questions and topics that drive you nuts

Muir Aingeal

Being a watery emotional Cancer I hate questions about money. I'd rather read on or *probably prefer* to read on love and relationship questions.


"Why didn't he answer my text?"



"Why didn't he answer my text?"

hahaha.... you beat me Debra, I was just about to post that one. :laugh:

I get it, no reader should refuse to answer a question (I guess) but that doesn't stop us from finding certain questions crazy-making. In my case someone who asks for a reading and as far as I can tell totally ignores whatever they get. Sometimes I think they just want the focused attention.


I think a lot of times people just want someone to talk to about personal problems or worries and/or want personal advice but they either don't have anyone they can trust to confide in to ask for that advice or else they don't feel comfortable doing it with anyone they know. Of course, there's the belief in and trust of the reader and the cards, too, if they're a regular at getting readings but for some, it might be more just someone to talk to.


What questions do you struggle with?

repeat questions. i cant stand when someone feels the need to ask how X feels about them every 30 minutes!. and i dont like questions that i feel are mean spirited. i once had someone ask me what they could do to really, really hurt someone emotionally and screw with them mentally. I try to be neutral and not judge when i read for people but i couldnt help but feel negatively about the question.


"is he gay?" I loathe that one and it comes up way too often.

This made me smile, mostly because I have to consciously *stop* myself from reading on this topic. :)

I'm surprised this hasn't come up yet, but I hate reading on health questions. Chances are, if there *is* something really wrong with you, neither of us has the vocabulary to accurately diagnose it. Go see a doctor/homeopathic practitioner for goodness sake!


But what people want is a yes or no answer and the cards are just not going to give that. What's the point of drawing cards and saying "ooh, yes.. 10 of Wands. Suggests a burden. yes that burden might be sexuality. Or - hang on - 9 of Swords, I think he might be worrying about his sexuality" It's just way off.

If people want yes or no it should be "toss a coin" and would anyone really do that on the subject of another person's sexuality. Basically no cards ever ever give a surefire answer yes or no to "is he (and it's usually a he) gay?" No card whatosever. No combination of cards either.

Relationship questions are - like manda says - what makes the world go round. I'm always happy to do those. However, "is he gay? goes a little beyond that.

To tell you the truth, I have never been asked this question. At psychic fairs I am asked Career/relationship/life guidance questions. I would probably guide the querent to a more general question so that I could help them better. Even doing free one carders or more in depth questions here, I have never been asked that question.

I'm wondering if those that get asked that question on a regular basis are living in Brighton?:p


"How does X feel about Y?"

It doesn't exactly drive me nuts, but I feel very uncomfortable reading the results of that question in particular. I've done it before, but it's so messy, so I stopped.

It doesn't bother me too much if they don't want to take the card's advice. Sometimes people just need to vent for some relief, and they figure things out on their own, like a counseling session. Or, eventually, after some time passes, there's less internal strife and barriers break down, so they start looking at or thinking about the reading's advice again.


"Is s/he lesbian/gay?"

Why not just ask? I can understand why you'd do this, like if you're about to ask someone out that makes your gaydar go off (and from the standpoint from a lesbian, it's kind of disappointing when the gender you don't prefer tries to get in your pants while the gender you do doesn't)... but for any other reason? Not your business!

When asking about other people's feelings... I only ask what I need to know. I don't need, nor want, to know everything. I just want to know what the Fates believe it's important that I should know about them. I don't know about you, but the Tarot has held me back from ripping off a few heads and giving them a chance instead.

Edit: Oh, I forgot to add... as a lesbian, I may or may not ask if a girl I like is into girls (probability wise) to save myself and her embarrassment. I don't like putting straight girls in such a position, I do not think it is right.

Le Fanu

To tell you the truth, I have never been asked this question. At psychic fairs I am asked Career/relationship/life guidance questions. I would probably guide the querent to a more general question so that I could help them better. Even doing free one carders or more in depth questions here, I have never been asked that question.
Good point, but I have to confess I have seen this a lot here on AT. Maybe, because of this, I feel as though it is asked in the real world more than it actually is (though I have been asked on it). I think people are probably (rightly) embarrassed to ask another person, but those at home alone with their tarot cards cannot resist!