Orion and the Penis Nebula


Orion - Giant - Exposed - Fool


Barbaras Ahajusts

Blessed Orion/The Fool

Uhm, That Fool forgot to pull up his britches before those wild females caught him! :eek:
Uhm, unless he is doubled blessed, may I ask what that one on the floor has a mouthfull of? Don't answer that...:laugh:

I really like how that card is perserved. There is glass over Orion/The Fool isn't there?

Also, does circumsisions cross anyone's mind as you stare through a magnifying glass to view that fools penis?
(Or am I the only one with a magnafying glass staring at a penis & wondering why Lady Harris put the snake so close to the Devil/Goats thieghs to make me believe he was a double-donged goat? All this thinking about penis placement has given me heartburn. I may puke up a world or two before this thread is over!) :laugh:



Helvetica said:
Penis! And yes, I do think it's one. A sword in that place?
Wouldn't that condemn Orion strictly to the high notes?
The Pen is mightier than the Sword!


[Oops - meant to do a reply post and hit edit instead]:

Uhm, That Fool forgot to pull up his britches before those wild females caught him!

Perhaps they [of whichever gender they be] have pulled them down?

Also, does circumsisions cross anyone's mind as you stare through a magnifying glass to view that fools penis?

Definitely, as with the Noblet fool [no magnifying glass required]:


And certainly such wasn't the practice among European Christians [at least orthodox ones], so there appears to be a reference to Jewish or Muslim practice.

Thereagain why is such mutilation so common in America? When and where did the practice of circumcision become common practice in America? Is it a recent phenomena connected perhaps to some early 20th century pseudo-scientific theory of hygiene? Or does it go back to an earlier period of migrants in search of religious freedom? [Counter-reformation polemics was always infering that the new christian sects had been Judaisised and were full of marranos / conversos]. Or am I just mistaken about how common circumcision is practiced in America?

Kwaw said:
When and where did the practice of circumcision become common practice in America? Is it a recent phenomena connected perhaps to some early 20th century pseudo-scientific theory of hygiene? Or does it go back to an earlier period of migrants in search of religious freedom? Or am I just mistaken about how common circumcision is practiced in America?

Apparently it is a 20th century phenomena:




Circumcision here in New Zealand, came from Hygiene considerations after the World Wars. Then it seemed to follow the thought- to be the same as your Father. It did not follow the Jewish custom of it happening on the 8th day after birth either. ~Rosanne


Rosanne said:
Circumcision here in New Zealand, came from Hygiene considerations after the World Wars. ~Rosanne

Yes, appears to be a 20th century phenomena in America too. Would you agree that the Noblet fool appears to be circumcised, and at the place and period of this image this would identify him as Jewish [or possibly Muslim]?



Whoah... whoah whoah whoah whoah folks. Whoah.


Okay, seriously, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see a penis in three points of light arranged in a line. But why stop there?

When I was in first grade they taught me how to take a ruler, line it up between two points and draw a line. New math.... two points make a line.

If two points make a line, what do three points make?

HAHA gotcha there!

The human brain is organised to connect the dots. Hence an abstract splatter painting by Miro organised itself in my brain into portraits of George and Martha Washington, Pavarotti, five Geisha Girls, an angel, a dragon, and a whole lot of other things.

Our intrepid ancestors did the same with the heavenly bodies and invented constellations. Connect the dots.

What I don't get is how they organised a person named Orion in the points of light surrounding that penis. Yeah, yeah, I see that oblongular contraption....

Did I ever tell you my theory about how the entire field of astrology is organised by (fill in unpopular political party name here) to impound otherwise productive minds and keep them out of circulation, thereby preventing the sensitive creative types from being too subversive a force in society?

I hereby submit that those three dots are not a penis. They are the begining of a flower blooming. They are three pearls of wisdom dripping from the prophet's mouth. They are the droplets of water spinging from the winged horse's step, the first fountain... they are a virgin's sacrificial Bluttropfchen hitting the snow. They are a dipstick in a can of paint, controls to a vast spaceship, the beginning of a string of beads, a very large telephone, warthog's tail, sucking wand to the cosmic vaccuum cleaner...

I don't see why it couldn't also be the sawed-off leg of a pirate's chair, a rifle, or one projecting stem of a terrorist wysteria, which by morning will have shot clear across the garden-sky...

Why isn't it three juggled magician's balls? a particularly bulbous nose, a carrot, a banana, or a loaf of Semifreddi's Seeded Sourdough baguette, fresh one hour ago from the baker. (Warning... seeds = semen = cloud nebula = life = ocean = creation = milk = improperly farmed un-organic dairy product.)

Penis... my foot.

firemaiden goes away muttering... three crumpets on a plate, a chocolate eclair, a package of Maria biscuits, steam duct on a choochoo train...


Yes Kwaw- He appears to be circumcised and I would say he is the Arabic Al Jabbar and those three admiring lads are the stars Rigel, Saiph and Alnitak.~Rosanne


Thanks for that link Kwaw- As the string of Pearls denote the belt- that strikes off Alnitak- so maybe they are further down Stars-
Aldebaran was the Watcher of the East,
Antares was the Watcher of the West,
Fomalhaut was the Watcher of the South and,
" Regulus was one of the four stars of the Persian monarchy when, as Watcher of the North, it marked the Summer Solstice." [Farrel, 2002].
But I think the one in blue bending down is Rigel and the one clasping the knee is Saiph- The one with the apron of stones - stars of Lepus?? The one toward the back - Just don't know- so I retreat to the Watchers as the most likely lol- I must look up their Arabic names. ~Rosanne