Those non-reversible backs...

tarot heart

My tarot decks are Shadowscapes (not intended to be reversed), Ferret, and the 3rd which I don't use is Isis. My oracles are Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle and Wisdom of the Hidden Realms

Thanks for that, very interesting info there...:)


It also (to me) begs the question of whether the majority of decks intended to be reversed have reversible backs (and non-reversible backs would be found only with decks not intended to be reversed). That would be my assumption - but my decks are 0/5! Though I do have one other oracle deck I don't use ... maybe I should see if that follows the rule or not!


I don't do reversals

so it's never been an issue. Makes it easier picking a deck as it seems many backs aren't reversible.


I've only just decided that If the deck I am using does not have a reversable back, then I will not read using reversals. But, if one were to come up, dispite shuffling so that they all remain upright, then I would refer to the reversed meaning of the card.

ETA: I like and truely believe in using reversals, but I can't stand non-reversable backs making it obvious. This way, I either chose my deck to suit the reading style needs at the time, or I would let the reversal issue go if I wanted to use a certain deck.


I pay hardly any attention to the backs (unless they're especially hideous). It's not where the action is. I certainly don't waste any time on conjecture if I see a reversed card somewhere ahead of me in a spread, I just take them as they come up. In fact, for years I turned all of the cards over as I dealt them; only in the last 15 years or so have I been leaving the "outcome" card unturned until all the others have been read. If seeing reversed cards in a fan is unacceptable, just pull the cards with your eyes closed. Why are we even having this debate? <eyes glaze over>


I pay hardly any attention to the backs (unless they're especially hideous). It's not where the action is. I certainly don't waste any time on conjecture if I see a reversed card somewhere ahead of me in a spread, I just take them as they come up. In fact, for years I turned all of the cards over as I dealt them; only in the last 15 years or so have I been leaving the "outcome" card unturned until all the others have been read. If seeing reversed cards in a fan is unacceptable, just pull the cards with your eyes closed. Why are we even having this debate? <eyes glaze over>

It's really more of a discussion than a debate. People are offering their different perspectives. No one is trying to convince any other that their reasoning is right or wrong...


Ultimately, ALL backs are reversible. Some of them just don't have top-to-bottom symmetry, is all.


If seeing reversed cards in a fan is unacceptable, just pull the cards with your eyes closed. Why are we even having this debate? <eyes glaze over>

For me, I do pull with my eyes closed. It still bugs me to see them in the spread and know they're reversed before I flip them. :)


I don't mind a bit - BUT - for those who fan the cards and have the sitter choose - or - well, for anyone who fans to draw - it can be an issue. Eyes closed is good :)