See How YOU Scry (no crystal ball required!) Oct 06, 2015


It has been awhile since I hosted this thread, and I thought it was a good time to bring it back and try to get people to develop their scrying abilities--(including me!).


I will post a picture that we will use to scry with. It may be a picture of a crystal ball or it may be a picture of something else. You can scry with anything--your floor boards, your textured ceiling, clouds or a crystal ball! The ways to scry are endless, but its a lot of fun! So, if you are interested, give it a try! Relax, and take a look at the picture provided, and post what you can see. There are no right or wrong answers, but it is sure a lot of fun to share what you see and then others may be able to see the same thing(s)!

Take a look at a previous thread we did on this here:

I just hope that these exercises will show you that it doesn't matter if you have a crystal ball or not. It also doesn't matter if you are an experienced scryer or a brand new beginner! We can ALL scry, and it can be a lot of fun! So please JOIN IN!!!

I plan to put up a new picture to scry by each week. Perhaps soon, we'll even take a question from someone to scry for--but to start off with, lets just try to scry for ourselves. No signing up needed. Just look for these new exercises each Monday or Tuesday and join in if you wish to.


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Oh I love these! I see a Raven flying over a full moon with a cliff beneath it all. I have no idea what this means! :) It could be a message for someone else?


Yes, I thought they could be ravens or perhaps bats even-flying around. This ball was quite chatty, I thought, when I first found the pic, but now all I seem to focus on are those 3 black ravens or bats. :D

Thanks tarotlova for starting this thread off! :thumbsup:

eta: Towards the bottom left of the ball, I can also see the outline of a young man. He may be wearing a light colored shirt or his chest is illuminated for whatever reason. It looks a brilliant white color, with a tinge of blue in it. (Can anyone else see this?)

I also noticed beside the black figure in the ball at the bottom--a skull head. It would be to this black figures left as you look at it.

oooh, still looking at it and I now see the letter "S" located next to the black figure on the top-right. its just to its lower left.


I see a bat with a smiling face. The Grinch is right in the middle. Above that is a rooster.

Soooo....To bring it around for myself...bats rise above, able to navigate the dark. In my own life, things have been dark and the thought of myself being this bat, moving through the hard, dark times with a smile on my face gives me hope that I'm doing better than I give myself credit for.

Ah The Grinch...oh he of the heart that is two sizes too small. :( Times...they are tough. Still things to get through but The Grinch as mean as he is, grows, learns because of the circumstances that he puts himself in...and in the end, is better for it. I like it...the fact that I'm learning and growing, becoming a better person during tough times.

The rooster...crows the dawning of a new day...each day being another opportunity to start over. I feel like something good is coming. The darkness will pass and the sun will rise again. :)

Aunty Anthea

I will have to join in later well past my bedtime cannot keep my eyes open enough to see anything :laugh:


EmpressArwen, so glad you joined in. I was just thinking about you too, wondering if you started your 2nd job yet? I can see how your visions would fit with what you are now going through. I do hope that something good comes your way really soon.

Thanks for participating!


I am also off to bed in a few minutes, but one last thing came to me as I looked at the pic again. The bottom black figure, if you look at it a bit 'sideways' looks like an adult person, walking with a walking stick. The figure could be wearing robes--sort of like Jesus did,

Thats it for me tonight! Good nite all and hope more come in & try! Aunty Anthea, it'll be here in the morning when you are ready! :D


I am also off to bed in a few minutes, but one last thing came to me as I looked at the pic again. The bottom black figure, if you look at it a bit 'sideways' looks like an adult person, walking with a walking stick. The figure could be wearing robes--sort of like Jesus did,

Thats it for me tonight! Good nite all and hope more come in & try! Aunty Anthea, it'll be here in the morning when you are ready! :D

Yes! I see that too when I went back and looked, and he seems to be walking across water. :)


This... is probably the strangest thing I've ever seen when scrying. o_o
I see an angelic being attacking an... octopus... thing that's holding on to a box of some sort. To the left of the octopus thing there's a bottle with a ball of light emerging from it and there's a bird flying over it, a seagull perhaps... And on the far upper left, I see an hourglass with all sand on one side.


Okay, I try me too, that’s interesting. saw many little mice on an earthy soil ; they could be home to a farm for example, I didn’t know exactly where they are...