Ogham: The Celtic Oracle


This oracle is available and says, "in stock" on Amazon.


Nevermind, lol! It seems you guys already know this.


I received this set as a birthday gift last month. Absolutely gorgeous. mazing, dramatic and I'm so pleased. I also have the Green Man Tree Oracle, the Celtic Wisdom Sticks, Celtic Book of the Dead but this Ogham set is a standout :) (Although I'm very fond of the Book of the Dead). Oh yes - and of the Druid Animal Oracle.....

But this Ogham set is in a league of its own for me :)

strings of life

Wendywu recommended this one, but I am on the fence about it. I'm weird with overly digital (correct me if I'm wrong :)) digital-style decks. The cards look like they tell amazing stories though, and they may help me as attempt to discover the history of Ogham and the tree associations.

Help me out. Is this worth getting?

strings of life

Le Fanu said:
There's a thread for that... ;)
:laugh:. Can I post about an oracle deck in those threads ;)?

I just edited my post above. Gosh, sometimes it's scary what words come out when one posts via iPhone * hates autocorrect text option *.


excerpted from a PM I sent to aurarcana:

I haven't had much time with it yet. I do like it better than his Dragon Tarot (which I passed on) and Lord of the Rings tarot/game. (which I kept)
I do like this style of art, even though I prefer the colors of the Celtic Tree by the Murrays. This one (Pracownik) seems to let me feel that I'm looking at the actual trees. I don't get to see many varieties in real life.

Since the cards are so large, they feel really thin to me. The book doesn't give a detailed list for what is shown on the card and why. It focuses on the tree and the bird. Perhaps if I knew more specifics of the stories/myths mentioned . . . someday.

strings of life

^ Thanks for giving me a review :).

Le Fanu

Seen this cheap. Is it worth getting? Anyone still use it? How does it work? Seems quite small, only 21 cards... is it uber-laminated? So many questions...