Please help if you can.....


My Grandmother went into the hospitol 6 weeks ago to have a brain tumor removed and has had several complications since then. She had a blood clot in her brain from the surgery that they had to operate on and now she is in a coma. She has never woke up from the second surgery. They keep moving her from hospitol to hospitol which I feel has done her more harm than good but that is besides the point. Now, the hospitol she is in has just given her 16 days to wake up or they said she will have to be moved from there into a nursing home. They won't keep her any longer unless she comes out of this coma. My Grandmother made it very clear before her first surgery that what ever happened she did not want to be in a nursing home. My Grandfather is of course loosing it because she has been out of the house for so long and now he is faced with this.

I am not real sure what I am asking for, I understand that it is possible to heal people from long distance (I am not asking for a miracle though) and if this is true I would appriciate ANY help that you could offer.

Ideally I think that if she could wake up out of this coma that she would have a much better chance of making it. But, if she isn't going to make it I would like her to be set free - I can't help but think that she is holding on for a reason. Either because it isn't her time or something. I would naturally like her to either get better or be freed from what ever is holding her back from letting go. I just would like some of the suffering to end - for her and for my Grandfather.

I don't know if it is possible for anyone to help with this but I would greatly appriciate any healing that you could send her way. Just let me know if there is anymore information that you need to help you. I went to see her the other day and she doesn't even look peaceful. Please help if you can - in any way that you can.

I am so sorry for going on and on and I am also very sorry if I crossed any sort of lines with this post. I am just hurting for my Grandmother right now and it doesn't help that the doctors keep giving up on her. If only she could be at peace.



I am sending positive energy your way, both for your grandmother's health and for you and your grandfather to find strength. I'm sure there are many people at this forum who are knowledgable about the healing arts and may know of ways to help you. My thoughts are with you.

Mystick Dragon

Angel- can you work any spellwork? I have a short easy-to-do spell for healing. You might want to try it. It came out of the Celtic Dragon Tarot book...

I move outside the limits of time to work my spell.
The drgons (spirits) help me weave the universal energy.
The things that now exist become what I desire.
The tides of magick answer unto me.

Cards needed: The Star, 3 of Cups, and Ace of Cups.
Candles: white, blue, and red.
Set the white candle in the center of your altar, with the blue on the left and the red on the right. Place The Star card behind the white, the 3 of Cups behind the blue and the Ace of Cups behind the red.
All vibrations that cause the illness of (person's name) are driven away. Healing energies flow into her (his) body, mind, and spirit. Balance of health is restored. She (he) is healthy, happy, and whole once more.

My thanks to the dragons (spirits), great and small,
Who came to answer my call.
We wove the magick, wild and free,
And as I will, so shall it be.

Try it. Give me your grandmother's name, and I can do it too. What do you think?



Hey Lil-Angel ...

I totally understand what you?re going through...I mean...kind of ...
I really love my grandma, too, and last year she almost passed away...She suddenly started getting sick, and had to go to the hospital...she wouldn?t wake up for days, weeks...all of us thought she was going to die...And all of us didn?t want her to suffer any longer..., for the few times I went to the hospital to see her, I held her hand, for an hour or two, just kind of praying(cause I never pray), trying to elevate my mind onto a higher level of conscience...I was sending her my positive vibes, trying to talk to her soul, trying to say to her - in my mind - that if she had to let go of life, if it was better for her, we would undestand...

Well, some time later, she got better, and now she?s pretty well...even the doctors thought she had no chances of survival...
So, it means that what has to happen, will happen...
Of course, this nursing home really something uncorfortable...

But, try not to let despair take over your heart...keep your mind focused and your soul connected to the positive energies in the Universe...ask for the help from the enlightened spirits...

I?m sure this situation is going to be worked out the best way for your grandmother...


Lil-Angel, I'd love to send you comforting words. But your story brings back too many painful memories of my mother and father. But I do feel for you, and my thoughts are with you.


I am sending both you and your Grandmother all the love and light I can muster.... My thoughts and blessings are with you....



Light heading you're way...


Lil-Angel: Am so sorry about your grandmother & for all concerned. I shall add her, your grandfather & you to my prayer list & ask for the needs to be met.
Take care & keep us posted.


((((((((((((((((((((((((Lil-Angel and grandparents))))))))))))))))))))))))) i pray that the highest good that can come out of this situation come to pass for you and all involved. sometimes the best thing to do is to let the one you love know they are free to go if they choose even tho you love them and want them to stay. that may comfort her and let her make the choice. if she seems unhappy i suspect she is experiencing some level of awareness but there's not telling what. just talk to her as if she can hear you and encourage your grandfather to do the same. tell her what's in your hearts. remind her of the happy memories you both have of her and how special she is. but do this to comfort her and not to instill guilt. support her choice with love. at some level she will hear you and respond.

please keep us posted. love to you.


i'll send the entire situation and all the people involved reiki to break up the obstacles and blockages in their paths.

in light,
and love,

ps there is nothing wrong with you posting this thread. it is completely acceptable! that's what we are all here support each other. :)
