Online readings: how could you possibly believe in them?


I'm going to address this a number of different ways.

1. Computer Random Number Generators

First of all, none of the online tarot sites use random number generators that are truly "random." All of these sites use a mathematical formula based on a time seed to generate pseudo-random numbers which correspond to tarot cards. While some of these algorithms are fairly good, at best they are equivalent to "shuffling a lot."

For those that believe the feeling that tells you when to "stop" shuffling the cards and draw, or the feeling that tells you to pick a particular card in a fan, is governed by some internal or external "higher power" (be it a higher self, a collective unconscious, a personal deity, etc.), there's no reason that said force couldn't give you that same feeling about exactly when to click the mouse on the "Draw" or "Shuffle" button that coincides with drawing the cards you need online. With a time-seeded random number generator, in fact, the act of shuffling cards by hand and stopping at a particular point is precisely equivalent to clicking a button to use the state of the randomizer at a particular moment in time - the only difference is that the cards are being effectively "shuffled" much, much faster.

By the same token, the same "feeling" might guide your actions in whether you use the meanings that come up on the screen or read the cards for yourself. In either case, you're getting the message you're "supposed" to get, regardless of whence you believe that message actually comes. One might argue that your actions are "accounted for" by this higher power, whatever it is, in selecting which cards you get.

There exist random number generators that use atmospheric noise, quantum radiation, and other very good ways of generating near-random numbers, but none of these are used by what are ostensibly "entertainment" websites. Even those may not be "truly random" if the universe is fundamentally governed by equations and contains no random element, which is a concept still debated by modern scientists and theologians alike. My inclination, though, is that in this case it doesn't matter - provided you are "attuned" to whatever force compels you to act in a way that results in getting the cards you should, it shouldn't matter how the cards are randomized.

2. How You Connect with the Cards

Many of you probably do some basic routine things to prepare for a reading - perhaps grounding and centering, meditating, Reiki, perhaps setting an atmosphere. The purpose of these rituals is essentially to attune yourself to that power, be it a heightened state of awareness, a shamanistic trance, or a connection with a collective unconscious or personal deity. For the less spiritually inclined, it would simply serve to focus your concentration and prepare you for the task at hand. Do you do those things before generating a point-and-click reading? I would wager not, in most cases. Would you expect your own physical cards to "work" if you just took them out and threw them down with no preamble, half-expecting them not to work, as most people do with online readings? Certainly not. I would argue the same is true with online readings.

And even if you don't subscribe to any of the spiritual angles to Tarot, there are other purely psychological reasons why online readings may not work for you. For those who are not computer experts, the mild stress incurred by the difficulty of using the medium may be distracting or otherwise divert attention away from interpreting the cards. Even if you are an expert, typically one multitasks while using a computer, and it's easy to be distracted by other things onscreen. Even the very activity of using a computer can induce strong feelings of impersonality that are difficult to shake, and these can also interfere with one's ability to concentrate on the meanings of the cards on a purely intellectual level.

3. What You Can Do About It

(a). Do your usual reading routine and prepare yourself psychologically and emotionally prior to doing the web reading, just as you would for a reading in person. This will ensure that you're at full intellectual capacity, relaxed, motivated, concentrating on the task at hand, and if you believe in it, connected to your higher self or spiritual force of your choosing.

(b). Do (a), then do the reading on the web...but instead of interpreting it on screen, use the reading that came up and lay out the cards in real life, THEN interpret it. You might say it defeats the purpose, and it does, but you can use this purely as an exercise to do two things, (i) improve your confidence in the online medium by proving to yourself that the reading generated onscreen is valid and relevant (since I would wager that, with the physical cards on the table, you'll be in your usual element and be able to make sense of the cards you drew as though you'd drawn them by hand), and (ii) forge an automatic connection in your mind between the images of the cards in your favorite online reader and the mental image of those cards sitting on your reading table. This is very similar to the mechanism that makes it difficult for people who have always used one Tarot system (RWS, for instance) to read a new system (like Marseilles or Thoth) - they always revert back in their heads to the familiar interpretations from the system they've used extensively. In this case, however, the same style of mental association is beneficial - it bridges the gap between seeing cards on screen and seeing them on your reading table, and that should help you draw upon your interpretation skills more effectively.

I hope that I've introduced some clarity to the issue at hand through the above discussion and not hopelessly muddled it in a sea of superfluous verbiage. :p Just some thoughts!


Depends on where you believe the answers come from. Some views won't make much sense of how computer generated readings could work, but it might fit in well enough with other views of how Tarot works. As no one can proove it for sure, many theories abound.

My personal view is that the answers come from my angels. I ask the question with a sincere desire to help (either myself or someone else) and they want me to help so they send me the answer in the form of the most appropriate cards and the wisdom to understand them as I am meant to.

I am not saying here that I am a fan of computer generated readings. I really do prefer doing my own, that or having a friend do one for me. Computer readings have been rather random with me. Sometimes they have been very inciteful, and other times nonsense. But I beleive that is because I am a reader and my angels do not want to encourage me to do it by computer because it just robs the experience of so much of its spirituality.

All the same in theory my view of how Tarot works does not rule out the possibility that they could work. If my angels wanted to give me the answer in that way they certainly could. They do send signs of what they want me to know in all kinds of forms. I get messages from them all the through the words of a song, the words in a book, the words on a TV show, images, number sequences. They can communicate what we need ti know in almost any form, so the answers certainly could come through a computer. That being said, it has been my experience that they do not like to give me answers that way. I think because the computer tells you teh answer outrigiht and they prefer for me to feel it inside me and then find the words.

That's my take on it for what its worth.:grin:

As for "online readings" that are not computer generated. That is how I do all my readings. I don't read for others in person, and it's been working well for me. I get the questions, do the reading, then e-mial the answers back. The process works and the querent does not need to be there (imho) because the answers are sent by my angels who know everything there is to know, past, present and future.

I do not sit there anticipating anything. I never do that in a reading. I just ask to be given wisdom to answer the question and it comes. You just have to let go and let the process proceed. Having any expectations is not condusive to how I read, which tends to be very intuitively.

My view is the querent does not need to be there because it is not an energy exchange between you and them, but instead an energy exchange between you and your higher powers who know all. Which in my eyes is preferable (people will probably want to throw things at me for this! LOL) But in my eyes, the querent (and people in general) sometimes don't see or understand clearly things they are emotional about, They may have blinders on or be comparing a situation to another similar one in their lives when the motivation of the other person involved may not at all be the same, people have defenses that don't let them see things they don't want to sometimes. I know I have in my day caught myself doing all the above, although it is hard to catch yourself doing it as it is mostly unconscious.

However, the angels are beyond all that and therefore can see more clearly and give clearer answers.

Well again those are my opinions.



The crowned one said:
If you believe we are all interconnected on a quantum level and have( with hard work and understanding) access to a universal consciousness for lack of a better word then distance means nothing in a person to person reading.

Actually, I do believe this to be true as well. And I do beleive that you can connect to someone's energy even when they are far away, but my feelings is still that the answers come from my higher powers and it is them I connect with when reading.



The computer generated cards point to something that is key to understanding tarot. Every card has relevance. Pulling one card a day does not mean that card was brought to you by anything other than chance.

Another key to tarot, interpreting any cards is like playing literary dot to dot. You take one card and connect it to the next considering its position and meaning. There is a rhythm to storytelling. The more familiar you are with the cards the easier it is to find the rhythm and describe it either verbally or in writing.

That's it. Anything beyond this is not tarot it is psychic perception, channeling or some other means being combined with tarot.

Cactus Dahlia

I have found computer generated readings to be really apt. When I've been surfing around sometimes I have found the same card coming up on two different computer generated sites. That's when I really sit up and take notice of what the card is telling me!

Has anybody else had this happen to them?


I dont agree with the original poster who said that you have to touch the cards with your hands. If you believe in metaphysics like you say you do than dont you know we are all energy, and that means online or not, your still emitting a signal and it makes no difference. I try the Aecletic Tarot readings for free every day and they pull cards that are true to me every single time so it ties in with the energy theory.


What would be the purpose of meditating and cutting and drawing the deck with your own bare hands -which I feel is the most important aspect of the process- if letting software do the math works as well for you?

For me the most important aspect of the process is my mind not my hands. I happend to find online readings just as accurate is the same mind behind a keyboard or a real deck.


Hmmm. Sometimes I use computer generated readings. This was my introduction to tarot. It intrigued me. I don't believe in them much more than I believe in tarot to begin with.

What's to believe?



They have been accurate for me. that's all I need to believe. (Both computer generated and online with a person) ;-)


Right -- I think... there's not much too believe or not believe, they either have resonance or they don't.