There’s a broken wheel on the gurney


Promise said:
Perhaps I'm not expressing myself well (nothing new there), but it concerns me that so many readers are willing to read on anything and everything just as long as it culminates with money exchanging hands. I'm not trained to give specific, individual medical advice, so I don't. I'm not trained to interpret the law regarding a specific case or suit, so I don't. If it involves a significant amount of money, I may or may not choose to read on the subject. And if I do read on it, it's always prefaced with an honest reminder that I am not a CPA or an attorney or a financial adviser.

It troubles me to see this trend of people using the cards as a substitute for an educated or trained professional with valid qualifications.

You are expressing yourself well. This is what I meant too.




Questions of this kind will always be to the fore in peoples minds. If they weren't they probably wouldn't be consulting the cards in the first place, or maybe even ever. It's always what they perceive is the problem of most importance at that time on their mind. This is actually of paramount importance to them when they ask.

As far as health goes I would advise a doctor, as I am not one. I don't think people actually ask these questions per se to get a be all and end all answer to their questions. They will still go their own way at the end of the day following their own answer and what feels right to them.

They just look for an answer to see if it's in agreement with what they are thinking. If you look at the many and varied answers of all the readers I don't think someone would make a concrete decision based on them anyway and would still go down their own path.
We need to think carefully about how we then put the words of the cards in the best possible way for them and I think many people on here do, so that it doesn't upset them nor give them, what they might see as a definitive answer.

As far as pregnancy is concerned well nowadays you can know within a couple of days if it's positive or negative. If it's not the way you wanted it to turn out there are things you can do without consulting I agree with the..... have you considered...have you tried approach mentioned before.

We are in a learning environment here and if someone steps over the mark as far as the subjects mentioned above are concerned it's not because they have gone mad, it's because they get a little bit over zealous as learners being eager to help someone with a problem. You can be rest assured that if someone seem to be overstepping the mark, they will be told before you can say Jack Robinson. We live and learn by our elders letting us know...they know better..... but they are oftimes seen as old fashioned.

Sometimes people want to go their own way without being preached to. Everyone's different in a lot of ways including how they approach questions. The learners are learning how to deal with these questions after they have answered them and maybe through other's telling them it wasn't the wisest thing to do they learn a lesson from it. It doesn't help if some people think they are wiser and better as we all learn from each other. Teachers can learn from pupils many times over, although they are the qualified ones in their field.

I don't the world has gone mad, it has changed as much as situations and life has! Sometimes we need to change with it and not be so stuck in our old fashioned.......... this is ridiculous mindset. Live and let and learn!


I don't allow a specific question like "Am I pregnant?" or "Is it cancer?" or "Will I be sued?" but if a general indicator about health or legal stuff comes up, I tell them to be prepared.


I'm of two minds.

Years ago my mom had a reading, she asked about divorcing my dad.

While there was more to the reading than just that, the gist of it was that the reader did explicitly state at one point that my mom would die if she didn't divorce my dad.

Now, my mom didn't tell me because she knew of my interest in tarot and thought I would take it to heart, so I didn't know until about two years after the fact and could not offer reassurances and tell her that's NOT how it works.

Thing is, though she didn't act on it, she was terrified by it, spent an entire year worrying about it, even being near tears at times, and never knowing after that point to what extent her desire for the divorce was legitimate, or how much her reasoning was a rationalization in response to the fear generated by that reading.

Death predictions aside, bad news, whether it be about health or not....telling someone something extremely bad can do far more harm than good if they're constantly going to worry about it.

And yet, when you see something wrong, I can see where it would be viewed as unethical not to tell them about it. I think in terms of physical illness it should be couched vaguely, something to motivate them to see a doctor if there is a problem, and if they're asking about a pre-existing problem, then it's probably better to avoid the question.

Knock at my door and I'm at work, got to go. Will continue later if I remember.....


The other day I read for one of the women at work. She was worried because several years ago she went for a professional reading and was told that her heart would be broken because one or both of her children would die in childhood.

She was horribly upset and told me she had spent years watching her kids like a hawk for signs of trouble, and had had them down at the doctors for every little thing.

She wanted me to read for her but was terrified I would see the same thing as that other reader. Thankfully the only unhappiness I saw in connection with her children was the usual separation difficulties that clingy mothers face when boys go to senior school .... (which she did understand and decide to try to do something about) but the point is that irresponsible readings damage people.

I know that we who come here are responsible readers, but it does no harm to always bear in mind the damage that we can so easily do with an unguarded phrase that is leapt on by the sitter. We need to be so very careful about matters of life/death and health and bear in mind just how fragile and needy some sitters are.


Wendywu said:
but it does no harm to always bear in mind the damage that we can so easily do with an unguarded phrase that is leapt on by the sitter. We need to be so very careful about matters of life/death and health and bear in mind just how fragile and needy some sitters are.

Exactly. You got to the point I was aiming for.


Umbrae said:
There was a time when we didn’t read on Finance, Health, or Legal issues.
I highly doubt this. How long has tarot been around?

Is it in good conscious to read about the health of another? The pregnancy of another?
I don't see why not. I read for my pregnant sis all the time, and it has helped her with some related health issues. I also (duh) tell her to also see her doctor. In fact, I drove her to her appointment today and sat with her during all the tests. It's been a long day.

But, I can't say that all of it came from the cards themselves. My intuition, my guides.... whatever you wanna call it is where it comes from.

Has everybody lost their minds?
Mine's right here.

Or have our egos gotten so out of control that its okay to begin predicting death, miscarriage of pregnancy and miscarriage of justice?
It is not my ego that drives me here. My sis asks for the readings, for one, and for two, if I have the gift, why would I not use it to help others?

Personally, I think it’s an incredibly dangerous trend. It’s egotistical, it’s stupid, and it is irresponsible.
For the inexperienced reader I might agree with you. But we all have different levels of intuition or whatever you wanna call it.

Or do you accept responsablity? As a reader? On anything? Is responsabliity something someone else has to do?
I accept full responsibility for all my readings, no matter the subject. I deal with people. I serve these people. It is my responsibility to make sure they understand what I can and cannot tell them. Making sure that they repeat back to me what I have said, so they don't misinterpret. And also, contact info for if they do have questions later. And I always explain that I am a tarot reader, not a doctor (Damn it, Jim!). And I always encourage a trip to their doc.

I take my service very seriously. In fact, anyone coming to me asking about a health issue is immediately told to see their doc, no matter what I see in the cards.

Thank you for the ticket, Mr. Tarot Police, I'll gladly pay the fine and be on my way. :D I'm still gonna read on any topic brought to me. If only for the experience of it.

I suppose my point is this; we are all different readers. Some of us actually know what we're doing.

So, I suppose your post wasn't directed at me in the first place. You know I :heart: you.


I always wonder, especially when it comes to topics as sensitive as pregnancy, is whether it does more harm than good to tackle them.

For example:

A woman with a reproductive disorder comes to you to find out if she will ever have children.

A woman wants to know if this is the pregnancy that finally "takes".

A woman wants reassurance that her pregnancy will be perfect.

These are all questions I have been asked, and I decide 9 times out of 10, not to answer. We discuss other ways to use tarot, and I gently steer people away.

That may make me seem cowardly to some, but I am not a doctor. No reader, no matter how good, is right all the time ( or rather, interprets the data correctly all the time). The wrong answer in this case can seriously screw someone up emotionally.

The reality is that sometimes, bad things happen suddenly without warning.

15-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don't want to add to someone's pain if they do.

I am also not a lawyer, and don't want someone to mistake what I may tell them for legal advice, becauses despite disclaimer, there are always people who do.


lark said:
Umbrae I have a question for you??
You read for others what do you say to someone who sits down and asks....
>I want to ask the cards about my health.
I'm not Umbrae, but I had a REALLY confronting health question a few weeks ago. An elderly and incredibly vain woman swanned in and wanted to know when "the old coot", her husband, was likely to die. You see, both of them had been independently wealthy when they married, they didn't have children, she had nobody else she wanted to leave her money to, but she'd be damned if she wanted him to spend it after her death. Likewise, she'd lived with him for X years, so she bloody deserved something and fully intended to outlive him and spend his money.

If she was fishing to see if I was a shonk who would recommend putting myself in her will, it backfired. I didn't. In fact, under no circumstances would I accept a hypothetical bequest from her - she was just this side short of evil. I'm pretty sure she was asking me how long "the old coot" would live because she was already poisoning him and wanted to know how long it would take.

One of the toughest situations I've been in that involved a deck of cards.


Marcia959 said:
But we can advise them to be careful, prudent, responsible and kind to themselves; that this is a time when they may want to pay attention to themselves.
Yup, this is the kind of health reading I generally do, when put to it.

Marcia959 said:
You just don't go waving a loaded deck around with the safety off.