New to Tarot - Scared that it is anti Christian?


The only evil is the intent of the letter writer.Tarot is a wonderful means of discovery of one's self and spirituality. Don't let the hate mail of a very judgmental and closeminded person pull you away from your own path. Just step around or over that stumbling block(for that is what they are) and proceed onward !!!



The person who sent you that message is mistaken. Sadly he or she is not the only one who makes this same mistake. Mostly it is ignorance, and fear of anything that is not fully understood.
Tarot cards are pieces of cardboard with pictures on them. So are greeting cards. Neither one is a path to evil unless the person using them has the intent and makes the effort to make it so. And that type of person could make a path to evil from anything.


My mother began to practise yoga abot 15 years ago and a lutherian priest (woman) told her that yoga is devil´s landing strip into human`s soul. Somehow I find a lot of resemblance between these two hidebound and repressive women. Actually I would feel sorry for them if they only weren´t so
odious :mad: (And yes, my mother still does yoga and still is a christian.)


If you google biblical divination, you'll find a plethora of info. I usually keep a printed sheet in my purse to whip out in those rare instances a bible-thumpin' christian starts raggin' me. Although why I care, I don't really know. I think I'm really trying to help THEM see the error of their ways. Here's one -


I will chime in as one who thinks of themselves as a Christian and a tarot reader. My personal feeling is that God cares about hearts and intentions. I feel certain that as long as I am reading tarot with a pure heart, good intentions, and the aim that the highest good (ie, His will) is to be served, that there is no reason tarot cannot be part of any spiritual path. Also keep in mind that many members of the Golden Dawn, from which much of modern day tarot gets its' attributes, were Christian.

If your path calls for prayer, go ahead and pray before reading. In fact, I often continuously keep up that light trance like state while reading, thusly making some of my best readings more like a conversation with God.

The best part of tarot for me is just that - as Christians, we are exhorted to take our problems to God, to talk to Him, but tarot has been the only way I have found that He talks back to me.

Brightest blessings on your journey, wherever that may take you, and may you experience much light and love along the way! I will always be glad to talk to you about blending Christianity and tarot. :heart:



I struggle with a lot of the same problems, actually, and still have friends who think I am inviting evil into my life. The thing is, it's all about intent. I don't use the tarot to talk to spirits, although I am sure I could, if I wanted to. I use it to communicate with my subconscious, my higher self, and the universal consciousness. It's all about intent.

Hugs. I know it's hard to work past fear to get what you really want or need, but it's a worthwhile struggle.

Also, welcome aboard. :)


Sad to say, but from my point of view, your thread title is backwards. Tarot isn't anti-Christian. It is Christians (especially the "fundamentalist" ones), who are anti-Tarot.

There is a certain type of person who will lash out at anything that they see as being different. They will automatically label it as "wrong" or "immoral" or, if they are really afraid of it, "evil". Unfortunately, you had an encounter with one of those people. Don't let other people's opinions influence you. Because that is all they really are... an opinion.

I have a favourite phrase that I'm not afraid to use in public. "I have no problem with God. It's his Fan Club I could do without."

Sadly, your "messenger" is a member of God's Fan Club, and you will never be able to change their mind. But don't let them change your mind either!


A small thing to some people, maybe, but please remember that lumping all Christians into a group and saying everyone in that group thinks this, or says this, is the same as saying pagans are this, or agnostics do this, or Jewish people think this (all examples, only!). There are annoying Christians, for sure, but Christianity does not hold the exclusive rights to all the annoying people. :p This forum attracts members of every race, religion, and creed, and everyone has something valuable to add.

Thanks for the listen, folks! :)


A Tarot deck is much like a newborn child; a blank slate, free from any bias or any opinion. The bias and opinion comes later, after reality and other people start molding and telling us what we should believe and what we shouldn't, what's safe and what isn't, what's acceptable and what isn't. A Tarot deck is paper and pigment, that's all it starts as. It doesn't hold any power until YOU put it there yourself. This means that there isn't any demonic force or 'evil' power that just radiates from them, just like there's not anything inherently bad that comes from a deck of playing cards. I don't know where this idea that Tarot cards are a vehement sin comes from, but in my mind, it's nothing more than scare tactics.

There are lots and lots of threads on the forum about Tarot and Christianity. Simply do a search for it and you'll find lots of opinions and lots of members here that are Christian Tarot readers, who practice both without guilt or shame.

You are responsible for your own path, and that certainly includes your personal spiritual practice and how you choose to express it. You say that you want to be an animal healer, and that's great! If you feel that that's your calling, then by all means, strive for it! But you're going to meet many people who will scoff at you, tell you that you're denying God somehow, that you're a bad Christian, that what you believe in is silly or ridiculous. You have to be strong in your personal faith and your convictions and be able to stand up for what you feel is right for you. Once you truly believe in your heart and in your mind that what you're doing is in no way wrong, you can start to explain that to others as well, but first, you have to believe it yourself.

Welcome to the forum! :heart:

Welcome to the forum!


Tarot deck

I have bought a Rider Waite Deck but haven't even opened it yet! I think i will do soon - thanks all have posted a new thread "how i got here"

Zoe xxxx