Mah Jongg Deck


I've been using these, almost exclusively, since August and although I love them to bits, i'm struggling a bit at the moment with them as all they seem to show is doom and gloom...and its all been true :eek:



SpiritOfTheDogz said:
I've been using these, almost exclusively, since August and although I love them to bits, i'm struggling a bit at the moment with them as all they seem to show is doom and gloom...and its all been true :eek:


Oh no, I am sorry to hear that, Paul. :( I had a similar experience with the PsyCards and ended up trading them because I got a negative energy from them, even though I loved the artwork.

I hope that I will enjoy reading with them~ maybe I'll post my first reading here when they arrive.

:) Luna


You can see images of all of the cards at -- the card colours are softer than shown in those images, more muted, but you get the idea of them, anyway.
I've been using these, almost exclusively, since August and although I love them to bits, i'm struggling a bit at the moment with them as all they seem to show is doom and gloom...and its all been true
Weird how people experience decks of cards differently. I've always thought of the deck as being somewhat soft, not in the sense of being weak or fluffy, but in the sense of telling you what you need to hear in a gentle way.

The only problem I have with them is that the red on the card backs makes me car sick. So I have to pull out the reading cards quickly, turn them over quickly, and then (once I'm sure there are no guardian cards in need of replacing) put the rest of the cards away. :)


I just received my Fortune Teller's Mah Jongg set yesterday, and I really do love the cards....they are soooo tiny and CUTE! :heart: Although I am a bit disappointed that they are mostly duplicates, I understand the reasoning behind it as I am reading the book.

It seems overwhelming right now, learning the meanings of the cards AND the elaborate spread and reading process. I suppose it is possible to just shuffle one of the 34-card decks and read them intuitively....but anyway, I am enjoying the book and looking forward to trying a reading soon!

:) Luna


I recently received this deck & book. I love the artwork - gentle and clear. In the few readings I done so far the meanings are very direct, and not necessarily gentle!

I'm still in the early stages of becoming familiar with the cards and have to have the book nearby, but the duplications are making this easier than expected.

In fact the duplications are brilliant at tying a whole reading together and pin-pointing any underlaying factors that need to be adressed.

I'm happy with the size, but do wish that the cardstock were more sturdy. I've wondered if I should laminate them... it's a daunting idea due to the number of them, but it would toughen them up.

Perhaps they were more robust in the original printing..... has anyone been able to compare them?

Bee :)


I think if the card stock was more sturdy, then the whole pile of the 140 odd cards would be too thick and would be difficult to hold and shuffle.
Although they do seem a bit flimsy, i have actually find that they do wear well. I have used them a hell of a lot over the last seven or eight months and there's hardly a mark on them.



Cheers Prince Philip! (I bet you forgot about that!)

I've been 'shuffling' them by swishing them about on a table top. But it's not an overlarge table and they keep whooshing off onto the floor. I'm having to whoosh 'em very gently.... it's not the same as a really good shuffle. The deck is too big for my hands.

BUT, I'll persevere!

Have you invented any other spreads for these cards?

Bee :)


Bernice said:
Have you invented any other spreads for these cards?

Bee :)

If it aint broke it doesn't need fixing, the spread in the book works just fine, although if I am short of time I sometimes just use two cards in each direction instead of the three.



SpiritOfTheDogz said:
If it aint broke it doesn't need fixing, the spread in the book works just fine, although if I am short of time I sometimes just use two cards in each direction instead of the three.

Now that's a famous - and true - saying, "If it 'aint broke don't fix it". Worked a treat with my old freezer. Which is still with us :)

I've tried using one card in each direction, not very good. Never thought to try two. Will have a go.

Bee :)

Dusk Till Dawn

I think these cards are very pretty! I ordered them right away!