The Celtic Lenormand is on its way -- by Will Worthington


I love the artwork, love the tree and the broom.... I just cant help thinking it will be a Lenormand for the sake of it.... of course the final cards may be more Lenormandified but I am not sure if it works for me..... !

That works for me. In my opinion, Melissa, Astrological, and a few others aside, most Lenormand decks are not visually appealing. I relish the idea of a beautiful Lenormand.

Le Fanu

... and the wheel in the birch card symbolising the Wheel of the Year. I really don't like all this clutter in a Lenormand.


I hope he chooses the Snake card where it is not shedding its skin. I don't really like layers of connotations and added symbolism in Lenormand cards; the simpler, the better.

The website says both snakes will be in the deck so you can choose which you prefer. It will have 44 cards instead of only 36, so I'm assuming there are several duplicates like this.


I said I would never buy another Lenormand deck, but with 44 cards in this Lenormand deck I have to consider it.

I also love the snake shedding it's skin imagery - that's clever - and am glad he has decided to include both snake cards in the deck.

Love the look of the deck so far ... and the extra cards ... so will keep my eye on this. Thanks for sharing the link.


Deck creator Chloe McCracken will be publishing this deck through US Games, looks like 2014. She is releasing Will Worthington's sketches for each card periodically on the Celtic Lenormand blog, and welcomes feedback.