Lost and Found Cards Singles Bar


Gooneybird said:
Anyone got a spare High Priestess for the Hanson Roberts? She took a sabbatical in Texas without telling me while I was there last summer and never returned. Maybe it's a sign I'm destined to return to the Lone Star state some day to find my inner HP, but I still would love to be able to use the deck. :)

Otherwise.... I'll probably end up using the cards as craft scrap or getting rid of the remainder of the deck. That'd be sad!

Are you absolutely positive? I was 'missing' the Wheel of Fortune of the Hanson Roberts for months & I discovered it stuck to another card. That deck has a way of fooling you that way...


I'm looking for Moon cards for a project, I'm aiming for about 2 dozen ;)
Greedy I know, but I LOVE the moon cards!


AJ US Games has Moon card magnets there are 15 of them in a set.


==ETA: UPDATE, I return the deck to Amazon.==

My Druid Craft tarot came without the 3 of cups, but has two 10 of cups.
if anyone has an extra 3 cups to exchange or gift i would appreciate it.
otherwise, i will mail it back to Amazon

thank you


Hello guys
I bought a tarot of the old path on e-bay and the queen of swords decided to jump out somewhere along the road to my house for a potty break and I think they left her behind...
She's probably on the side of the road thumbing a lift...
Has anyone seen her or her twin?


<grin> i'm grinning because of rhombchick's hilarious post...

Anyway...i recently received a used Sacred Path set, [the one by Jamie Sams] and one of the cards has a very bad peeling problem on the back of number 18--Whirling Rainbow. i know it's a long shot, but does anyone happen to have an extra of that card or an incomplete deck that has that card they would be willing to sell, trade or donate? :love: On top of it all, it is just about my very favorite card in the whole deck! OR, if you happen to have just the card set in good condition that you would like to trade, please let me know! Thanks so much!

Hugs and Blessings of Autumn,


Many Haindl cards, some damaged

I posted this a couple of years ago, but I've finally replaced my damaged Haindl. My cat spilled Coke on it, but but many of the cards are still good. I've taken out four or five for different projects but ask me if you're missing one, I might have a good one.

AJ, if you still want them I'm saving the Moon for you (that sounds odd...) and the High Priestess looks pretty moony (huh?). Sending you a pm.


Constellation Project ~ Three!

I have an idea for a project and was wondering if some kind people would look through and send me cards where the number is or reduces to a Three:
Trumps III, XII, XXI
Minors: 3 of Cups, Wands, Swords, Pentacles

I'm looking for a wide variety, not matching sets from the same decks.

I can send you an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) if you are in the USA.


goldenweb said:
Photokat, I haven't anything you need, but my Balbi has a damaged Soto de Espades - if you have one that's OK to replace it, that'd be truly great!



Hey Pen ... I just saw your message here ... next time, just send a PM ; )

Will PM you now.


Does anyone happen to have the Seven of Hearts from Robert Place's Angels deck? MoonGypsy has a set I'd like to get, but it had two Eights.