Tarot does not work?


I don't want to slam your reading abilities but are you absolutely sure you've picked the message right from the cards? You seem to have done a lot of predictions and clearly on matters you are heavily and emotionally invested in.

It's incredibly easy to see the best outcome in the cards (hopes directing the interpretation) when in fact, it was only a weak yes or even neutral or negative. Also, time frames with tarot are notoriously difficult so if you've asked "will I relocate"(for example) and got yes - you didn't, believed it was wrong - and will relocate in 5 years time because you only asked yes or no, not with any timeframe.

There are a myriad of possibilities: one of them is that the cards were not correct. But the others being: you interpreted them incorrectly, or gave away your power by not taking action and just waiting for an outcome, or didn't take into account someone else's actions and free will, etc.


I came to this idea today - tarot does not work. I have made predictions and others have made predictions and they have not came to fruition.
Anyone have stories of when tarot did work for you?
Anyone can say why predictions for me never come true?

Cheers :)

I think it depends on the psychic abilities and psychic clarity of the reader. Some athletes are major league others are amateur. Athletes have good days and win the game or bad days when they choke. I think it is this way for readers, too.

Here are a couple of memorable times when predictions I made came to pass.

5 years ago we needed to move fast, and we needed to buy a house with owner financing since our credit was tanked. We looked at a whole lot of houses that we couldn't get ... then found one with owner financing. I did a spread and predicted there was another offer on the place but those people would drop-out of contract and we would get the house.

We did. I happened exactly the way I said ...

2 weeks ago we put in an offer to buy a house (we are selling this place) and I wanted to know more about the seller. I threw cards and said the seller was a female and she was selling because she had moved or wanted to move.
That night our realtor confirmed the seller was a single female and that she was selling the house because she had moved to Los Angeles.

Near Miss;
A friend asked me when new love would come into her life (she was heartbroken over a break-up). I told her Summer. Well ... she didn't get a new lover that summer ... but she did get a new room-mate who was blonde (knight wands). So I counted that one as a miss ... but a near miss.

working the 900 lines a woman called to ask about her brother who died in prison. The Hanged Man card came-up. When I mentioned that card she said he was supposed to have hung himself ... but she didn't believe it. I got the cops were covering-up he died in their custody. No way to test that part but the client felt it was true.

I have never got a spread completely wrong to my knowledge OTHER than the times I got nonsense or disaster cards for no discernable reason ... and put-down the cards b/c I knew I wasn't on my game.

The only truly bad experience I had with predictions was working the 900 lines. I got some TERRIBLE cards and I was afraid to tell the truth about it. So I lied and sugar-coated. The caller screamed "I am dying of aids you fake b****" In that case the cards were right ... but *I* was wrong for not saying the truth of what I saw.

Best Regards,


I don't want to slam your reading abilities but are you absolutely sure you've picked the message right from the cards? You seem to have done a lot of predictions and clearly on matters you are heavily and emotionally invested in.
The OP has had this happen from other readers as well as herself, so it can't be THAT simple.


I came to this idea today - tarot does not work. I have made predictions and others have made predictions and they have not came to fruition.
Anyone have stories of when tarot did work for you?
Anyone can say why predictions for me never come true?

Cheers :)

If making predictions does not work for you, it seems to be you are riding a dead horse. You now may keep beating on it, by asking others whether or not tarot is a usable tool for predictions or not.

For nearly 30 years, tarot has been a loyal companion to me, and I would not want to miss it from my life.
Tarot works wonderfully as a tool of insight, and individuation. I never cared much for predictions, nothing is carved in stones and little things make a change.

Did you never find a little stone in the most comfortable shoe?
And how a tiny blister will keep you from walking that beautiful path?


The OP has had this happen from other readers as well as herself, so it can't be THAT simple.

Good point Gregory. However, in my experience it's more likely that the interpretation is not correct than the cards are not correct, hence it sounds like a possibility here too. Given that we don't have any examples here about what predictions did not come true, it's difficult to say which one was off the mark: the cards or the interp.


if i got a reading that said i was going to die tomorrow i would be a lot more careful and change a lot of my actions...so much so that i might avoid the outcome...

what you know/think you know about the future changes your current behaviour and your current behaviour changes the future in a cycle kind of thing