Tiny automatic drawings on offer


Reading for MagsStardustBlack - 22 February 2015

Do you see us being happy with our next move? We care having to leave the family home if 10 years. Sell our mortgage and maybe rent, all very uncertain :(

The drawing shows an empty boat in a rough sea. I had a feeling it looked a little like a Maori boat to me, without ornaments. It's not a canoe either, but the large Maori boats were traditionally made for long ocean voyages (which is how the first Polynesians arrived in New Zealand).

So the drawing speaks to me of new shores, a voyage away from what you know into the unknown. That seems to be your path. There is a lot of indigo in the drawing (I overworked the prow of the boat with too much indigo!) so there are likely to be difficult emotional stretches ahead of you. But there is also what looks like a sleeping face sort of steering the boat, a spirit guide maybe?

I would say the drawing is encouraging you to try something new in relation to your living situation, and that you are protected by spirit. You seem to be guided here (but if it doesn't feel right, don't sell your house just based on this reading).


Reading for APT - 22 February 2015

I have a bit of a thing about fish. I find them menacing and I often have nightmares about them, especially large predatory ones. To me they are forces of the unconscious, perhaps emotional issues that come to bite you because you have neglected them. They are shadow creatures. But I believe we can befriend them.

Maybe the drawing is asking you to befriend an aspect of your emotion/unconscious life. The woman and fish are in harmony, almost like lovers. Fish traditionally also represent sexuality, so maybe this drawing is telling you to anticipate the meeting with a potential mate?


The drawing shows an empty boat in a rough sea. I had a feeling it looked a little like a Maori boat to me, without ornaments. It's not a canoe either, but the large Maori boats were traditionally made for long ocean voyages (which is how the first Polynesians arrived in New Zealand).

Oh my oh my, what an absolutely beautiful enchanting image of adventure and change :heart: I immediately felt a sense of excitement and wonder looking into this image and the fact that the boat looks so strong and stealth in the ocean makes me feel strength of spirit. Well when we make the move this will be the biggest longest more uncertain voyage of our lives.

So the drawing speaks to me of new shores, a voyage away from what you know into the unknown. That seems to be your path. There is a lot of indigo in the drawing (I overworked the prow of the boat with too much indigo!) so there are likely to be difficult emotional stretches ahead of you. But there is also what looks like a sleeping face sort of steering the boat, a spirit guide maybe?

Yes well we have booked the home report for Wednesday so we are going forward with putting wheels in motion for selling and we have decided to sell and move. There is no question now if we will go it is a matter of when. There will be emotional stretches, we can't buy a house again right away so we are having to rent for a year to 18 months and we are taking our children away from what they know are their home and this will hurt me the most. But i know it is for a greater good, when we buy again it will be a bigger house with more space for all of us, in the country near by to our family. But it will be hard in the interim. Your spirit guide i feel is very accurate, i connect with my spirit guides and elementals, so it is quite possible there is a guide or many helping us on our way - i hope so!

I would say the drawing is encouraging you to try something new in relation to your living situation, and that you are protected by spirit. You seem to be guided here (but if it doesn't feel right, don't sell your house just based on this reading).

Yes i agree, we are feeling very positive and excited that we are being so free and adventurous, we are feeling very risky and we trust and believe we are taking a leap of faith into the unknown in the belief we are heading for something better.

Your drawing has brought me so much comfort and hope and belief in a better future for our children. Your drawing is so lovely, i love it, it is so enchanting and magical and full of wonder.

thank you so very much ((((((((hugs)))))))) you have a rare gift. And to make someone feel happiness and hope from your beautiful art is an extraordinary gift to give anybody :)


ps. Are you able to send me the picture? Are you in the UK?


Hi BrightEye! :heart:

If there's space and you're still up to doing more of these wonderful readings, I'd love for you to read for me, again. Anything you pick up on, will be the message I need to see.

Thank you very much!! Bye for now.


Hi BrightEye! :heart:

If there's space and you're still up to doing more of these wonderful readings, I'd love for you to read for me, again. Anything you pick up on, will be the message I need to see.

Thank you very much!! Bye for now.

Yes, you'll be the first sitter in the next round.


Hello BrightEye,

Your work is inspiring and beautiful! What an amazing marriage of your gits. Whenever you feel moved to add me to your list of sitters, I'd be honored. A general reading about my life's meaning/direction is what I'd be interested in. Thank you so much!



Hi BrightEye, I love what you're doing and I would really love to be part of your next reading. I'm feeling lost at sea and in need of guidance in my life. Thank you very much!


Hi BrightEye, I love what you're doing and I would really love to be part of your next reading. I'm feeling lost at sea and in need of guidance in my life. Thank you very much!

You've already asked and if you'd looked in the first post of this thread, you would have seen your name.


Hello BrightEye,

Your work is inspiring and beautiful! What an amazing marriage of your gits. Whenever you feel moved to add me to your list of sitters, I'd be honored. A general reading about my life's meaning/direction is what I'd be interested in. Thank you so much!

That's a big question! You'll be in the next round after Flames.


I have a bit of a thing about fish. I find them menacing and I often have nightmares about them, especially large predatory ones. To me they are forces of the unconscious, perhaps emotional issues that come to bite you because you have neglected them. They are shadow creatures. But I believe we can befriend them.

Maybe the drawing is asking you to befriend an aspect of your emotion/unconscious life. The woman and fish are in harmony, almost like lovers. Fish traditionally also represent sexuality, so maybe this drawing is telling you to anticipate the meeting with a potential mate?


Very interesting!

I am single and have definitely been burned in two romantic relationships the past 5/6 years. I wonder if it either relates to being careful about getting bit/burned again (remembering past pain when I wore my heart on my sleeve too much) and/or a new mate coming in like you said. Either way it relates and sounds good!

Thank you very much for the reading: :)