Today's Featured Deck :D


Barbara Moore's books are SO good, aren't they :)


Barbara Moore's books are SO good, aren't they :)

She really draws you in with her words/writing style. :) And I must admit I often find guidebooks kind of boring (I mean, what's with the extensive descriptions of every image? I can see it already geez...).


Tarot Tags

No, I hadn't and was also intrigued. Couldn't find anything much with a Google search either. Clearly these actually existed at some point.


Tarot Tags

How intriguing! If a majors set of Tarot Tags was actually available, I'd be eager to buy them.


I'd love The Wild Unknown in tarot tags!


Thanks! Have this bookmarked for later discovery!


Today's deck, the Pen Tarot (might have been yesterday's, deck of the day changes in the middle of the day for me.)

I would/will, totally buy this, if only I knew how. No buy link at the Fig Tree press site. For now its going on my wishlist. Beautiful dark lines, with splashes of color, its breathtaking!