The Wild Unknown Tarot


If I can get them to acknowledge that there IS a problem, I certainly Do intend to ask for an exchange. I'll keep everyone posted as to how this goes... I'd like to think this is just a silly error...


Harmony Rose

I am curious as to how they handle the issue because I just received my deck and I immediately thought it was missing any lamination.


Please write to them. Right at the moment I think I may be the only one to speak up (therefore I could just be a crank)... Whoever is doing their customer service doesn't really give a crap I suspect. The email address is:

I'm sure the "higher ups" would like to know that something is up with the integrity of their product - even if they choose to ignore it.


Harmony Rose

I just emailed them about it. I am so glad you posted this because I have been debating asking about it on here. Hopefully they will look into it.


I am curious as to how they handle the issue because I just received my deck and I immediately thought it was missing any lamination.

The lamination on the original decks isn't obvious though. It's matte, not shiny.. The cards feel vaguely plasticy and indestructible but the 'lamination' does not feel like most laminated cards feel. It's quite unique.. I don't have another deck that feels like The Wild Unknown..

I'd make sure it's really different to previous editions before contacting them about it.


Well here's their reply, and what I wrote back:

"Hi Michael,
There has not been a change to our card stock. We have been using the exact same card stock for all our tarot decks since we began making them.

" In that case, a batch may have slipped through without any
lamination or something. My original decks are more than 10 cards
thicker, are laminated, and are much heavier than these two I just
received. I'll see what I can do about getting you some pics and
weights of them so that you can see... and the new boxes say "Printed
in China" (on stickers on the box-ends) as well.
There is no doubt that something is wrong then. I'll get back to you ASAP.
Thanks for your reply !!"

I'll be breaking out my camera and digital scales later so I can send them something concrete. Maybe this whole thing was just a printing error.


Did you take a picture of the decks side by side for them?

Harmony Rose

Thanks for the input, Sulis. I would love to know how the deck I received feels in comparison to other/older printings of the decks, but my situation is such that I don't know anyone who openly reads cards in real life (sad, I know!), so I have zero access to other copies of the deck. The reason I hadn't already contacted them is that I have been searching online for any info about the possible lack of lamination on these cards and hadn't seen anything. This issue is the reason I checked out this thread, actually. Anyway, this issue resonated with me and so I sent them an email. I am glad that you made note of the unusual feeling cardstock, though. Hopefully WU will check into it and I can know for sure. Thanks, again.


I would love to know how the deck I received feels in comparison to other/older printings of the decks, but my situation is such that I don't know anyone who openly reads cards in real life (sad, I know!), so I have zero access to other copies of the deck.

Me too, I only very rarely see any tarot in real life. And I don't know many other decks to compare with - I was (and am) delighted with my still-almost-brand-new :D WU, its feel and the way it shuffles, but the deck I know best is the Gilded and I've seen people really disliking that. Otherwise I wouldn't have known what thick or thin cards were, relatively.

So if mine (a Made in China deck) is an error, I probably still wouldn't get it exchanged. Unless they were sending out new ones without wanting the wrong ones back... that would effectively be a free deck :laugh: but I can't imagine it's likely!

Harmony Rose

I did send the deck back this afternoon after emailing with them (they will send a replacement). I really want them to know if there is a printing error happening (I'd want to know if it was my deck). If it turns out that the lamination is there but undetectable, I will know that the cards are fine to use (and have a SERIOUS lesson in cardstock haha!). If, on the other hand, there is something amiss in the printing, this may help fix the situation. I just decided that I had to think about the big picture rather that worry about possibly being wrong.


I couldn't get a pic to show the lamination (or lack thereof), but I send send them this pic of the decks side by side...


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