexual preference.

I'm looking at defs and synonyms for "pet." http://www.answers.com/topic/pet

My vet's clinic is called Feather and Fur. (The fish and turtles are implied.)


There are a few decks with the name fox in the title; you might be wise to avoid that.

I LOVE my TaRat, too - both teeny tiny and not so tiny !

Critters ? (though there is Tod's Creatures...) I know this is a bit obvious, but what's wrong with Nakisha's Pets ?


lol @ Debra :)

I thought about Nakisha's tarot, but I don't know if this is the tarot to define ME. Nakisha's Pets might work though I know would get lots of questions on how many of these animals I actually own...I'm liking "Bluedogrose Tarot" too. I don't know why I am drawing such a blank on it, usually names come easy for me. Maybe I'm just being a wishy washy libra.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions, keep them coming!


I can't think of a title. But I will say this:

PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP.... show me a guinea pig card!!!!
