Shustah Readings - FB & Exchange


the closed gate, the labyrinth, the candle and the butterflies.

whatever judge brings into your life it wont last too long as i can see from the butterflies. it will be something brief. the closed gate to me shows there are some blockages right now in your life but they are temporary. the labyrinth indicates its a secret, but it can also mean he may give you another perspective on your issue, its also a timing card. he will bring sort of guidance that will help you get through this obstacle. the candle to me is hope or shedding of light on a situation/guidance.

my Q is: will i get a response to my job application to TH?

hi angels! thank you for reading. he actually will be consulted for counsel and am glad you picked that up. thank you for the insight.
i have used the heart of the faerie oracle and picked these cards for you:

the song/ in two minds/ the joy of the future

i see a lot of stuck energy here. the person who is responsible to make a decision in this case hasn't reached any decision yet. i feel you are going to feel blocked in this case for a while. you also cannot keep waiting without understanding what is going on. you will keep occupied with fearful anticipation in your heart but it won't work. you are advised to do some internal dialogue and be brave and take action.if you can learn to move through life with a sense of joyful anticipation, you may find that some of the barriers that were in your way just disappear. don't keep hanging in there if you don't hear from them. make a decision and move on is what i am getting here.

i hope this message finds you in good spirit!


i am wondering if A afraid so much the rejection by me?? he wants confirmation all the time by me?? or it is only on my mind?