My "Daily" Spread


This is an interesting spread, I can't wait to try it tomorrow night! I have been doing 1 card draws in the mornings, but for the past 3 weeks I have been leaving for work early in the morning without drawing my card, so this spread looks like it would be a perfect one to do in the evening, when I can take the time to reflect on my day. :)


Yeah, that's one reason I like it, as well. I like to be able to take my time, and since I start work at 6.30 in the morning and have left the house by 6am, it just doesn't happen in the morning :laugh:

I also love the non-predictive nature of it. The last card isn't a "What will happen" but an advice card, something to highlight the progress (as in, life progress) that I've made in one day and how I can consolidate that in the next.

\m/ Kat


thorhammer said:
Yeah, that's one reason I like it, as well. I like to be able to take my time, and since I start work at 6.30 in the morning and have left the house by 6am, it just doesn't happen in the morning :laugh:

I also love the non-predictive nature of it. The last card isn't a "What will happen" but an advice card, something to highlight the progress (as in, life progress) that I've made in one day and how I can consolidate that in the next.

\m/ Kat

I like that the 3rd card is the advice card, it completes the reflection on your day with a lesson to take forward. Very nice! :)


thorhammer said:
I also love the non-predictive nature of it. The last card isn't a "What will happen" but an advice card, something to highlight the progress (as in, life progress) that I've made in one day and how I can consolidate that in the next.

\m/ Kat

Is the third card something that happened today specifically that you should be mindful to carry over into tomorrow, or is it meant to be more generally something to keep in mind for the next day?


hshaffery said:
Is the third card something that happened today specifically that you should be mindful to carry over into tomorrow, or is it meant to be more generally something to keep in mind for the next day?
In my experience - More some inner change that you need to apply. It's like a measuring stick - "You've gotten this far, now don't backslide" sort of thing :) The letting go might be something that was appropriate for that day but won't serve you in the next - like a Sunday may be characterised by a 7 of Pentacles, waiting and patiently watching, while that approach might be too laid-back for the next day (Mondays are always a trial for me! LOL)

\m/ Kat


thorhammer said:
In my experience - More some inner change that you need to apply. It's like a measuring stick - "You've gotten this far, now don't backslide" sort of thing :) The letting go might be something that was appropriate for that day but won't serve you in the next - like a Sunday may be characterised by a 7 of Pentacles, waiting and patiently watching, while that approach might be too laid-back for the next day (Mondays are always a trial for me! LOL)

\m/ Kat

I think that's how I started out interpreting the third position, but for some reason I started doing it differently in the lats week. And this certainly changes the way I look at the second card. Thanks! :)


That's an excellent spread. I often find that reading in the evening is better for me - I'm an night owl, anyway, not a lark, and I'm often too busy in the morning to do a daily spread. Doing this spread in the evening when I'm all quiet and peaceful is an excellent idea. Like a lot of people have commented, I also love the non-predictive nature of it. It's a chance to really connect with your deck and learn its language. Am I the only one who finds each deck has its own language?

Oh yeah, my deck scolds me and kicks me up the backside sometimes.


thorhammer said:
I don't do this every day, but many. I throw the cards at night, or late afternoon, as an overview of the day and to avoid the tendency to predictive reading. I find it to be very valuable to help me to "learn" to hear a particular deck speak, too.


1: What did I do well in today?

2: What do I need to leave behind in today?

3: What should I take forward from today into tomorrow?

The last card is particularly important, because it helps me to actually learn from the reading and take it forward, apply it to my "real" life.

I hope someone finds it useful :heart:

\m/ Kat

I will start using this spread tonight! With my zen Osho Tarot. It really seems interesting and it seems to give great advices.



I was just thinking last night that I would love a daily reading that was a little bit more in depth than just a one card draw. I am also more relaxed in the evening than I am in the morning. I am going to try this tonight. Thanks for sharing! :)


love it!

Just tried it out and this works really well. I prefer mine at the end of the day because its less annoying to be searching for connections all day rather than simply reflecting on the day after its done.